8. I will never be with you...

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"Shouldn't you be thanking me?",spoke the Alpha behind him and Xiao Zhan closed his eyes for a moment to gather himself. He turned around to face the man who had kept him awake these nights, all for the wrong reasons. Zhan had no intention of dragging this accidental meeting further so with as much authenticity he could manage he said the words the Alpha had asked him for."Thank you, Mr.Wang." He was surprised to see the frown on Yibo's face. Didn't the man just ask him for a thank you? Why was he looking at Zhan as if Zhan had done something wrong? "Where is that bodyguard of yours?", questioned Yibo in his compelling voice and Zhan wanted a meteor to hit him right that second. His day just kept getting better and better. He promised himself he was going to kick Yubin's ass when he got home. He didn't want to be in Wang Yibo's presence any more than necessary because he didn't trust himself around the man. "He had a few things to buy", he answered in a monotone voice. "You can carry on with your day. You have chased Chuyue away." Zhan was adamant at cutting their meeting short but Gods had different plans for him today. "Did you find me the omega?",asked Wang Yibo and Zhan snorted a humourless laugh. " No,we haven't. It shouldn't be surprising though, you've laid bizarre conditions that only someone desperate will be ready to follow." The sassy comment was meant to be offensive but it amused Wang Yibo instead. "And, are you?" "What?", enquired Zhan at Yibo's strange question. "Desperate",spoke Yibo in a teasing tone and Zhan narrowed his eyes at him. "I am not desperate, Mr. Wang Yibo",he spat the words at Wang Yibo not caring if he offending the douche. "Too bad. I bet you would have been a good omega to me." The smooth words pissed Zhan off royally. The gall of this man. Zhan wanted to punch that smug grin off Yibo's face but he reined his temper in. "Sorry, Mr.Wang. I don't think I will be. I don't match your taste", he retorted succinctly and Wang Yibo stepped closer to him. "Why not?",the words were whispered so intimately, lust clouded Xiao Zhan's vision. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He hated arrogant pricks like Wang Yibo. Why his body was responding to the man was beyond him. Choosing to fight his desires and put the Alpha in his place he met Wang Yibo's gaze dead on while responding. "One, I am not an Omega", he said sternly. "Two, I will never enter that sham of a mating and condemn myself to a life with you." Zhan raised his head and put his mouth near the Alpha's ear. "And three, I don't like you Wang Yibo. So, letting you mark me and mate with me is out of question."

Zhan pulled back with a smirk, satisfied when the Alpha scowled at him. His eyes landed on Yubin who immediately got tensed on seeing Wang Yibo. "Mr.Wang? Is everything ok, Zhan?", asked Yubin and Zhan shook his head at the question. "Nothing much. Me and Mr. Wang were just talking. Now that I have told him my thoughts,there isn't much to discuss. Have a good day Mr.Wang." Zhan got into the car and Yubin followed. Wang Yibo stared at the black car as it left the parking lot a faint smile gracing his lips. "Yibo?",came a sweet voice from behind him and Yibo turned to look at his date, his smile vanishing and an impassive look coming on his face. Yibo had seen the woman two weeks ago at an event and approached her but now,Yibo couldn't understand what was it that he had found desirable in her. The woman didn't have dark hair,she wasn't fiesty and there was no mole beneath her painted lips. Since the day Wang Yibo had seen the dark haired boy he hadn't been able to get him out of his head. That day at his office that carefree laugh had forced him to step into the waiting hall. Seeing Xiao Zhan laughing with his head thrown back, his throat exposed and vulnerable, something had ignited within Wang Yibo. The man was clearly affected by him too,there was no way Wang Yibo was the only one feeling this way. Wang Yibo found the boy interesting. He wanted to know what was it that made the boy so intriguing and more than anything he wanted to know why he was masking his scent. There weren't many wolves that did that unless they were hiding from something or hiding something. He wondered what was the reason that little firecracker hid his scent. He got into his car pulling out his phone to call Jili. "Find me everything you can on Xiao Zhan." With that one sentence he hung up the phone, knowing that by the end of day all of Xiao Zhan's secrets would be in his hands. The woman he came with sat in car and sensing that Yibo wasn't going to indulge her, she was quiet the entire ride while Yibo thought over Xiao Zhan's words his eyes blazing with hunger when he thought of that mole beneath those plush lips.

Zhan's head was buried in his palms,a helpless posture he was found in more than often these days. What a day it had been. Zhan wanted to cry out in frustration. Chuyue,Wang Yibo and the little shelter he had investigated, each incident had been more disappointing than the other. Zhan had tried his best to convince a rejected omega today. She was a smart, good looking woman and Zhan had tried his best to point out how beneficial the deal could be but the woman had given him an earful instead of agreeing. "Aren't you an Omega yourself? If this deal is so good,maybe you should do it. Afterall, isn't this the best offer a latent wolf can get?" The venom in that woman's words had riled him up but Zhan didn't say anything. Yubin had been too angry and would have ripped her throat out if Zhan hadn't intervened. Three days had passed and they had no solution. He had found a few people who were ready to give this a shot but Wang Yibo's name struck such fear in them, they backed off immediately. Zhan was not a man who gave up easily but the circumstances this time weren't looking so bright. He heard the knock on his door and Yubin entered a few moments later holding a glass of fresh orange juice. Zhan smiled at the face Yubin made as if expecting Zhan to
scold him but Zhan didn't. Why would he? The woman had been downright rude to him and the way she had scampered away from a growling Yubin had made Zhan a little satisfied. "Zhan?",came Yubin's voice and Zhan heard the single word filled with concern for him. "It's fine,Yubin. She didn't say anything I haven't heard before." He gave Yubin a small smile but Zhan didn't hide his disappointment. This wasn't the first time Zhan had heard cruel words aimed at him and it wouldn't be the last. Aunt Luo, Zhuocheng's mother had made sure Zhan had a consistent supply of criticism growing up. The thing was, hearing those words almost everyday didn't make him hurt any less , he just got better with time hiding that the words bothered him. Like everyone, Zhan had wanted to be normal too at one time. It would have been easier to fit in. Then, he wouldn't have been called out for trying to be too Alpha-like or pretending that he was not different. During the years, he had tried to embrace himself as he was and for the most part, had succeeded. It was seldom that he heard something that threatened his sanity but today he needed to regroup himself. Today had been one of those days. He walked away from Yubin and went to shower the day away. When he came back, he was alone like he wanted and he slid under the covers a stray tear escaping his eyes as he closed them.

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