47. Finally home...

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Wang Yibo raked a hand through his hair and took a sip from the dark liquid needing that burn in his throat. He was sitting in his study not knowing what exactly he was doing there. He should have gone to his mate, wrapped himself up in that mouth watering scent and put the day behind him. Instead of that he was here, holed up in his study alone because he was frightened to his fucking core. Frightened of Xiao Zhan. Frightened of what he would see in his firecracker's eyes the moment he saw him. Yibo had never bothered about what people thought of him. He had been called a series of names but he knew that he was a capable Alpha, a good son and a good brother. It had been enough. Now, he wasn't so sure. Now, he wondered if he was a good mate. In the dungeon tonight he had seen the pain in Zhan's eyes and it hurt. It hurt a damn fucking lot. He had put that suffering there and Yibo never wanted to see it there again. But, could he really promise that he wouldn't do it again? Yibo couldn't change now so could he be enough for Zhan? Did he really deserve to have that goodness in his life? Even when he only had this darkness to give in return. He had never thought this before but today, he questioned if this was the reason he was without someone for so long. Xinyue had died at such a tender age and maybe she had escaped being tied to someone as unfeeling and cold as him. Gulping down the contents of the glass, Yibo clenched his fists onto the table hating that he felt like this. He had been so selfish in taking Zhan for himself but never ever thought that he would never deserve someone as good as Xiao Zhan. 'He will never love monsters like us.' Chuyue's words echoed in his head tonight but that chain of thoughts broke when Yibo saw Zhuocheng entering his study. "We are going to take He Peng with us and it's time we leave. We will take care of Chuyue's body too." "We?",questioned Yibo and Zhuocheng looked away saying,  "Me and Zi Yi." "Congratulations, I guess",Yibo muttered pouring another drink for himself and offered one to Zhuocheng. "No thanks. I just came here to thank you." Yibo's brows touched his hairline and a laugh escaped him. "This night is definitely full of surprises." Zhuocheng's lips quirked at that and he turned to leave. "Zhan had a talk with Zi Yi and appeared shocked. He didn't tell me anything. Take care of him. I will get going now."

"Do you think he hates me?",spoke Yibo abruptly and Zhuocheng was taken aback by the Alpha's words. "Why would he hate you?" Zhuocheng fired back with an arched brow and Yibo became quiet for a few moments. "I scared him tonight. He looked at me and the disappointment I saw there....it fucked me up. I am not a good person. So, do you think he hates me, Zhuocheng? Don't you know him best? Tell me.." "He doesn't hate you, Wang Yibo." Yibo laughed humourlessly at the Alpha's words saying, "Liar." Zhuocheng saw the Alpha before him who was obviously hurting and Zhuocheng knew he couldn't leave just yet. "I know Zhan since he was two. Living in Yunmeng, it was difficult for him. My mother was no help either. She hated him so strongly...my father and I are still trying to pull her out of it. She made sure to tell Zhan that he wasn't good enough. He was never going be strong enough. Told him that he was a joke. A half-Alpha and a half-Omega. She told him he would never find happiness because no one would accept him for who he is. The strange thing is that Zhan put up with it, he believed it. Never complained..never demanded to be treated better. It's because he felt he didn't have rights to complain or demand things from us. Thought that asking for love and respect would be too much. So he put up with it. Smiled through it all. That day in Yunmeng...you said I did everything because I wanted him to be viewed as weak. You were wrong, Wang Yibo. I treated Zhan that way because I care for him and I wanted him to be able to rely on someone. Maybe that way he would think of us as his real family. I did succeed to some extent. So why do I say that he won't hate you? It's because you are different, Wang Yibo. Zhan asks for your care, he demands your love and do you know what that means? It means that he considers you his. He has taken you as his family. He loves you. I saw it the day you came to help us in Yunmeng. Whenever he was on the verge of breaking down, he looked at you and he felt stronger. I asked you to leave him with us because I thought you didnt deserve him. I mean Zhan is good and well...you are not. But what I have realised is that...you are what he needs in his life, Wang Yibo. You saying that you don't deserve him...this thought is what makes me believe that you do. There is no one else who will be more worthy of him. You don't see his flaws and you love him truly. Trust my brother to do the same, Wang Yibo. I know him. Zhan loves too hard. Too bad that he has chosen you as his partner. A deranged ice-block. Jiyang is pretty accurate with descriptions." The Alpha laughed and gave Yibo a look that said "get your shit together" before leaving.
The words kept repeating in Yibo's head even after the Alpha had left his study. Draining the glass in his hand he ran to his firecracker.

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