23. A threat..

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Zhan was watching a romcom, laughing at the cheesy words the guy was saying to his girl when he heard the hard, incessant knocks on his door. Zhan walked to the door, hissing at the discomfort he felt while doing something as simple as walking. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if he said that Wang Yibo was a machine when it came to sex. Their chemistry was off the charts and Zhan admitted that he was getting addicted to Wang Yibo's touch. The knocks on door grew even more impatient and Zhan had to call out. "Calm your tits, Yubin. I am coming." He opened the door and found Yubin standing with a grim expression on his face. Zhan's smile dropped when he saw Yubin and his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "What happened?", he questioned in a grave voice and Yubin told him the news with a dark face. Zhan pushed Yubin out of the way and ran to Yibo's office pushing the double doors open. The two figures in the office stared at him taking in his gasping figure. Yibo stood up as soon as he saw Zhan and was by his side in an instant. With a hand on his back, Yibo turned Zhan to him. "What is it?", enquired Yibo softly, calming Zhan with his touch and Zhan leaned into the comfort. "It's my pack. Li Teng told Yubin that the Wens attacked last night. He-He said...En Jie was with them. She helped them and many of the pack members were injured. I need to go to them. I don't know if they are okay. Uncle...A-Cheng...Cheng." Zhan's voice broke at the end and Yibo's brows raised at the news. He had a group of people watching over the Jiangs, how could it be that he wasn't aware of the attack? Yibo saw Zhan was worried and was fighting his emotions from overpowering him.

"Yibo-ge, I think it's important for you to be with Xiao Zhan now. I will be here whenever you want. Let's talk later." Xinyan's voice came from behind them and just like that Zhan stiffened in Yibo's arms. Yibo couldn't help his hold from tightening around Zhan, thinking Zhan would pull away. Yibo had never thought of Xinyan as a threat but if her presence was going to bother his Zhan, he wouldn't think twice before getting rid of her. He didn't want Zhan uncomfortable in any way and Xinyan had made it her life's mission to hurt Yibo's Omega. The woman was smirking and Yibo could read her like an open book. It wasn't a secret that Xinyan wanted to establish something more between them. She was ready to cross the lines that were drawn between them because she was delusional enough to think that Yibo wanted her. All because she resembled the woman Yibo was fated to be with. Maybe his firecracker was right. The woman was indeed..a nut. He took a calm breath trying to control himself because Zhan didn't need this right now. He pulled Zhan to him and hugged the man tighter whispering to him that they would go and check things out. "Don't worry. I will ask Haoxuan and Hedi to accompany us. I will come with you." Zhan pulled back from his embrace and his eyes shifted from him to Xinyan. "It's fine if you are busy. I will take Yubin with me. You can come when you get free." The words his firecracker said were spoken without any anger but there was a glimpse of pain in his tone. Yibo was surprised to see how much he wanted Zhan to be possessive of him. Usually, Yibo hated when his partners got jealous over him and created a scene but Yibo realised he wanted Zhan to question him. It would be a way of Yibo knowing that Zhan felt something for him.

Days ago, he had told Zhan the reason for Xinyan being here and Zhan had accepted his words. Zhan had seen them together today but there was no anger, no jealousy in those dark eyes. Yibo wasn't even sure if Zhan was disappointed to see him and Xinyan together. Maybe it was the fact that he was away from his family and couldn't help them. A dark voice in his head reminded him that it could be because of Zhuocheng. The pain in those eyes could be because he couldn't reach the young Alpha. Not saying anything, Yibo led Zhan out of his office without another glance at Xinyan and called Xuan and Hedi over. During the entire ride from their territory to the Yunmeng lands, he kept reassuring Zhan that everything would be fine and Zhan gave him small nods. Yibo knew before that he cared about Zhan but the extent of the feeling was surprising. The mere look of hurt and helplessness on that beautiful face had Yibo raging from inside. The only reason he stayed calm was because him being angry would only burden Zhan. His Omega was hurting and Yibo's only concern was to ease his Zhan. He pulled Zhan to him and placed a soft kiss on his temple to calm himself down. Teeth clenched, he promised his firecracker that he was going to make the people responsible pay in blood. Zhan was out of the car as soon as they pulled over and rushed inside his uncle's house. Yibo and Hedi followed him while Haoxuan went to make enquiries about the Lan pack members that were supposed to keep watch. Something about the entire matter was wrong and Yibo sensed something was off.

Entering the house, Yibo's eyes fell on the Alpha of the Yunmeng Jiang pack who was sitting silently on the couch letting his wife treat a bone deep gash on his shoulder. The air in the room was of shock and fear as the Omegas cried huddled together in a corner. Yibo's eyes searched for Zhan and found him in the arms of Zhuocheng. The Alpha was patting Zhan's head as Zhan sniffled and Yibo had a hard time controlling his wolf. His wolf thought of Zhan as his and the scene before him had his wolf baring his claws. The beast in him didn't care about the situation. He just knew that Zhan in someone else's arms was wrong. Zhan must have felt Yibo's eyes on him because the man turned around and then after saying few words to Zhuocheng made way towards Yibo. It was strange how Yibo visibly relaxed when Zhan was beside him. Zhan was chewing on his lower lip, clearly distressed at the condition his family was in. The Alpha had a deep wound on his shoulder, Zhuocheng's leg was broken and there were claw marks on his back, the Omegas were rattled and four pack members had died in the attack last night. Yibo took a seat before the Alpha of Yunmeng pack and the man gave him a nod of acknowledgement. Zhan sat near his uncle and with a soft voice called him. "Uncle?", Zhan's voice was gentle and the man gave him a small smile. "How is my A-Zhan?",he asked instead and Zhan bit his lips to stop himself from crying.

Luo Jian Min was not only Zhan's Alpha. The man was his father figure, his family, someone Zhan respected more than anyone else in the world. Seeing the man injured and worried was a shock to Xiao Zhan. "What happened, Uncle?", he asked again but it was Jing Tong who answered. "It was the Wens. Last night after dinner, everyone had gone back to their resting quarters when En Jie came to our house. She begged us to forgive her. Said that He Peng was her mate and he gave her an ultimatum. She was to leave on the day of the mating so that the Wangs turned on us. We said it was fine but then...He Peng came in. He mocked your uncle and the pack for being weak and selling you to the Wangs. He was trying to anger your uncle and distract him so that the rest of his men could sneak up on the Omegas. Shen and the others were guarding the Omegas...They were killed." The woman was shaking as she spoke and Zhuocheng hugged his mother trying to calm her. "When me and dad found out we rushed to the site with the others. Along with the Wens, there were...vampires." Zhan's eyes widened and Yibo stiffened beside him at the mention of the creatures. "Why are the vampires helping the Wens?", Zhan questioned no one in particular and this time it was Haoxuan who answered. "The reason is our Alpha, Wang Yibo." Zhan's eyes turned to Wang Yibo who had a cold look on his face but when he gazed into those dark eyes, he found guilt in them. Zhan wasn't sure how Yibo was connected to this but he still placed a hand on the Alpha's hand speaking softly to him. "Is it true,Yibo?" The man turned to him and the answer Zhan got was a resolute "Yes".

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