17. The three conditions...

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Wang Yibo walked into the Yunmeng pack's meeting room for the second time that night, satisfaction branded on ever inch of his face. Walking in, his eyes settled on the man few feets away from him, the man who would become his by the end of this night and Yibo's eyes burned golden with that thought. Zhan stared at the man before him his face void of emotions. Wang Yibo had managed to change Zhan's entire world with a snap of his fingers but Zhan didn't even know if he could blame the man before him. Wasn't it En Jie who left them all to suffer? Wasn't it his own pack mates who sentenced Zhan to a life with Wang Yibo. Wasn't it Zhan's own decision to help his pack by agreeing to be Wang Yibo's Omega? He took a deep breath to hide his true emotions from Wang Yibo because a man like Yibo preyed on people's weaknesses. He might have been forced into this but Zhan was an Alpha too and this was his decision. There was no chance in hell he was going to live his entire life full of humiliation and discontentment. He drew in a deep breath and keeping his voice calm asked Yubin to leave. "I want to talk with him alone, Yubin. Go on. I am sure Wang Yibo isn't foolish enough to hurt his future mate. Right Yibo?", his words were sarcastic but Wang Yibo smiled as if he was genuinely amused. "This means you have decided to be mine. Good boy." An arrogant smile graced those lush lips but Zhan ignored it giving a nod to Yubin. His protector left them all alone and Zhan faced the man who was his possible future. "You shouldn't be surprised. You didn't really leave me a choice", he said softly and Zhan a flash of something like anger on Yibo's face. "Your pack did this to you. I think, you should ask me to get justice for you by letting them rot in the hands of the Wens." Zhan didn't know that icy cold voice could offer warm words. His features softened and he walked to Yibo slowly.

"I don't want you to punish them. What I need from you is to agree to my terms." The Alpha casually took a seat and Zhan followed suit. "If you don't agree to my conditions, the Yunmeng pack will be ready when you dissolve the alliance and we won't bother you." His tone was devoid of the distress that was settled deep in him and Yibo gestured at him to state his conditions. "One, Yubin will come with me. He is my protector. I-" "You don't need someone else to protect you when you have me," Yibo cut in and Zhan threw him an amused look. "If you think I will walk into strange lands without any means to protect myself, you are sorely mistaken,Yibo. I might be desperate but I am not an idiot. So, will you agree?", Zhan eyed the man before him questioningly and sighed in relief when he heard a grunted "Em". "My second condition is that our mating will solidify this alliance and it will be active from today. Permanently. You won't go back on your words and I won't have you keeping this alliance over my head like a hanging sword, trying to keep me in line." Wang Yibo clenched his jaw at his words but Zhan met his eyes head on, making it clear that this was serious. "This hardly seems like a fair deal. How do I know you won't take advantage of this?",Wang Yibo spoke again and Zhan sighed. "I am already giving you everything I have. The right to mark me, the right to call me yours, I am promising that I will stand by you. You are the one who is getting everything, Yibo." What followed was deafening silence and just as Zhan thought that Yibo wouldn't agree, he heard a deep "Yes." Zhan was not expecting a yes so soon. He thought it would take a while for a man as controlling as Yibo to concede but he did. Zhan wiped his damp hands on his thighs and cleared his throat, rather loudly. "The third one-","Before you say your third condition, I have a condition of my own." Zhan just nodded at Yibo, thinking it couldn't get any worse. "You will not refuse my touch. I will have you in every sense of the word and you won't mask your scent around me." Zhan stiffened when Zhan felt Yibo's fingers trailing behind his ear. "Agree to this and I will say yes to your third condition." Zhan stared at the handsome face and when Wang Yibo's fingers brushed his ear he leaned into the sensual touch involuntarily. "You don't even know what I am going to ask for", he whispered and Yibo gave him a smile. "Tell me."
"This arrangement between us.... I want it to last only a year". As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the hand on his neck dropped and Zhan heard the deep, angry growl that left Yibo. On reflex, he went into attacking mode releasing a growl of his own and found himself flat on his back with Yibo hovering over him. Teeth bared, eyes flashing wolf , the anger radiating off Yibo would have scared a lesser man but not Xiao Zhan. He fought against the iron grip refusing to submit. His efforts made Yibo angrier and the air around them thickened with dominant vibes.

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