Chapter 9

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Amy's p.o.v.

I just sat back and watched as the forms were still talking quietly, Shadow was sitting by himself like usual and everyone else was either sitting around doing nothing or sleeping. I was ecstatic at seeing eight other Sonnikus here but they are nothing like my Sonniku. My Sonniku is kind and caring while these other copies aren't like that at all. I leaned back so I was looking at the ceiling or is it sky?

Anyway I looked up and let my thoughts drift. I wanted to know what Sonniku's past was just like everyone else since we got together to discuss what our lives were like before we met but nobody actually knew what his past was. Sonniku had told Tails and Knuckles how his parents had died while he told me how he ran away from home when he encountered Eggman's robot and chose to be a hero. He had also said that he was abused as a child, he was royalty but never fit in to the royal life or that he never had a real family. The stories were all different. Of course we would get curious and try to confront him on various occasions to get him to spill what his past was but he would never say.

Sometimes I would see him mutter things under his breath or talk to himself like he was having a real conversation and thought nothing of it. I do that a lot myself when I'm doing something to remember what I have to do but this was beyond strange. Seeing how there is 8 hedgehog's actually living inside Sonniku's mind is something that might be classified as insane or crazy or something along those lines.

"Hey everyone! Sorry that I walked off like that." I turned to the voice to see the golden hedgehog looking all happy but his eyes said otherwise. "We are going to the void next!"

"Super, shouldn't we let them rest up a bit more?" the white hedgehog asked and the golden one snorted a laugh.

"No Hypes. They already got enough time to rest as is. And may I mind you about what they did?"


"This is there problem not ours. Lets go!" he turned to walk off and the other forms looked at each other before following their leader. We all looked at each other and soon followed them.

"Do you guys think that something is going on here?" Knuckles asked us and we all nodded. Something definitely was amise and I could almost feel it.

Hyper's p.o.v.

This was bad. Really bad. If Super goes so far as to make a fake smile and sound all giddy... what exactly happened while he was away!? This has only happened once before with her and how much he despised her so he made a plan to get rid of her but that ended badly. And I mean so badly that Sonic had to do something when we weren't looking and whenever he would smile at Super, he would shrink back and try to run away. That went on for a couple of years and soon the two made it up but I think that this might be classified as a terrible habit.

"Super?" I asked and hummed "Are you feeling alright?"

"Haha. What type of question is that Hypes? Of course I'm alright." he smirked at me but I could see the same thing when he made his plan years ago. "Why do you ask?"

"O-Oh nothing..." I moved my gaze to the ground and kept taking glances at him. Whatever he did must have set something off if he is acting all giddy now.

"Hyper." I turned to Darkspine when he said my name and followed where he was pointing to see that Sonic was talking to Exe. Why would those two be talking with each other? Exe looked in our direction which lead Sonic to glare at his friends and race away.

"Shadow the hedgehog. I challenge you to a race!" Exe declared while pointing at the red and black hedgehog who rose a brow.

"Is that even legal?" he asked Super who chuckled in response but didn't say anything else. He walked beside Exe and folded his arms against his chest.

"Of course its legal now get your lazy butt over here and do the race."

"Are you going to say the tip or whatever?" Super hummed

"No." he nodded towards the void and Exe waved his hand, causing lights to go off like a race track.

"This is just an ordinary race Shadow. Or are you to chicken to race against me and lose?" Exe smirked while mocking him making Shadow growl.

"Your going to lose." the two stood just outside the void waiting for the race to start. Once they took off, I went to stand beside Super to see if I could pry anymore information off him.

"Super, was that a good idea? We all know how big of a cheater Exe is and-" he laughed and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Hyper, Hyper, Hyper, when will you learn that somethings are better left alone?"


"No buts." he glared at me and I could feel the sweat on my forehead. "Like I already said, this is their problem, not ours. Its their fault they have to challenge us and giving them the easy way out is no longer an option." I cringed at how hard his grip turned. "Look at it this way." he turned me so that we were facing each other and he had both hands on my shoulders. "The sooner we show them how badly they have messed up, the better it would be for everyone. The plan has shifted now and there is no going back." he gave an evil smirk and ruffled my head quills. "So, mind your own business Hypes." he turned me around so I was facing the void. "Besides, they are going to face hell one way or another." Just as he said that, Exe was the first one back followed by Shadow.

"Hahahaha. Looks like the ultimate life-form isn't the ultimate after all." he mocked Shadow who stomped back towards his friends. I looked at Super as I heard him chuckle. Whatever Sonic told Exe, I'm not sure that was the best for anyone.

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