2. I can do it..

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The day had been exhausting. Xiao Zhan sat on the bed with drooped shoulders thinking about his day. Breaking the news to the pack hadn't been easy. The pack members were scared and the fear on their face made Zhan feel guilty. The uncertainty in their eyes made him feel like he had failed in protecting them and the Alpha side of him resented that. A young girl mere five years old had started to cry after hearing the news and mumbled," I don't want the Wen people to take me". That single sentence was on repeat in his head and he had the urge to go to Wang Yibo himself and knock some sense into him. "Maybe I should", the passing thought had come out of nowhere but the more he pondered over it, the more it made sense. The worst thing would be failing to convince Wang Yibo but if he managed to convince the Alpha, their problems would be solved. At this point, they had nothing to lose but everything to gain. "Yubin", he hollered and the man came to his room running. " Are you okay, Zhan?" Yubin questioned with a frown and Zhan rose to his feet and rested his hands on Yubin's shoulders. "Find me everything there is on Wang Yibo". A refusal was on Yubin's tongue but Zhan stopped him with a serious look . " If you don't do it, I will do it myself. You won't talk me out of this. "
Yubin knew when there was a window of argument with Zhan and this topic was clearly not up for it. He nodded his head in a yes and Zhan thought that he could do this. This was a golden chance and Zhan would try everything to make sure the Wangs got on their side again.

Yubin kicked the door open with his foot and saw Zhan slumped over his desk. He smiled and placed their coffees on the desk and shook Xiao Zhan. "Zhan.... Zhan. Wake up", he tried to wake the younger but the only response he got was a groan as his Master burrowed deeper into the desk. Yubin stared at the figure calling out Zhan's name again and again and when he got no answer, he took the matter into his hands literally. His hand came down hard on the table and the loud sound jolted Zhan awake.
"I didn't steal your fucking cat!!", Zhan screamed still lost in his dreams and Yubin chuckled. Zhan muttered nonsense at times while waking up and the bizzare sentences were often amusing. His laugh broke Zhan's dream and he slumped on the desk again after seeing Yubin. " Aiyo, Yubin! Why did you do that? I am technically your boss, Can't you be a little respectful?", grumbled Zhan but Yubin just passed him the coffee sitting across him. If looks could kill, Yubin would have been a cold, dead body on the floor with the killer glares shooting his way. "Don't scold me. I was respectful. I didn't throw the coffee in your face to wake you, Did I? ", said Yubin in a sincere tone and Zhan threw him an annoyed look.
" Asshole", Zhan muttered under his breath and took a sip of the heavenly drink. Ah! Perfect! Taking a few more sips, he became less cranky finally waking up.

Yubin stared at the man before him and couldn't help but frown at his disheveled state. Xiao Zhan was a handsome young man. It didn't take a lot for him to look presentable but today Yubin had to say, "You look like shit. " Zhan snorted at his words and told him the reason for his miseries. "Wang Yibo." All his problems were packed into these two little words and Zhan was going insane. "Didn't you find anything? ", questioned Yubin glancing at the binder on the desk and Zhan sighed long and deep. Three days had passed but he had nothing. "I have been trying to set up a meeting with him but I can't get through ", he said disheartened. " The Wangs have always been strict but this Wang Yibo takes it to another level", he said passing the binder to Yubin. "Why do they call him "The Phoenix" though?" Yubin asked curiously flipping through the pages and Xiao Zhan told him what he had learned. "Five years ago, a bunch of vampires attacked Wang Yibo because he had killed one of their own. The guy fought seven first-born vampires on his own and set them all on fire. The flames got to him too, he bled too much and that is how his packmates found him. He stopped breathing for an entire minute. "
"So you mean he died? ", Yubin cut him off with raised brows and Zhan nodded his head. " Yeah. The guy died and came back! Given the scene he literally rose from the ashes. Hence the name. " Zhan couldn't keep admiration out of his voice. The papers were filled with Wang Yibo's heroic deeds. The man had too many encounters with death and was victorious everytime. Just like a Phoenix. "Are you sure you want to meet this man? ", said Yubin seriously and Xiao Zhan nodded a yes without hesitation. Zhan watched Yubin take his phone out from his pocket and after a few taps on the screen turned the screen to Zhan. " Here", Zhan stared at the screen not really sure of what was his friend trying to show him. "Tomorrow, at 11", said Yubin pointing at certain words on the screen and Zhan gave him an incredulous look. " You got me an appointment at Wang Securities?", squeaked Zhan while Yubin sipped at his coffee with leisure. He yelled out a "Hey! " when the coffee was snatched from his hands and he glared at Zhan. "How did you get this done? I tried no less than a hundred times." Zhan looked at him worried as if he had exchanged the appointment for a kidney. He smiled and patted the younger's head. "You have been on this for days. I can't do much but this I could do. Don't think too much about it. Song Jiyang works there. He hacked the systems and made an entry in the name of XZ Studios", explained Yubin and Zhan smiled at him brightly.
"Yubin, What would I do without you?", said a very grateful Zhan but Yubin pinned him with a gaze. "Tell me everything you need for tomorrow but mark my words Zhan, If anything makes you uneasy, you are going to run out of there. I know this is important but I won't have you risk yourself."
Zhan heard the words loud and clear and promised Yubin that he would not do anything to cause trouble. Reassuring Yubin, he prepared himself for the coming day. The day that would decide their future.

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