32. An almost confession..

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Zhan's eyes opened and the sight he met with was a sleeping Yibo. Their faces were inches apart and Zhan's features softened seeing the little frown on Yibo's face. The guy was frowning even in his sleep as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. Zhan was bothered by it and raised his hand slowly to ease the frown on his mate's face. He brushed his thumb once, then twice on the handsome face and with a few strokes, the stubborn frown was removed. Yibo let out a deep breath in his sleep and Zhan kissed Yibo's head raising his body to start his morning. The strong arm that rested on his waist and the legs tangled with his made it difficult to move about but Zhan delicately removed the limbs from him and stood up from the bed. He walked to the full length mirror in their room and "Wow!!", he exclaimed seeing the peppered red and purple marks on his body. Additional to the round in the forest, they had done the deed thrice and there wasn't an inch of Zhan's body that wasn't marked by Wang Yibo. His neck had twin deep bites on both sides and a deep red mark was on the hollow of his throat. His collar bones were covered with marks, his pecs had been decorated too but the most bizarre one was the mark made on one of his nipples. Yibo had mercilessly abused the right bud with his tongue, teeth and fingers and the result was that one nipple was bright red, swollen and stood out on his pale chest like a sore thumb while the other was a natural soft pink. The difference was so clear Zhan didn't know if he wanted to cry or laugh. "Xiao Zhan, the man with two coloured nipples." He huffed out a laugh at his own words and soon a deep chuckle from behind him joined in. He turned around to see Wang Yibo laughing with his face buried in his pillow and raised an eyebrow at him. "Why are you so chirpy and happy first thing in the morning?" Wang Yibo's gaze dropped to his nipples and the man started laughing again. "They aren't that weird, are they?", he found himself questioning Yibo but the goof kept laughing at Xiao Zhan. The temptation to see that happy face was too strong and Zhan jumped on the bed and sat on Yibo's waist his fingers digging into Yibo's sides. "You think you can laugh on me, Wang Yibo? I will give you reasons to laugh." Zhan relentlessly tickled Yibo's sides and the man beneath him squirmed, broken laughs leaving him. Zhan had never seen anything so beautiful in his life. Wang Yibo's head was thrown back, a big smile on his face and it was the most beautiful scene Zhan had laid his eyes on. It was at that moment that he couldn't hold onto his feelings any longer and decided he would take a chance. "Yibo, Can I ask you for something?" His words were gentle and Yibo gazed at him languidly, a grin on his face as he nodded his head. "Anything." Leaning down, Zhan placed his face onto Yibo's neck and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and prayed, he prayed to everything he believed in that Yibo didn't reject him. He had opened his mouth to say the words but Yibo's phone rang all of a sudden and the moment was broken. Zhan grabbed the phone from the nightstand and passed the phone to Yibo mouthing, "Your gege".

Yibo took the phone with a scowl on his face, annoyed that his time with Zhan was cut short. "Fuck it!", he muttered and Zhan kissed his lips that were set in a hard line. Zhan lay down on Yibo doodling patterns over the hard chest, beaming as he wrote his name on Yibo's skin. Yibo palmed his waist and hauled him closer placing a kiss on the crown of his head. "This better be important, ge", said Yibo answering the call. "Hello to you too, Yibo. You aren't happy that I called and the news I'm going to give you will make you even more upset",came Haikuan's deep voice and Yibo's face turned sour. "What happened?", he said stiffly and heard his brother's grim tone from the other end. "Zhang Wei is creating trouble. Your office at Aura was ransacked last night. The bastards took some files and left a letter addressed to you." Yibo's face grew dark with fury at the words that left his brother's mouth and Zhan saw the immediate change in Yibo. He peeled his body off Yibo and sat up while Yibo pulled himself up. Zhan wanted to get off Yibo's lap but the hands on his waist didn't let him and Zhan settled on raking his hands through Yibo's hair, hoping to soothe his Alpha's anger. "I will be there in a while. Make sure no one leaves the place." Yibo hummed at what Haikuan said at the other end and Zhan heard that it was Haikuan telling Yibo to leave Zhan behind at Lan territory. "I will come with you." Zhan said as soon as the phone call ended and Yibo pinned him with a dark gaze. "No." "I wasn't asking, Wang Yibo. I don't take orders from you. I am coming with you." Zhan's tone allowed no room for discussion and Wang Yibo raised an eyebrow. "Why should I take orders from you?" Yibo questioned with a straight face trying to stop a smile from curving his lips but Zhan still caught the teasing glint in his eyes. "You have to listen to me because I am a man with different coloured nipples. There aren't many of us around and we are geniuses." Wang Yibo's shoulders shook with laughter as he tackled Zhan beneath him, kissing his Omega till they were both gasping for air. "What were you about to ask me?",Yibo's mouth brushed Zhan's chin and Zhan averted his eyes. "Let's talk when we come back." Yibo didn't like that Zhan was making him wait but sensing that Zhan wasn't going to tell him now, Yibo let the matter go. He didn't want to force Zhan when he knew exactly how important the matter was. "Fine." Kissing Zhan again Yibo pulled away and Zhan stayed in bed gazing at the ceiling with a thoughtful look on his face. He had to tell Yibo he wanted to stay. He had tried so hard to build his courage and confess to Yibo but Zhang Wei wasn't going to let him have a moment of peace with his Alpha. Muttering curses, Zhan got up from the bed and seeing the door to the bathroom open, headed right in to join Yibo.

Seeing the upturned tables, the slashed couch and the papers all around the floor had Zhan fuming. Zhang Wei really had a death wish. The entire place had been demolished and checking the camera footage, it was clear it had been Zhang Wei's men who sacked the place. The punks had stared right into the camera, grinning as they tore the place apart and had drained Yibo's man dry when they killed him. Yibo had gone silent seeing everything but Zhan knew it was the sign of an upcoming storm. "Did they take anything important?", Haikuan asked Yibo and the man shook his head in a no."Nothing here could be of value to Zhang Wei. He is just trying to fuck with me. Where's the letter?", enquired Yibo and Haikuan handed him the unopened letter just as Xiao Zhan came up behind Yibo to take a peek. Reading the letter, Yibo's face hardened and he handed the letter to Haikuan to take a look. "This bastard really thinks he has a chance against you. Threatening that he would take everything away from you...Yibo, I feel we need to take an action soon. This can't go on any longer." Haikuan's lips thinned as he read the letter and Xiao Zhan saw the simmering anger in the Alpha's eyes. Wang Haikuan had the patience of a saint and was always polite but a threat to his brother was not something he could take lightly. Yibo nodded at his brother's words, his brows furrowed and Zhan rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Let's not wait any longer,Yibo. I will tell father to inform the others. Let's end this swine and get it over with." Haikuan pressed and Yibo called Hedi over.

"The two vampires that were here are to be hunted, killed and burned. I want their ashes sent over to Zhang Wei in three hours. Put everyone to work. I am done playing with this fucker." Yibo's eyes were cold and they turned to Zhan when Zhan's phone buzzed in his pocket. Seeing that it was his uncle, Zhan told Yibo he would be back and accepted the call. "Hello, uncle...Who? Jiyang? Umm...Okay. I will be there in an hour. Tell Zhuocheng to accompany him. Yeah...I will." Zhan hung up the phone and walked to Yibo who was staring at him and Zhan guessed Yibo had heard a bit of his conversation with his uncle. "I need to go to Yunmeng territory. Jiyang turned up and is asking for me. Uncle said he is in bad shape and isn't talking to anyone. I need to go see him." Zhan chewed on his lips waiting for Yibo's reaction and a few moments later, Yibo gave a small nod. "Take Yubin and the others. I will come to pick you up when I am done here." Zhan was about to say he could go home on his own but a look from Yibo had him sealing his lips. "I will pick you up. Don't leave Yunmeng alone. Am I clear?", Zhan sneered at the dominant tone but gave a small nod when Yibo palmed his cheek brushing a thumb over his lips saying,"Be careful." Zhan leaned into the touch and kissed Yibo's palm before turning to Haikuan and giving him a polite nod. "I will get going. I will be back soon. Call me if anything happens."

Yibo watched Zhan leave and the heavy weight that settled on his chest had him hurting. "You clearly didn't want him to leave. Why didn't you stop him?", Haikuan shot Yibo a look that Yibo could only return with a deep sigh. "He still thinks he is a part of the Yunmeng pack. The people there, his friends..they are important to him." "And that bothers you." Haikuan could see that it did. Yibo was good at hiding himself well but Haikuan could always read him easily. "He said he wanted to be my mate only for a year. I know he wants to stay but he is holding himself back. His uncle and his friends want the best for him and they don't like me very much. He feels something for me but..." "You think people in Yunmeng could change his mind. You feel threatened by them." At his brother's nod, Haikuan's face softened and he stared at Yibo, watching his face as he asked, "What if they stand in your way, Wang Yibo? Will you hurt them?" Yibo raised his eyes to his brother and Haikuan knew that Yibo could. He was perfectly capable of removing all the obstacles that stood in his way. "I won't hurt them. I won't hurt Xiao Zhan that way." Haikuan gave a nod of understanding to Yibo and patted his brother's shoulder as a sign of support. "I am glad you put him first and care about him but what if he doesn't want to stay with you and leaves for Yunmeng?", came Haikuan's voice and Yibo's eyes gleamed with determination."Then I will follow him there and fight for us. I will do whatever it takes to have his love. I won't fight fair because I never have, not where it concerns my Zhan-Zhan."

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