42. The heartbreak...

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As soon at the doors collapsed under the weight of the wolves by Yibo's side, wolves stepped out from behind the Wens along with the vampires. The Wens wolves shifted and soon He Peng was joined by Zhang Wei. "You are late", bit out He Peng and Zhang Wei smiled. "I was just taking care of the body." Seeing the wolves on the opposite side, Zhang Wei smiled. He was sure they would win this. Their numbers were probably the same with a hundred a ninety on the side of the Wens. The vampires were a good addition to their side and he was sure Wang Yibo was going to suffer great losses at his hands. He licked his fangs and smiled darkly but that smile froze when he saw someone else along with Wang Yibo. "Wu Xize." Zhang Wei's featured hardened seeing the vampire and the Wens also froze seeing the vampires joining the Wangs. The master vampire gave a brief, respectful nod to the black wolf and then turned to Zhang Wei, scowling. "Tell us where Xiao Zhan is, Zhang Wei. I don't give a fuck about you but I don't want the vampires standing behind you to die. You know that you guys won't win. Hand over Zhan to Yibo and no one else has to get hurt." The black wolf snarled, baring his teeth and Xize stared at He Peng dead in the eye. "He will rip you all apart, He Peng. Return his mate to him and no innocent blood shall be shed." He Peng saw the snarling wolves and menacing vampires standing feets away and gulped at the sight. He saw that the odds were not on his side and like the coward he was, he was about to step back but Zhang Wei growled next to him as a warning. "You won't find your mate, Wang Yibo. You killed my brother and put me through the pain of losing my only family. You left me my brother's ashes, right? I made sure you won't even find a fucking body to mourn your mate. On second thoughts, maybe if you are lucky you will get few of his bones and bits of flesh." Zhang Wei said the words with hatred burning in his eyes and the black wolf growled lunging forward, the beast gone feral. The two sides collided and soon the surroundings were drowned in snarls, growls, howls and pained groans.

The black wolf dived at the vampire only for a big brown wolf to come in his path. It was Wen Xiu. The current Alpha of the Wen pack. The two Alphas crashed into each other and Yibo righted himself as the other wolf toppled over losing its balance. The black wolf knew that the wolf on the ground was no match for him and he had another target in mind. Baring his teeth, Yibo jumped over the brown wolf, digging his teeth deep into the wolf's shoulder. Twisting his head he tore off the skin and flesh making the brown wolf yelp in pain. The brown wolf moved his head and tried to chomp at Yibo's hind leg and the black wolf snarled, his teeth digging deeper into the brown wolf's flank. The two wolves wrestled with each other and Zhang Wei snuck up from behind, his long nails and fangs out to take Yibo. The vampire lunged at the wolf and wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck, pulling back. The brown wolf got time to escape and he did only to get knocked off by a large dark grey wolf.

Zhang Wei tightened his hands around Yibo's neck and threw the wolf away with his strength. Seeing that his true enemy was here, the black wolf licked his teeth, his hackles up, ears upright and teeth bared. The two enemies circled each other and the vampire rushed to the wolf, the two enemies engaged in a battle to kill. Yibo's wolf swiped out with his claws drawing first blood and the vampire hissed before digging his arms into the wolf's side and pulling at the foreleg. The wolf let out a high pitched bark as its leg dislocated and he used his weight to shirk off the man on him. Twisting his leg to snap the bone back in its place, Yibo fixed his injury, yelping and went to Zhang Wei again trapping the vampire with its forepaws and locked his teeth at the vampires neck ready to rip it off. The vampire threw the wolf away again and the wolf came back fast as lightning, this time closing his teeth over the vamp's leg. The surrounding wolves and vampires saw that the two of their leaders were in a battle to kill and a silent understanding made them stop.  Now, the battle was between Wang Yibo and Zhang Wei. The Lan wolves had managed to subdue the majority Wen wolves while Xize's coven took care of the other vampires. Some of the Lan wolves shifted back into their human forms among which was the dark grey wolf, Wang Haikuan. He turned his eyes to the mauled and very much dead, brown wolf and pained, mourning howls left the Wen pack at the loss of their Alpha. The battle was almost over. All they needed now was Zhang Wei's decapitated head.The vampire hissed again, his body twisting and nails digging into the black wolf's fur but nothing could remove the wolf's muzzle from his leg. The wolf threw his opponent to the ground and his packmates growled their encouragement,telling their Alpha to end it and rip the enemy's head off. Yibo was set on doing just that as his teeth buried into the shoulder of his rival when he smelled a scent that was all too familiar to him. The scent penetrated the deep red haze around his head and he twisted his head sharply only one word echoing in his head. Mate. Just like him, the other Lan wolves had also detected the scent of their Alpha's mate and the wolves turned around their eyes latching onto the man who was holding their Alpha's mate.

Wu Xize saw He Peng holding an unconscious Xiao Zhan into his arms and the growl that left Yibo had Xize shuddering on the inside. Everyone else was also wary and the wolves and vampires both took a step back, making it clear that they were not the ones keeping Yibo from his mate. Yibo's wolf saw the scene before him and immediately growled his displeasure. That was his mate. No one else was allowed to touch his mate, let alone hold him in such an intimate embrace. The wolf was not someone who understood the intricacies of the human world but he knew that his mate wasn't supposed to be unmoving and limp in the other man's arms. The black wolf felt his human side pushing at him to give up control and the wolf was momentarily confused and scared of what was happening. Yibo's human side surfaced and the Alpha shifted back into his human form panting and eyes locked on the unconscious figure in He Peng's arms. He stalked further followed by his enforcers and saw someone else come up from behind He Peng. "Don't even think about it. Lay Zhan on the ground, He Peng", commanded Zi Yi and He Peng turned around glaring at her. "I won't repeat my words. Do it." Her words had He Peng kneeling and delicately placing Zhan on the ground. Only when Zhan was on the ground did Yibo see the knife glinting in He Peng's hands and Yibo snarled as his wolf tried to rush to surface and rip the fucker's head off. "Drop the knife", said Zi Yi and He Peng was ready to gut her when he saw two of the Wen enforcers come up behind her. The two Wen enforcers caught He Peng and dragged him away from Xiao Zhan, their claws resting on his neck threateningly.

Wen Zi Yi turned to Wang Yibo who was still staring at his mate in disbelief and cleared her throat, willing her emotions away before speaking. "He Peng and Zhang Wei brought Zhan here and....and Zhang Wei fed from him. Three of the five vampires who accompanied him are dead and I see two of them in your pack's hands. He...He lost a lot if blood, Wang Yibo. He is..." Her words came to a halt as Wang Yibo dropped to his knees and gathered his mate in his arms. The Alpha was treating his mate as if he was made of glass and Zi Yi's eyes burned with tears.  Zhan's eyes were closed and Yibo thumbed at the dried tear marks on his cheeks. The healthy glow his mate's skin always had was reduced to a sickly pale and his skin appeared paper thin. Yibo's eyes ran over the ugly bite marks on Zhan's neck and his wrists well aware that some of them were hidden beneath the clothes. The white shirt of his mate was stained red with blood and Yibo embraced the man closer to him, burying his head in the crook of Zhan's neck, tears escaping his eyes. The sweet scent of his mate was tainted with the scent of the vampires who had hurt him and Yibo clenched his teeth, his hands shaking as he held Zhan. The laughing sound coming from behind him had his grip tightening on Zhan's body and his lips curling in anger. "Fuck!",exclaimed Zhang Wei in between his laughter. "Never thought I would see the day where "The Phoenix" would be reduced to a laughing stock. Such a pity, isn't it Wang Yibo?" The vampire was bleeding through his shoulder and leg, the wounds burning and he hissed as he stood up, still laughing. "He kept screaming as I drank from him. WANG YIBO!!!!!WANG YIBO!!!YIBO!!!! Fuck! It was so fun. I have to say he tastes delicious, Wang Yibo. Did you let Xize have a taste?" Everyone surrounding him growled, the vampires and wolves alike and Zhang Wei's laughter subsided slowly. "How does it feel, Wang Yibo? Must hurt. Guess what? He will die in a span of hours, I made sure you had time to day goodbye. Nothing can save him. The blood loss has made him so weak, his heart will slowly stop beating and his organs will shut down. Do you know why he is in this condition, Yibo? Because of you. YOU!!!! You are the reason he will die and you will live with this fact for the rest of your life. You killed your mate, Wang Yibo." The man started to laugh again going crazy and Wu Xize signalled one of his men to grab him. The vampires placed a hand over Zhang Wei's mouth and pushed him to the ground while the Wangs stood frozen, their hearts heavy with the realisation that they might lose Xiao Zhan.

Wang Yibo removed his head from Zhan's neck and kissed his mate's head, tears escaping his eyes. Slowly and carefully, the Alpha stood up and turned around to walk away, his face blank and stoic like always.
The Wangs saw the tears on their Alpha's face and the wolves whimpered and whined lowly feeling their Alpha's pain and misery like it was theirs. Yibo had only walked ten steps when his vision blurred, his mask cracked and his legs gave out. He fell on his knees as hard sobs racked his frame and he clutched at his mate as loud cries escaped his throat. "Zhan....Zhan...Xiao Zhan...",he called his mate again and again like a prayer hoping his mate would open his eyes and look at him. "Z-Zhan-Zhan. Baby, look.. I am here. P-Please wake up. Zhan, open your eyes. Open them. Zhan!!!"Yibo screamed and Haikuan rushed to his side holding his brother as he cried. Yibo kept calling for his mate and when he didn't respond, Yibo broke down. "Hai....Kuan-ge. S-Save him, please. I...I can't live without him. Why won't he wake up? Zhan?Zhan?..Zhan!!!!"

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