4.An Omega??

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Wang Yibo motioned him to take a seat and Xiao Zhan sat down across Wang Yibo. He glanced at the intimidating figure and felt the cold aura that surrounded Yibo. He had read all about Wang Yibo's cold behavior but feeling it directed towards him was a new experience. Zhan thought of himself as likeable so he had never been treated as such before. Wang Yibo's assistant passed his boss Zhan's card but Yibo barely glanced at it speaking to his assistant. "Ji Li, cancel my meetings for half an hour." With that Wang Yibo's eyes turned to him and Zhan felt that familiar anxiety again. Xiao Zhan just looked around the room to avoid Wang Yibo's penetrating gaze. Although, not looking at Wang Yibo didn't make anything better. The entire room smelled fresh of cedar wood with a hint of spice and Xiao Zhan liked that scent. A lot. It didn't take a lot of time to discover who that scent belonged to. It belonged to the man that sat before him. He wanted to wrap that scent around himself and that inappropriate thought shocked Zhan. The door closed behind him with a thud and Zhan knew he couldn't avoid Yibo's gaze anymore. He raised his eyes to Wang Yibo and when his eyes met those dark ones, he shuddered involuntarily under the intense gaze. Wang Yibo frowned at him probably because of his reaction but Zhan cleared his throat, composing himself. "Mr.Wang, I am Xiao Zhan", he said in a professional tone and saw Wang Yibo leaning back relaxing further into his chair. "Is there something I can do for you?", questioned the man before him and Zhan's hair stood at the base of his neck. "Actually you can but it isn't related to XZ Studios." Zhan wanted to congratulate himself on how calm he sounded because only he knew how restless he felt inside.  "Then I should just tell you to stop wasting my time and ask you to get out, shouldn't I?", mocked Yibo and Zhan's brows raised disapprovingly. "Relax, Xiao Zhan. I won't do that.... yet."  The words were meant to be a threat but all Xiao Zhan focused on was how his name had sounded off those full lips. So sinful. Zhan face-palmed himself mentally chewing on his lips to get rid of the anxiety he was feeling. He looked down at his lap reprimanding himself for displaying such weakness. An Alpha wasn't supposed to behave this way. He was here for the pack not to admire Yibo's looks or to get intimidated by the young Alpha.

"I am from the Yunmeng pack", he stated calmly and was surprised at the 'I know' look on Wang Yibo's face. "Since you already know who I am, you can guess the reason for this visit." Zhan tried to figure out what the man was thinking but that poker face gave away nothing.
"The alliance", Wang Yibo said coldly and Zhan nodded,more focused now. "You can't just abandon us like this", he said in an even tone but Wang Yibo sat straighter folding his hands on the desk. "And are you in a position to demand things from me, Xiao Zhan? ", he said dangerously but Zhan refused to back down. "The treaty was in place for more than three decades. We are a small pack. You know we won't be able to fend off an attack by the Wens without causing ourselves irreparable damage."
"How is that my problem?", Wang Yibo cut him off and the cold words had Zhan bubbling with rage. "All we ask for is a little help, Wang Yibo." Zhan hated how desperation was obvious in his words and the smirk on Wang Yibo's lips made it clear that he was liking this.

"Why do you mask your scent?", questioned Yibo out of the blue and Zhan stiffened. Xiao Zhan was taken aback by the abrupt question and the genuine curiosity he heard in that voice. " I just do", he answered vaguely and was glad when Wang Yibo didn't pursue the matter further. "I can't do anything for you, Xiao Zhan. The Lan pack has decided not to give out free favours anymore." The cold tone was back and Xiao Zhan knew this was the only opening he would get. "We won't ask for a free favour. If there is anything we can give you, we will", he said determined. "What can you give me, Xiao Zhan?". Zhan wasn't sure if his mind was playing tricks on him or if Wang Yibo's voice had actually dropped a few octaves, becoming husky. "What do you want? From the looks of it you don't lack anything materialistic. You have power, money and an entire pack that's loyal to you. What more could you want? ", Zhan queried with a frown on his face. "You think all a man hungers for is power and money?", came Yibo's question and Zhan didn't know what to make out of it. "I know most men do", he answered honestly and Wang Yibo looked at him with an amused expression on his face. " Are you like most men, Zhan? ", came that husky voice again making Zhan uncomfortable.  "We aren't talking about me here", he said defensively annoyed that the Alpha was toying with him.
"Just tell me what the Yunmeng pack can give you and we will have a deal", he said sternly and Wang Yibo gave him an arrogant smile.
"An Omega", said Wang Yibo in a serious tone and Zhan tried his best to not display his shock at the bizarre request.

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