Chapter 23

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Tails p.o.v.

I spun my namesakes faster then I have ever gone before. I didn't dare look back cause if I did, I was sure that my friends will kill me. I didn't know why I ran or why I'm feeling this way but... I know for a fact that if I stayed, that gun will be pointed at my head. They still don't trust me that is something I see in their eyes. Whenever they look at me or my way, I can tell they still feel off and that I might betray them again. And for that I think I might. Whenever I'm around Sonic, it feels like he has more power over me, that he can tell me to jump off a cliff and I'll do it without hesitation. Tell me to kill someone, well, that I might resist to but I still might do it. And that terrifies me. How could the hedgehog who I once called my brother do this? When everyone started to go against Amy, I had the feeling as if I should protect Sonic, that I would sacrifice my life if his was on the line. I wouldn't blame myself if I did do that. He was the one who practically saved my life so why wouldn't I want to save his?

But... what's really got me confused is why I hadn't seen this sooner. I've been living with Sonic since I was two years old but whenever I looked into his eyes, I never saw anything that would give any of this away. I always thought that him talking to himself was just something normal but to actual believe that Sonic is truly evil... well... I think that is crazy. Sonic had always taught me that you shouldn't judge others by who they are or what they do. They are just doing what they believe.

But... now that I think about it... while I was listening to one of his conversations with himself, it sounded as if he wanted to do this from the beginning. That he wanted to use me for my loyalty and kill everyone, like now. But, then why did he held himself back? Was it something with Sally? Or... or... no! That can't be true! But... maybe... I'm that foolish mortal that story was talking about. I did try to stop everyone from capturing Sonic and thought that was a terrible idea, but I was the one that wandered off to that weird lab and provoke those feelings.

He always told me that he didn't want to be called a hero and he didn't like calling Eggman a villain. He even said once that he spares Eggman's life over and over again just for the thrill of the next battle. That if he actually ended his enemy, then life would get awfully boring for the next thousand years. I thought he was just exaggerating his points cause that is what he would always do. He always does things to emphasize his way of thinking and I find it amusing to see him do it. Like this one time I asked him why he likes chili dogs so much and just to prove his point he got a whole lot of chili dogs and kept ranting for 15 hours straight for why chili dogs are the best thing ever. After he did that, he slept for three days and told me only two chili dogs a day is enough. I laughed at knowing that whenever Sonic gets his mind set on something, he does what he can in his power to do it. Even if its killing anyone that is standing in his way.

"Where am I?" I stopped for a second to take in my surroundings. It was some sort of forest but why is all does the trees look different? The trees looked older and more broad than before. I slowly walked through the strange forest and hid behind some bushes as I saw Sonic with his hand as a knife that was held to a female chipmunk's neck with his brothers standing around a bunch of other Mobian's. "What's going on?" I tried to hear what was going on but no matter how much I strained my ears, I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked around then carefully stepped out of the bushes but hid behind a tree.

"Why should I give her to you, hmm?" I looked towards where the voice was coming from and saw that it was from the Sonic holding the female chipmunk. "I think this little princess will be my prize." he gave an evil smirk and a male chipmunk with a crown on his head stepped forward.

"You will not keep her you ruffian." he spoke in a stern voice as some guards held onto their staffs. Sonic raised an eye ridge.

"Oh? Your calling me a ruffian when I'm holding your daughter hostage and my brothers are the ones that are about to kill you. Well..." he frowned and nodded towards Super who in turn stepped forward.

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