Chapter 29

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Sonic's p.o.v.

When I opened my eyes, I found that I wasn't in the house surrounded by my used-to-be friends. Instead, I was looking at a greyish/brown ceiling. I sat up and looked around the area to see that I was in a room that was huge and had nine beds -including mine- all different colours, shapes and in different conditions. Some beds had rips and tears while others had the sheets ruffled and a few looked almost unused. I looked down at myself to see that I was wearing a black tuxedo. I still had on my gloves and shoes I got from Maxmillian but I also had a bow-tie around my neck. I got up and walked to the mirror to take in my full appearance. The tux had two split tails at the backend of the shirt and the pants hung loosely at my ankles. I saw that the bow-tie was a little crooked so I righted it just as a knock sounded.

"Sonic, are you done yet?"

"Yeah." I watched from the mirror as the door opened and Dark walked in. Because his fur is close to black, he wore a completely white tux.

"Let's just get this done and over with." he said in a bored tone as I chuckled and turned to him.

"Nice tux." he scoffed and started to walk away

"The princess is waiting, so hurry up." I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"You need to learn to have some fun every once in a while Dark." I said once I caught up with him.

"I don't need to have fun and you know it Sonic." I chuckled and smirked at him.

"Right." he looked at me with a raised eye ridge as I turned away from him.

"Why do we have to do this anyway? I don't see the point for why we have to wear these stuffy clothes." a voice said and when we entered the room ahead of us, I saw all my brothers dressed up in tuxedos as well. Fleetway was pulling on the collar of his tux while looking utterly disgusted.

"Its a special day Fleetway." Excalibur said as he fixed one of his cuffs. Excalibur almost never takes off his armor, well, except now. But even with taking his armor off, he still wears his gauntlets and boots with his sword in its hilt around his waist. "And special days require dressing up." Fleetway pouted as he looked at him.

"Who made you a know-it-all?"

"Probably the same reason why Excalibur is a knight." Super spoke up as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

"I agree but Super, why exactly do you look so downhearted?" Darkspine asked and Super was about to answer but Exe giggled causing Super to look at him.

"I think its because he's jealous that the princess is taking all of Sonic's attention away from him." Super's eyes went wide as he stood straight up and visibly tensed.

"WHAT!?" he shouted causing Exe to shrug while having a deadpanned face.

"I'm just stating the facts." Super shook his head rapidly in a frantic manner.

"Nononononono! That is not true! NOT! TRUE!" he glared at Exe while pointing a finger at him. "Your telling complete and utter lies!" close to the other side of the room, Werehog was laying on the ground with Hyper on his back. While everyone had a tux on, Werehog only had a bow-tie. Hyper huffed as he looked at Super.

"And they call me a child." he muttered. Werehog looked at him from over his shoulder while giving him a raised eye ridge.

"They don't call you that. You do." Hyper glared at him while crossing his arms over his chest.

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