18. The Lan pack...

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Xiao Zhan knew that the Lan territory was big but he had clearly underestimated how big. The thick lush forests seemed never ending. They had been driving through the Lan territory for an hour but according to Yibo they were still a little far away from the pack house. Xiao Zhan had time to calm himself down and as he finally came to terms with his situation he prepared himself for what was to come. It was just a year. He could survive by then in this unfamiliar territory. He was not going to be difficult and scheme around to make enemies. He was going to make the most of this opportunity and hopefully when the year ended, he could walk away with more friends and no heartache. His features morphed into a look of determination and Wang Yibo's deep voice came from above his head. "What are you planning?" His chest rumbled with the words and Zhan pulled away from Yibo's embrace. "Planning on how to survive you and your pack." His lips curled in distaste and Wang Yibo laughed at him. "Listen to what I say and this won't be difficult." The smugness in that tone had Zhan snorting out a hollow laugh. "If you think I am going to follow your orders, you are in for a ride, Wang Yibo. Remember, I am only part-Omega. Your Alpha nature won't make me submit to you. It will only tempt me to annoy you." "That's what I am looking forward to." The Alpha responded with a laugh and this time Zhan's lips curled up in a smirk. Wang Yibo was unpredictable and as much as it annoyed Xiao Zhan, he couldn't help but get interested.

Minutes later, the car pulled over in front of a house that could only be described as huge and Zhan's lips curved when Wang Yibo opened the door for him. "An Alpha with manners", he commented and Yibo gave him a smug smile. "I would have taken that as a compliment if not for the utter disgust on your face." Xiao Zhan got out of the car and took a appreciative glance at the place. The place screamed luxury and Zhan wondered if this was a Lan thing. The Lans had old money and they clearly knew how to use it. Zhan saw Yubin come up behind him and felt relief wash over him. He thought it was selfish of him to drag Yubin along but he knew his friend wouldn't have it any other way. Zhan wouldn't be any use to him dead anyway. "Let's head in", Yibo said and with a hand on his lower waist and guided Xiao Zhan to his house. As expected, the interiors of the house were even more beautiful and Zhan gave Yibo an approving look that the Alpha said "Thanks" for. Yubin was set to follow Zhan when Haoxuan stopped him. "Your room is in the other wing." Yubin's brows furrowed in disagreement and Yibo spoke next. "The east wing is for you. Zhan will stay with me. Take a good rest. You need it."
Yubin had never been in such a predicament before. His protective instincts screamed at him to not leave Zhan alone with Yibo. "You guys haven't bonded yet. I should stay with Zhan-Zhan until that changes", he reasoned but the sneering look Yibo gave him made Yubin regret what he had said. "Don't worry. Zhan will be marked by me tonight. On second thoughts, I won't mind you watching as I make him mine." The suggestion made Yubin flustered and Zhan immediately pushed at Yibo. "Yubin, rest. I will be fine." Yubin left Zhan with Yibo but Yibo was irritated at the glances Yubin took at Zhan while leaving. Before, he didn't have an explanation to want Xiao Zhan all to himself but now he did. His face must have given him away because Xiao Zhan let out a deep sigh. "He is my protector,Yibo. Making sure I am safe is his job." Yibo didn't want to argue with him so he talked to Haoxuan instead. "Take Zhan to our room. I will talk to Dad and Uncle first."  "Are you in trouble?",questioned Zhan and the innocent question had Yibo smiling. He was doing that a lot since Zhan came into the picture. Smiling. "No. Not in trouble. Go to our room first. Don't fall asleep." The meaning of his words was clear and Xiao Zhan's eyes widened a fraction as the words registered. His pupils dilated and the hunger in those dark eyes was mirror image of Wang Yibo's. Xiao Zhan wanted him just like he wanted the fiesty Alpha. With a nudge Haoxuan led Xiao Zhan away and Yibo took a turn to his office needing the conversation between his father and him to be done as soon as possible.

"They have disgraced us but I am content with the way you handled the matter. You should have a mate and now you have one. That's all that matters to me and your father." His uncle's words were stern and even though there was a frown on his face, Yibo knew his uncle was fine with him being with Xiao Zhan. "Yes, uncle."
"What about En Jie? Are you going to let her off the hook that easy?", came his father's voice and the anger on his father's face had Yibo smirking. No one had to guess where Yibo got his vengeful streak from. Wang Zi Teng, his father was a man of vengeance. Those who crossed him either died or wished that they were dead. His father was almost disappointed that Yibo had reacted so well considering everything that happened. He knew his son well and the sudden turn of events surprised Wang Zi Teng. He didn't like surprises. Yibo was well aware of the reason behind his father's sour mood. If not for Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo would have toyed and destroyed the Yunmeng Jiang pack to ease his bloodthirst. He had stopped himself because his goal was to get Xiao Zhan. The Yunmeng Jiang pack had made his task easy by offering Zhan up on a silver platter. Wang Yibo initially didn't want to hunt En Jie down because he didn't think it was important now that he got what he wanted. Though now, a part of him was angry because she had known that her running away would be a death sentence for his Zhan. "She is with Wen He Peng. The man convinced her to betray the pack with the promise of taking her as his mate. I feel it was his plan to rob Yunmeng off of our support and then attack the territory." The elders were listening with a thoughtful look on their face and Yibo continued, "She is going to realise she was scammed sooner or later. When that happens, The Wangs will make their move. I want her thoroughly broken before I torment her." The evil smirk on his face must have satisfied his father because the man was smiling at him again. "Good. This is what is to be expected of a Wang. Don't go easy on her, she knew who she was messing with. Now that you have decided on Xiao Zhan, he needs to understand he is one of us now." With that discussion, Yibo dismissed the meeting and left. The moment he had waited for since he laid eyes on his firecracker had come. Today, once and for all he was going to mark Xiao Zhan as his. The young Alpha expected to be free of him by the end of the year? Yibo was going to make Zhan crave him so much that the man will forget about the bizarre deal. Wang Yibo had decided to make Xiao Zhan his, if Zhan thought he was going to get rid of him so easily, his firecracker had no idea what he was getting into.

Xiao Zhan was led to the second floor and was standing in what Haoxuan told him was his room now. His and Wang Yibo's. The place could only be defined as immaculate and masculine. The silky grey and black sheets were inviting and the room was exactly what Zhan had imagined it would be. Classy and elegant with a touch of darkness. The room was so Wang Yibo an unconscious smile came onto Zhan lips.
He sat on the king sized bed and as the depth of what was to happen slammed into him, Zhan buried his head into his palms. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster for him and now that he was in Wang Yibo's space, he realised what he had to do. The Alpha in him miffed at the mere mention of belonging to another while his Omega side was somewhat excited. The tug of war of emotions was already overwhelming and seeing the plethora of emotions on Zhan's face, Haoxuan planted an awkward pat onto his head. "There.There. Don't be scared, Zhan. I know this is new for you but try to hang on. I know my cousin looks all bad and scary but-",the man suddenly stopped and Zhan raised his head to see Haoxuan staring at his phone with a frown on his face. He was about to ask Xuan what happened when the man spoke again. "I know my cousin looks all bad and scary but he-" "Are you reading that out from your phone?", questioned Zhan and Haoxuan nodded at him. Zhan was confused. He had a lot of questions but he settled on one. "By any chance, Are you trying to comfort me, Haoxuan?" Saying the sentence aloud was extremely weird but the face Haoxuan made was worse, the man appeared digusted by what was doing. "I am. Jiyang told me you would be scared. He wanted me to comfort you so I am-" The latter stopped and Zhan completed his unfinished sentence by saying, "-trying?"  Haoxuan gave him a curt nod and Zhan laughed. Only Jiyang could put Haoxuan upto something like this. With a smile he asked Haoxuan to continue. "I want to but, this isn't true." The man was irritated and Zhan peeked into his phone seeing the words Haoxuan was so reluctant to say. As expected it was a note made by Jiyang and it read. "There.There. Don't be scared, Zhan. I know this is new for you but try to hang on. I know my cousin looks all bad and scary but he is a good person at heart. So don't be afraid. Everything will be ok.
(Baby make sure you maintain a smile while you say this. Not that creepy 'I-see-dead-people' one but 'Ah!-That's-a-cute-puppy' one)" The message was sweet as expected of Jiyang and Zhan asked Xuan why couldn't he read the words aloud before. "My cousin is not a good person. He is an A-hole and the meanest one at that." Zhan chewed on his lips trying not to smile. "Alright, how about you try in your own words. Don't say what Jiyang asked you to." Zhan gazed at Xuan intently and the man grunted before saying, "Don't piss Yibo off. I don't want my kitten to cry at your funeral when Yibo kills you. My baby gets sick when he cries." Zhan could only stare dumbfounded at his friend's mate. The guy really couldn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than Jiyang. He smiled and nodded and Xuan left him alone. Zhan let out a deep sigh and unpacking his stuff, headed towards the bathroom for a hot shower.

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