3. The First meeting....

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Xiao Zhan stared at the tall building,his head craned as he looked at the Wang Securities that Wang Yibo owned. The building had to be atleast thirty floors. Zhan huffed out loud and Yubin turned to him with a questioning look. The information Zhan had on the Wangs said that Wang Haikuan was the face of Wang Corporations and Wang Yibo had a small company that dealt in security matters. Though this clearly wasn't what Zhan would call a 'small' business by the looks of it. He wondered how much control Wang Yibo had to keep over things to take care of such a place. Zhan himself had a designing company. He was happy with his small company because he could avoid unnecessary situations but still follow his passion. Being a wolf, it wasn't easy to stay in the limelight. Their aggressive nature stood in the way. The last thing a wolf wanted was to transform in front of everyone in anger because someone had knocked their wine glass over. Yeah, they were dramatic that way! The Yunmeng pack members all had small businesses. Some had restaurants,bakeries or small cafes. Zhuocheng too, was currently in process of buying a nightclub. Doing something like this allowed them to be themselves and work on their own terms. Clearly the GusuLan pack didn't have the same policy. The Wangs owned successful businesses all over the country and had no problem being the centre of attention.

Taking a deep breath, Zhan walked into the building with Yubin behind him. The interiors of the building were classy and elegant,Wang Yibo definitely had taste. The boss clearly had money and had no issues showing it off. Zhan walked over to the reception with Yubin to enquire about their appointment. "Excuse me, Miss?", Yubin said to the receptionist. " How can I help you, sir?", came her professional response and Yubin gave her their company card.
"We have an appointment at 11 with Mr.Wang". The woman politely gestured at them to wait while she verified the details. "You do,sir. Though, Mr.Wang is still in a meeting that might run late. Do you need me to reschedule your appointment?", she asked gently but knowing that they won't get an opportunity like this again, Xiao Zhan shook his head in a no. "It's rather important we meet him today. We don't mind waiting", said Zhan politely and the woman nodded. "Ok then, I will ask someone to take you to Mr.Wang's floor. You can wait for him there." The woman was about to ask someone for help but a man with glasses came towards them. "Zhan-Zhan", exclaimed Jiyang happily and Zhan hugged him. " Jiyang", he greeted and the man immediately turned to the receptionist. "Ms. Jun, I will take Mr.Zhan to Mr.Wang's floor. Please ask someone to bring refreshments to the waiting room." With those words, the three of them walked to the elevator. "Your acting has improved over the years, Xiao Zhan", commented Jiyang with a straight face and the duo burst out laughing.

Reaching the top floor, the trio walked through the vast corridor and Xiao Zhan ran his eyes over the place, his eyes glinting with approval. The entire place was in shades of black, grey and white and the combination was classy as hell. Jiyang took them to the waiting hall where they sat down. "Thanks for the help, Jiyang", said Zhan gratefully but Jiyang waved it off. "Stop it. You made Yubin out of all the people ask me to help. How could I say no?", Jiyang said teasingly and Zhan laughed at how uncomfortable Yubin got by the words. Since the time they were teenagers, Jiyang had developed a habit of teasing Yubin. He would creep Yubin out with flirty remarks and the latter only looked around with puppy eyes hoping Zhan would help. Even though Jiyang was mated now, the hilarious banter had continued.
A man came with their drinks and Jiyang passed them off. "Zhan, here is your Americano." Zhan took the drink and Yubin took his drink from Jiyang next. "Yubin-ge, See,we even have same taste in coffee. Are you sure you don't like me? ", Jiyang raised his eyebrows suggestively and Xiao Zhan laughed out loud at the face Yubin made. The poor man looked as if he was too scared to spit the coffee out and even more terrified to swallow it down. So with a mouthful of cold coffee and wide eyes, he resembled a puffer fish and Xiao Zhan laughed with his head thrown back patting Yubin's shoulder in pity.

"Did the party start without me? ", came a deep voice from behind them and Xiao Zhan's eyes shot to the door. His eyes landed on the most handsome man he had ever seen and Zhan just stared at the man for a few moments. The jet black hair, dark brown eyes, clad in a black suit the man looked delectable. Xiao Zhan had never seen a more attractive man before and that took him off guard. Wang Yibo had been on Zhan's mind for days but now, a look at him had him all flustered. Jiyang was the first one to speak out and at his voice Zhan managed to control himself. "Sir, This is Xiao Zhan from XZ Studios. They were scheduled for a meeting, I just brought them up." Zhan had never seen Jiyang so nervous before and his brows raised at his friend's sheepish tone. His friend had a thick skin and making him embarrassed was an art that only Wang Haoxuan had mastered. Jiyang was mated to Wang Yibo's cousin, Haoxuan. 'Was it that Wang Yibo didn't like Song Jiyang? Surely they were on good terms, right? ' The question was obviously unanswered but Zhan made a mental note to grill Jiyang about it later.
"I didn't know our analyst was so hospitable", Wang Yibo said sarcastically and Jiyang was flaming red by then.

Wang Yibo left the room first and Zhan let out the breath he was holding. "Gentlemen, please follow me to Mr. Wang's office", said Wang Yibo's assistant and Zhan waved a hand at Jiyang before following the man.
Xiao Zhan chewed at his lips clearly feeling out of his element. His reaction to Wang Yibo was weird and his gut told him Wang Yibo was bad news. Xiao Zhan was a wolf through and through and the chill that crawled up his spine in Wang Yibo's presence told him to be alert. His skin prickled in awareness and Zhan was not a person who ignored his instincts. He looked over at Yubin, silently communicating his discomfort and Yubin immediately switched to his protector mode, looking out for potential threats. Yubin stayed out of the office and whispered softly," Remember what I told you yesterday. I am right here". Zhan gave him a look of understanding and entered the office.

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