29. Let's make a deal, Chuyue...

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Three men stood outside a shabby apartment door, their appearance and the air around them indicating that they didn't belong here. The flickering lights in the hallway did nothing to hide the menacing looks on their faces and the people who saw them, averted their eyes pretending they didn't exist. The man in the middle nodded at his men and one of them took a step forward, his knuckles rising to knock on the door. The loud thuds echoed in the hallway and Chuyue opened the door just a few inches to see who it was and as soon as his eyes fell on the men, he tried to slam the door shut in their faces. Wang Yibo kicked the door open before the man could shut them all out and the impact sent Chuyue crashing to the floor. Wang Rong went in first and went about to see if there was someone else inside while Haoxuan tried to take hold of a wide-eyed, running Peng Chuyue. Wang Yibo clicked his tongue at the coward and walked further into the place while the two men wrestled. Chuyue's fist collided with Xuan's cheek and Xuan retaliated with a sucker punch. A minute later, Chuyue was forced to his knees, his mouth and nose bleeding and Haoxuan was staring down at him with so much anger, Yibo had to calm him down. "Xuan, Not yet." "But he messed up my hair", snarled Haoxuan and Yibo would have smiled if it wasn't Chuyue in front of him. The guy made Yibo's blood buzz with hatred and Yibo could feel his hands twitching just with the idea of smashing the fucker's face.

"What do you want?", barked the man and Yibo raised his brows at him. "You think you can demand answers from me, Chuyue?" He growled and a flash of fear was visible in Chuyue's eyes which he tried to hide with anger. Yibo wanted to see it again. Wanted this man quaking in his shoes and he would by the time he was done with him. "I will let you act spoiled just this once and answer your question. A little bird told me Zhang Wei has made a deal with you. Is it true, Chuyue?" Chuyue's eyes widened to a degree where Yibo felt they might pop out of the sockets but the man didn't say anything. He kept taking uneasy glances at Yibo and Yibo knew the man was thinking about a way out.  "I don't know what you are talking about", was what the man settled on and Yibo let out a sigh of disappointment. "I actually thought you would face your actions head-on, Chuyue. Guess you are going to bury your head in the sand. I wonder what my Zhan saw in you. You are nothing but a coward." The clenching fists didn't escape Yibo's eyes and Yibo could see Chuyue's breathing get heavy. Xiao Zhan really was a hot button for the weasel. "Come on, Chuyue. I know everything already so let's stop wasting time. If you are feeling shy, I will help you a little. Let me refresh your memory and feel free to correct me if I am wrong."

Yibo stood up and walked around the house, looking over the place as he spoke, "You saw me with Zhan, got curious, dug info on me and found out about my engagement with En Jie. If I am not wrong you followed her around and found He Peng with her. The day of our ceremony she ran away and you must have thought that the Wens would attack the Yunmeng pack because there was no chance Zhan's uncle could arrange another Omega for me in an hour. You wanted to take Zhan away. What derailed your plan was the fact that Zhan was chosen to be my Omega. He went to Lan territory with me and that made you enraged but you weren't deterred. You dug deeper into my life and found out about my conflict with Zhang Wei and decided you would kill me and then get what you want. Brave, aren't we?" "The correct word is dumb",muttered Haoxuan and Yibo's lips twitched before he went on. "But, you couldn't do this alone. So, you reached out to He Peng. Everyone would get what they wanted if things worked your way. I would be killed, the Jiang Pack would go to the Wens and my Zhan would be left vulnerable. You could just snag him away and live somewhere happily ever after. Did I leave anything out?" Yibo turned towards the man his eyes cold like the glaciers and Chuyue flinched under his arctic gaze. "You have outdone yourself.  A simple and effective plan. But tell me Chuyue, did you really think Zhan would follow you after everything was over? Follow the man who was responsible for the deadly attack on his brother, who drugged him and was ready to take advantage of him when he was the most defenseless?" "Shut up!!!",Chuyue roared and Yibo ignored his outburst continuing his exploration and his words. "I talked to Zhuocheng, you know. He told me he had received a call that day from near the mall saying that Zi Yi was in danger. He didn't find Zi Yi but got into a fight with He Peng's men instead. Nobody even questioned what you were doing there, right? Sneaky. You became Zhuocheng's saviour and Zhan respected you even more. How could you let that chance go?" Every word of his had Chuyue stiffening and Yibo smiled inwardly.

Yibo and Yubin had talked regarding Chuyue and Zhan's relationship two days ago and Yibo had found a whole lot of new things. Things like Chuyue had always been too focused on Zhan and that the man had never left for Shanghai either. He had stayed in Beijing and stalked Zhan. When he was confronted by Yubin, Chuyue had threatened him that he would make Zhan hate him. That's why he had uttered all that crap about Yubin wanting Zhan. He didn't hate Yubin because Yubin was always around them, it was because he was worried that he would tell Zhan the truth. It was Yubin who had told Yibo that he suspected Chuyue was behind Zhuocheng's attack. Yibo had made a few calls and the theory was confirmed. Peng Chuyue was vicious.

Yibo saw the various collection of books on Chuyue's bookshelf and his eyes fell on a frame kept face down on it. Turning it over,Yibo found it was a picture of Xiao Zhan. His firecracker was lying on the bed, a soft smile on his face with his chin resting on a hand and Yibo knew what he was looking at was a younger version of Zhan. There were only a few differences in the Zhan he saw in the picture and the Zhan he knew. The almond eyes were innocent in the picture but Yibo had seen them spark with lust and brighten in happiness. The skin was milky white and Yibo knew the pink shade it turned when Yibo sucked on it. The hair fell on the forehead and Yibo knew how how silky those strands felt when he fisted them and burrowed deeper into Xiao Zhan. Yibo clutched the frame into his hands hating that the weasel had known Zhan before him. He hated that he hadn't even known about this ray of sunshine and Chuyue had basked in its warmth. Yibo turned to Chuyue and this time, his dark eyes screamed how much he detested Peng Chuyue.

"You don't deserve to have this with you. You never deserved him." Yibo clenched his jaw and Chuyue wiped the blood from his nose hissing, "And you do?" His question had a dark smile gracing Yibo's lips and he walked to Chuyue and stood before him. "I know I don't but I still won't let him go. My firecracker doesn't want me to." The insanity that Chuyue saw on Yibo's face was like a mirror to him and for the first time he was scared of it. "You know, Chuyue there is a reason why I didn't let Zhan come with me. A part of me wanted Zhan to punch the living daylights out of you when I told him the truth. Another part of me knew that if I brought Zhan here, along with you, my feelings would also come to light. And the fact that you would have seen him, I hate that thought the most. You planned so well. I sort of understand why you did it though. We are so different and yet the same, Chuyue. If I was in your place I would have done the same and more but the only difference is that I wouldn't have hurt Xiao Zhan." Yibo sat back on the sofa again and kept the picture frame beside him carefully, his eyes never leaving Chuyue. "You really like making deals, right? Let's do this your way, then. You tell me what Zhang Wei is playing at and I will tell you how Zhan tastes. You tell me how he plans to kill me and I will tell you how tight he feels around my cock. I promise, I will tell you everything if you give me the details." Yibo smirked when he saw Chuyue's claws come out and when the bastard lunged at him,Yibo was faster than light in turning away and grasping the back of Chuyue's neck, his sharp claws breaking skin. Yibo slammed Chuyue's face onto the table and smiled when he heard the man groan. The Alpha in his grasp struggled hard against his grip but Yibo was far too strong than Chuyue had imagined. Yibo threw him onto the ground, wiping Chuyue's blood from his claws. "Xuan, tie him up. I think we are going to stay here the night." The dark, chilling smile on his face had Haoxuan stiffening. Haoxuan knew Yibo was about to lose control. An Alpha lost reason when his mate was threatened and here was a man who had hurt Xiao Zhan in the past and wanted to take him away from Yibo now. Yibo was not going to kill him easily. He was going to make the man suffer.

Chuyue was still heaving on the floor but apparently, the man had found his courage and he challenged Yibo. "Zhang Wei will kill you, Wang Yibo. You don't stand a chance against us." Yibo was smiling when he pulled at the Alpha's hair, almost tearing them off his scalp and snagged the man's neck with his other hand, happy when Chuyue winced. "You will never be a match for me, Chuyue. I can snap this little neck like a fucking twig but I won't...not yet. You put my Zhan in danger the moment you took his name in Zhang Wei's presence. I will make you pay for it. But before that, I need answers from you. You think you can kill me? Do tell me what you are planning. Zhang Wei and you are going to die by my hands. You touched Wang Yibo, now prepare to get burned." With those words, Yibo pushed Chuyue, walking away and gesturing to Xuan to tie the man as the man gasped for breath, tears leaking his eyes. Xuan stepped forth to tie him and Chuyue pushed him away wrath finally taken over him. He no longer cared what the Alpha before him did to him. Spitting the blood out if his mouth, he glowered at Yibo before saying darkly. "I will kill you, Wang Yibo. Nothing and no one will stop me from having Zhan. You hear me? Zhan is mine. He is MINE!!!!!"

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