Chapter 40

656 16 23

Third Person

System Booting up —

Awaiting directives —

Audio —> Online

It was oddly quiet... Too quiet...

Visual —> Error - visual needs rebooting -

Standby for reboot —

Audio —> Online

Visual —> Online

Eyes scanned the general vicinity. The whole place was in a rather bleak situation.

Body —> Waiting—

His body felt stiff like never before. It was uncanny how unfeeling yet feeling he could be.

Body —> Online

Power core —> Functional

He slowly stood up, dust and other little minerals littering his body. Brushing his body off to survey the land. The place was an absolute mess. This... This was nuts. How could this have happened?

Playback memories —

It was all a blur... An all out war, fighting with the Freedom Fighters then... An explosion of energy like no other. So much energy that it was too much to handle and he shut down from the immense energy that overloaded his systems.

Tracker —> Online

He traced the energy back to Sonic.

Tracking — Tracking — Sonic found

Error! Error! Strange energy readings from blue hedgehog!




Thrusters —> Online

Activating his thrusters, he took off after the blue hedgehog.


Ever since that day, Super had been uncomfortably quiet. Whatever Sonic did to him, it made Super wary of his actions for quite a while. One thing that anyone could tell was that on the day those two were alone, Super had done some questionable screaming. Sonic requested that no one may see what had transpired and as far as that had gone, no one even mentioned or hinted at the topic. It was that serious because Sonic used Super's old name and said golden hedgehog was skittish. It was that bad. But... That was about to become the least of anyone's worries once the problems soon began…

When the brothers were starting to get settled into the new way of life, a human immigrated to Mobius. Said human declared he was from a polar opposite planet called Earth and that he was going to save their planet. As royalty, King Maximilian, Sally and Elias all had to welcome him with open arms no matter what, they didn't want to show discrimination after their newest hedgehog brother group was accepted. That wouldn't be tolerated. So, what was the most natural thing to have been done? For all Mobius's citizens to welcome the human happily... Except for one little blue hedgehog.

Whenever the human was around Sonic would always give him the stink eye to warn the human of any suspicious activity. It got so bad that Sonic had to be confined to his room so that he wouldn't start some sort of war between the human and Mobius. The Mobians on the other hand were curious of all the new technology the human was giving them. It started with the little things like improving electronic devices and soon moved to bigger projects like giving Nicole more freewill of a holographic form and bigger computer then just being confined to her handheld. Though she personally liked her handheld if she had to move anywhere but she was grateful for having much more freedom. But... Good things always come to an end…

1 Body, 1 Soul, 1 Life, 8 MindsWhere stories live. Discover now