25. Wu Xize??

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Something was wrong with Wang Yibo. Zhan could feel it in his bones. Yibo was avoiding him. They had been fine in the Yunmeng territory but ever since they got back to the Lan pack, Yibo had become distant. Xiao Zhan didn't want to overthink and for a second had even considered letting Yibo have his space but he couldn't do it. Yibo had been nothing but supportive to Zhan today. If Zhan was honest, he could go as far as to say that Yibo had been holding him together. The fear of not knowing what happened to his family and the sheer terror he felt when he saw the injured pack members, his Uncle and Cheng...he would have collapsed on his knees if Yibo had not given him strength. Now that Yibo was facing his biggest enemy, Zhan couldn't leave Yibo alone. He walked to Yibo's office and with a single knock, entered the room. His eyes fell on the figure behind the desk and he silently closed the door behind him, walking straight towards the man. The cold empty eyes staring back at him weakened his resolve for a moment but Zhan didn't give in. "What's wrong?", he asked but got no answer. "I asked you something",he tried again but the ice block refused to say a word. As his brows furrowed, Zhan went across the desk to stand beside Yibo and turned the chair to face him. Leaning in, he met Yibo's eyes, their faces inches away and asked again, only this time his voice was soft.

"What's wrong, Yibo?" A look of concern fell on his face at the lack of a response and the dark eyes before him flickered with an emotion Zhan couldn't recognize. With a soft tug, Yibo pulled him onto his lap and buried his face in Zhan's neck. Knowing Yibo liked his scent Zhan unmasked his scent and smiled when he heard Yibo breathe him in. The arms around his waist were bands of steel and Zhan raised his hand to Yibo's hair combing through the silky mass. Zhan could have never thought that a gesture like this would make him all fuzzy inside. He held onto Wang Yibo rubbing his shoulders and caressing his head while Yibo let the smell of his Omega calm the storm in his head. They could have been sitting there for minutes or maybe hours when Yibo spoke gruffly, "He will come for you next, Zhan." Zhan didn't need Yibo to elaborate anymore. He hummed in response and dropped a kiss on top of Yibo's head. He was touched that his well being mattered to Wang Yibo. Even though he knew that this was temporary, he let himself feel for Wang Yibo. Zhan was slowly getting comfortable around Yibo and had even started to like being in the man's company. The realisation came onto him like a ton of bricks and a shiver ran through his body when Yibo kissed his neck. Tears pricked his eyes and he hid his face in Yibo's hair willing himself to get his shit together. "If he comes for me, we will kick his ass together." His voice had become hoarse and Yibo mistook the heavy emotions in his voice for worry and anger. "He made your family suffer and I promise that he will pay for it." Zhan nodded his head and because he couldn't stop himself, he cupped Yibo's face and pulled him in for a deep kiss. He stroked into that hot mouth eagerly and Yibo deepened the kiss with a hand at the back of his head. Zhan sucked on Yibo's tongue and the loud moan that left Yibo had Zhan's length hardening in his jeans. Zhan grinded on Yibo's erection and both groaned at the sensation. Yibo was just about to unbuckle his jeans when the doors opened behind them. As Zhan pulled back, Yibo chased his mouth with a growl, unhappy with the interruption. A throat was cleared loudly and Zhan turned to find Wang Zi Teng, Wang Haikuan and Wang Qiren standing in the room, their eyes landing everywhere but at Yibo and Zhan.Well aware of how awkward the scene was, Zhan righted his clothes and got up from Yibo's lap with a bright smile. "I believe we haven't been formally introduced. Hello, I am Xiao Zhan."

Wang Yibo would have laughed at his family's reaction to Zhan's greeting if not for the irritation he felt because he had been interrupted. The three Wangs were staring at Zhan with the best 'gentle' look they could muster and while his brother succeeded, his father and uncle were failing miserably. It wasn't their fault though. The Wangs weren't exactly known for being gentle and friendly. Atleast they were making an effort for Zhan. "Yibo told me you guys were out on a business trip. I hope everything went well. Please have a seat." Zhan was all smiles and Yibo did laugh this time. His firecracker was amazing. Yibo had seen Jiyang act all flustered with the Wangs as he had been convinced that he was an outsider and wouldn't be welcomed. And here was Xiao Zhan. Acting as if he owned the damn place as he invited the Wangs to take a seat in their own house. It was an Alpha thing. Marking your territory and  Zhan had done it to make his position clear. He was the Alpha's mate and he belonged here. Yibo's pants were unbearably tight because of the act and all he wanted was to throw Zhan on his desk and ravish him. Yibo's father shot him a glance and Yibo recognized the amused look on his father's face. Perching himself upon the desk facing Yibo, Zhan made small talk with his brother but Zhan's eyes didn't miss the heat in Yibo's gaze. He winked at Yibo and gave him a mischievous smile that had Yibo shifting in his chair to adjust himself. "Yibo, we heard about the attack on Yunmeng. They have targeted Zhan's family and by extension...us. They need to be taught a lesson." The soft look on his brother's face was replaced by pure need for violence and Yibo nodded while caressing Zhan's thigh.
"I need answers first. There has to be something tying the Wens and Zhang Wei together. I have told Xuan to reach out to Wu Xize. He might have the answers we need." At his words, Zhan's brows raised and he repeated the name."Wu Xize? The pureblood vamp?", his questioning eyes were focused on Yibo and Yibo hummed. "Hm. Xize and the Wangs...we have a truce of sorts. We keep our sides in line so that everything remains peaceful among our kinds. Zhang Wei couldn't have planned this alone. If someone reached out to him, Xize will know the name."   Zhan nodded at his words and then leaned closer to him. "Why do I feel like your Uncle is looking at me strangely? Are my lips swollen?", Wang Qiren coughed hard at the loud words while Zhan gave him a weird look. Haikuan and Zi Teng laughed hard and Yibo could only smile fondly. Zhan's phone rang all of a sudden and seeing that it was his uncle Zhan excused himself to take the call winking in Wang Qiren's direction. "He is....different" was all Wang Qiren said and the Wangs laughed again. Life could never get boring around Xiao Zhan.

"Yes, uncle. I will keep it in mind. Yeah...Yubin also knows. He said he wants to be involved but I know him. He won't stop you." Zhan assured and talked with his uncle some more before hanging up the phone. He washed an apple and was happily munching on it when he heard the familiar click of heels behind him. Rolling his eyes he turned to Xinyan who as expected, was standing with a smug smile on her face. "The Wangs threw you out? That's sad." Zhan ignored her but she came to stand before him. "Ignoring me won't make Yibo care for you, Xiao Zhan." "Well it will definitely make me love humans more. So fuck off." Zhan hissed too annoyed at her drama. He had tried to be nice to her. The woman just didn't deserve kindness. What she deserved was to get her ass whooped.  Zhan walked away and growled out loud when the woman grabbed his hand to pull him back. "Xinyan...I have been nothing but patient with you because you are a member of the Lan pack. One more insult and I promise you...nothing and no one will find out what happened to you. You don't want to get on my bad side." Zhan's menacing threat had Xinyan backing away and the sight satisfied Zhan. "Good choice. Now be a good girl and steer clear of me." Zhan was leaving when he heard her voice from behind and stopped in his tracks. "He..He isn't capable of love, Zhan. He didn't love my sister and he won't love you. He doesn't know how to love or care for anyone. She died in his arms and he couldn't even shed a tear at her funeral. That's how cold and unfeeling he is." Zhan watched Xinyan and the words were out of his mouth before he could think over them. "He is a good man, Xinyan. He might be incapable of returning  those feelings but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what love is. You can't stop me from caring for Yibo." His words had Xinyan glaring at him with pure hate in her eyes but Zhan was unfazed saying what had been in his mind all this time. "Xinyue had Yibo and got the love of your parents that you wanted. I am not blind, Xinyan. I know what you are playing at but you should know, having Yibo won't settle your scores with your sister. I won't disappear just because you hate me. This stupidity will only kill you from inside because we both know, you will never get Yibo because he belongs to me."

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