Chapter 14

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Third Person

The gang was forced to walk in between the hedgehogs they have already battled while only one hummed while flying around. Hyper. Hyper had gone from just saying he was bored to flying around as if his head was cut off. The other hedgehogs had said nothing about it but the gang had gotten suspicious of the weird behavior.

"La-da de dum, la-da de de~ oh how happy is me~" he said in a sing-song voice then looked at Shadow. "Come on Shadow~ sing with me~"

"I would rather not." Shadow said causing Hyper to pout then look at Werehog

"Wereeehogggg, he's not singing with meeee." he whined and Werehog sighed.

"You can't always make him sing with you Hyper." he said a little annoyed that the young-minded hedgehog would ask him to make the ebony one sing.

"Humph!" he turned away while sticking his nose into the air. "Not fair."

"Yeah, well the only thing not fair would be that you are acting more annoying than usual." Darkspine muttered under his breath but that made a white ear twitch.

"What was that Spiny?" Hyper looked at him with an innocent look but the others knew that Hyper was anything but innocent.

"Nothing!" he blurted out but caused the white hedgehog to glare at him. Hyper pointed two fingers to his eyes then one at Darkspine. The happy hedgehog turned back around and started singing again.

"Cutting it close there Darkspine." the armored hedgehog whispered to the violet hedgehog

"I know." he replied.

"Ooo~ waaatttterrrr." everyone looked towards Hyper as he was looking down at the liquid. He turned towards them with glee in his eyes. "Let's push them in!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down Hyper. We can't push them without Sonic or Super saying so." Exe said and that made the hedgehog in question float down to the ground with a frown.

"Technically, Sonic, Super and Dark aren't here so that means all leadership and choices that will be made goes to me and I say we push them in." Hyper glared at Exe then looked at the gang while pointing at each one. "Now... let's see... eny, meny, miny, Shadow!" the white hedgehog pointed at Shadow who blinked in confusion.

"What?" he said and Hyper giggled.

"Yeah, I said you Shadow, now come on and get wet." he grabbed the ebony's arm and dragged him closer to the water's edge. "And besides, this is what you get for not signing with me." he smiled at Shadow and he mouthed help to the others. Silver had cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"Uhh, Hyper, maybe this isn't a good idea-"

"And what would you know?" Hyper interrupted him while raising a brow and placing his hands on his hips.


"Super had said and I quote 'they are going to face hell one way or another.' And in the words of Super, what better way than to face hell then shove it directly in your face." he smirked then looked at Shadow "And I would start it with you!" he shoved Shadow right over the edge.

"Shadow!" the gang all shouted in unison but Silver was the only one to run up towards the edge and use his psychokinesis to lift Shadow back onto solid ground. All the while, Hyper watched him with wide eyes then hummed with an evil smile.

"That was a close one." Silver said a little out a breath

"Tell me about it." Shadow grumbled but everyone looked at Hyper as he tapped his foot in annoyance.

"Weellll, that was fascinating to watch but I'm bored now so why don't you take a dip?" he nodded towards the water below them but a voice stopped them.

"Trying to take control again, Hyper?" everyone looked towards Dark as he had an expressionless face and Fleetway chuckled.

"Of course he would always do it without you watching." he smirked at the white hedgehog who gave a wry smile.

"Dark! What a surprise! I wouldn't have expected you back any time soon..." he trailed off as Dark came up to him and glared at him.

"And you better stop that or else." he growled out the last part which made the other shiver.


"Not to burst anyone's bubble, but why exactly did Sonic tell you to take us here?" Blaze had spoken up after sometime. Dark had looked at the water and a smile played on his muzzle.

"You said you wanted answers hmm?" he looked towards the cat with his smile growing into a twisted one. "Then we'll give you the chance to get them... that is if you can survive." his hand twitched a bit and Fleetway had knocked them all over the edge with a simple punch. 6 splashes followed and the white hedgehog huffed.

"That was my idea Dark." he grumbled and said hedgehog looked at both him and Exe.

"Do you two still have your breathing ability?"

"What do you think you big emo?" Hyper yelled at him then stomped over to the edge while mumbling about his stolen idea. He then looked confused at the pupil-less hedgehog. "But why would you-"

"Turn the water red." he simply stated and the orb eyed hedgehog smirked.

"Heh, this will be fun." he dived straight into the water and Hyper looked down then glared at Dark.

"I'm going to tell Sonic that you stole my idea." Dark laughed then smirked

"And do what?" Hyper growled then turned away while sticking his nose into the air.

"Humph!" he dove into the water and Dark shook his head.

"Whatever Hyper." Dark's stopped then looked over at a rock and glared at it. The others looked to where the navy hedgehog was looking and then back at him confused.

"Dark, why are you looking at a rock?" Excalibur asked. Werehog decided to get closer towards it but stopped and growled.

"Come out here you little fox." he said and Fleetway floated over and looked down at Tails as he gave a wry smile back up to the golden hedgehog.

"Hehe... hi..." Fleetway grabbed the fox by his scruff and held him in front of Dark.

"What should I do with him?" Fleetway asked and Dark hummed then looked at the water and back at Tails.

"Make him watch as we kill his friends."

"What!?" Tails yelled out as Werehog had held him in place and he was forced to watch the water.

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