39. Where is my Zhan?

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Yibo's car pulled up before the packhouse and everyone could see the dark cloud hovering over his shoulders. Xuan got out and whispered something to Jiyang who nodded and left first. No one had the guts to ease their Alpha after the incident. Xuan just hoped Zhan got through Yibo. He glanced around and frowned when didn't see anyone guarding the packhouse. Everyone took turns to guard the place and at the clear absence of the guards, Yibo raised an eye brow disapprovingly. Wang Rong and Xuan followed Yibo into the house and even from outside they could hear Yibo's uncle shouting at the people. "He asked you to do one thing and this is what you did? If something happens are you sure you can take responsibility for this?" Yibo entered the big hall followed by his enforcers only to stop in his tracks. "What the hell is going on?", questioned Xuan taking in the crying face of A-Qing and a hyperventilating Hedi. The blood drained from the faces of Hedi and Qing when they saw Yibo and his enforcers. A-Qing sobbed louder and Hedi got on his knees apologizing profusely. "Fuck...I am sorry, Yibo. I swear he was right here. A-Qing went to treat his wounds but...I don't know. He vanished...Alpha." The broken string of words made Xuan shocked and Yibo ran past everyone up to his bedroom only to find the room empty and the faintest scent of a vampire lingering in the air. "Zhan?", he called out softly, knowing that no one was there but he couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't make sense of what he was seeing and it was as if Yibo's entire body had shut down. He was breathing hard, his entire form was trembling and he yelled his mate's name again and collapsed to his knees. "Zhan? Zhan? Zhan!!! Come out!! Xiao Zhan!!!!" He was screaming in the room and when Haikuan went to calm his brother down, he saw tears running down Yibo's face. The sight of them was so shocking, for a moment Haikuan didn't know what to do. He had seen Yibo angry, he had seen Yibo upset but never had he seen his baby brother so broken. "Yibo...Yibo, get up. Yibo, calm down. Yibo, you need to have a clear mind right now...Yibo!!!" The loud voice brought Yibo back to him and the Alpha wiped down the tears streaming down his face and rushed downstairs.

Xuan was standing with Yibo's uncle when he saw his Alpha coming down the stairs and his eyes widened when Yibo punched Hedi square in the face. The pack member swayed and blood trailed down his nose but Yibo wasn't done. The Alpha picked the man up again and punched Hedi in the gut. The others were too scared to interfere and who wouldn't be? The man they were seeing now was not the familiar composed, cold Wang Yibo but a man who was out for blood. The Alpha eyes were tinted red and growls spilled from his mouth, the spines of the men around him tingling. The pack member was thrown against the wall and Yibo would've plundered him to death if not for his uncle. "Yibo!" The Alpha glared at the man who dared to stop him but his uncle met his dark gaze head-on refusing to submit. "Rein that temper in, Wang Yibo. Your priority is figuring out where your mate is. Killing your pack member won't achieve anything." Haikuan approached Yibo then and pulled him away from Hedi who by then was bleeding through his nose, his mouth, had a swollen eye and bruises on his face. "Tell us what you know, Hedi." The elder brother was calm and gentle as he spoke and Hedi spat a mouthful of blood out before speaking. "I...I saw him go upstairs. I came down and asked A-Qi...A-Qing to treat his wounds. S-She went up and told me that Zhan was gone. I ran up to check but there was no one except for the bitter scent of a vampire. I am so sorry." "How the fuck did he manage to breach our territory?", roared Xuan but only met with either blank or guilty expressions of his pack members. "Let's all be rational. A-Qing, I need you to tell me what you saw in the room", said Haikuan and A-Qing sniffled, her eyes downcast as she refused to look at her Alpha out of fear.

"He...Hedi told me to go up. Zhan-ge was not there. T-There was a bloody shirt on...on the bed and some bandages on his nightstand." The woman was scared out of her wits and she felt someone come up behind her and rub her shoulder. She looked up and saw Yubin standing there and maybe it was the soft emotion in his eyes and the lack of disappointment in them that made her even more miserable. She knew how much Yubin cared for Zhan. She had expected the guy to be mad at her and shout at her but the Alpha was still standing by her, supportive as always. She leaned into the comfort and soon her cries subsided. "Maybe Zhan was tending to his wounds when the vamp came." "The bandages weren't touched", spoke Yibo, worried that Zhan might be in pain. "Don't worry, Yibo. Zhan will be fine." His brother's assuring words did nothing to ease Yibo's soul and he fished out his phone to dial Xize's number. Yibo explained to him what the situation was and demanded Xize to find out Zhang Wei's location. Yibo needed to find his mate as soon as possible. God knew what that asshole Zhang Wei was doing to him.

Xiao Zhan woke up feeling cold. The biting cold chilled his bones and no matter how much he moved, he couldn't get comfortable. There was a pounding in his head and when Zhan opened his eyes, there was an old, paint chipped wall before him. His senses came about then and Zhan felt a chill again but this time in fear. Little by little the events of the day came back to him. Zhang Wei, Yibo's lashing and that little bitch Xinyan. Zhan's ears perked up trying to pick up what was happening around him and soon there were sounds of a chair scraping nearby. "It's good that you are awake. I was wondering if Zihao hit you too hard." The voice belonged to Zhang Wei and Zhan slowly sat up looking at his captor in the eye. The bastard was smiling at Zhan and there were two other people behind the vamp that Zhan didn't recognize. "Why am I here?" There was no point in going round in circles so Zhan was straight with the guy. The man smiled again at Zhan before leaning in towards him. "I really like you, Xiao Zhan. You are truly a surprise. Don't take offense but I was expecting you to beg me to let you go as soon as you woke up. Aren't you Omegas supposed to do that?" "Why am I here, Zhang Wei?", Zhan growled the words and the man leaned back laughing. "I guess it's the Alpha in you. I heard all kinds of good things about your special case. But, if you want me to get to the point. I will. You are here because I want to kill you, Xiao Zhan." The words were sharp and Zhan suppressed the urge to snarl at the vampire.

"Killing me so that you can hurt Yibo? No offense Zhang Wei, but I have to ask. Is it because you can't do anything to my Yibo that you have changed tactics?", Zhan arched an eye brow at the man. Zhan knew what he was doing was stupid. Riling up a vampire was never a good idea and riling a vamp who was out for revenge? That was a big no-no. But Zhan couldn't just wait here and behave like a good prisoner. If only Zhang Wei came closer, Zhan could attack him. He could use the vamp to get out of here. Zhan saw the man's face transform right before him. The smile was replaced by a menacing sneer and two fangs descended from the man's mouth, digging into his lips. "Your blood is calling to me, Xiao Zhan. You know, I could never develop a taste for shifter blood. The Alphas taste too bitter, the omegas too sweet and betas are just bland. My instincts tell me you are going to taste just perfect. Do you mind if I sneak a taste?" The bastard was on Zhan in an instant and Zhan's hand shot out to snag the vamp's neck. Zhang Wei took hold of that hand and pushed Zhan back to the wall, cornering him and Zhan winced when the back of his head collided with the wall. Zhang Wei tried to shift his grip and grab Zhan's head but the Omega was holding him in place, the hand on Zhang Wei's neck getting tighter and claws prickling the base of his neck. Zhan saw that the vamps behind Zhang Wei were getting closer and he only had a few chances to cause damage. He relaxed his grip on the vamp's throat and just as the man leaned closer, Zhan slammed his head into the vamp and slashed with his claws, drawing blood. The vamp grabbed Zhan's throat and slammed him into the wall again making Zhan cry out. The two men behind Zhang Wei came for him and as Zhan recovered from the pain in the back of his head, he was kicked in the legs and Zhang Wei pulled at his hair, baring Zhan's throat to himself. Zhan twisted and turned in the iron grip of the three vampires but it was impossible to free himself. A long tongue licked up his throat from the base of Zhan's neck and Zhan shuddered, revulsion making his throat clog. "It's a pity you mated Yibo, Xiao Zhan. I could've kept you as my pet but instead of that, now you will be drained dry and killed. Wang Yibo wronged me first by killing my brother. He took away what I loved the most in this world so it's only fair that I return that pain ten-fold to your Alpha. Isn't this the perfect revenge,Xiao Zhan?", Zhang Wei smiled when the Omega in his grip growled and tried to fight. Too bad he wasn't a full Alpha. Zhang Wei would've liked having more fun with the man. "A vampire bite can bring utter pleasure or excruciating pain to a person. Too bad, I am not supposed to like you so we will have to choose the latter option. But, obviously I can't give you an easy death. Let me show you what our kind can do to the people we don't like." The vamps moved away and Zhang took a deep breath as he collapsed on the floor. He moved away from Zhang Wei, plastering himself to the wall and Zhang Wei smiled before beckoning one of his men. "Zihao, bring our old friend here. Let's give our new guest an insight of what is going to happen to him."
The big, pale vamp stepped out and soon dragged in a weak, limp figure with him. Zhan's entire body froze even before he looked at the man as his nose picked up the faint scent of fresh, spring rain. The figure was thrown on the ground and the man's head was turned towards Zhan. No. No. No. Tears burned Zhan's eyes as he screamed a name he hadn't said in a while. "CHUYUE!!!!!!"

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