Chapter 32

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Third Person

It has been days since Havoc had taken over the castle and used the royal family like slaves to do his bidding. Word had traveled fast around the kingdom of the hedgehog that had overthrown the king and queen. It struck fear into many Mobians' hearts to hear of their wise king in the state that he was in so to also hear that hedgehog had some followers of his own roaming around, that just forced many to stay in their homes out of absolute terror of the hedgehog hurting them. No one had stepped away from their safe-haven not to even see how King Max was so no one outside of the castle knew what these hedgehogs even looked like. All they know is that he was a hedgehog with powerful abilities beyond anyone's imagination.

While her father and brother had more cruelty forced upon them due to them rebelling beforehand, Sally Acorn had it easy compared to them. Sure the work she was forced to do had to have her being a scullery maid at times or just being a personal bug that any of the hedgehogs would throw around - punching her, spitting at her, even going so far just to purposelessly make a mess just to force her to clean it up. They had also tried molesting her once but that got boring real quick because none of them wanted 'A pathetic waste of space around'.

Sally tensed as she felt red eyes pierce through her. She didn't know why but it seemed that as of late, any red eyes that were around whether they be swirls, dots or just plain red, they seem to always look at her for some unspoken reason. Like she would ever figure out what was going on in their demented heads.

"C-C-Can I H-Help Y-You?" she asked as she leaned back from her position on the floor so she was sitting on her legs and the wash rag clenched tightly in her fist. Her eyes drifted into those red dots she had come to hate of the blue hedgehog. Out of them all, Blue was the one that seemed to watch her more than everyone else. Did he have some weird fetish with just watching people or things in general?

"No." he blankly stated as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the door frame -still watching her.

'Don't do anything' Sally thought to herself 'No sudden movements, no big reactions, emotions are my enemy. Stay calm and mom won't get hurt.' she repeated those words to herself whenever she wanted to do something about all of this. She had learned or more like her brother had learned the hard way on their first day of work when he rebelled against the hedgehog. Havoc wasn't happy about Elias's attitude so to put it into simple terms, Elias didn't get hurt but rather their mom did. Havoc had specified that if they were to rebel then their mom would get the severe beating. Elias has then done something that Sally wasn't expecting. He had literally gone onto his knees, hands folded together and in front of his face, eyes shut tightly, head hung down and begged Havoc to stop. But do you want to know what Havoc did instead? He continued the beating. They could barely even recognize their mother after they were done. Purple bruises littered her body, blood flowed at a constant rate and her arm was dislocated. But they somehow were able to keep her living just to make sure they stayed in line.

"O-Okay." she whispered and turned back around to continue her cleaning job. When it came to pecking order, it was quickly revealed on how much authority each hedgehog actually had. First came the leader of the pack - Havoc - or most of the time called Master by his brothers. Next after him is his right-hand hedgehog Gold or as Elias called him 'the Cold-Stone' due to his serious attitude that he always had and the cold emotionless look in his eyes. Just like real rubies. After him came the big ball of anger or just simply known as Navy. Then there was White the happy looking but also demented hedgehog. Because of his childish attitude, a few inches shorter than the other hedgehogs and his knack for looking and acting innocent, Sally almost got pulled into his act just to make her stop working so they could beat her mom up again. After him came Golden -not to be confused with his look-a-like Gold. While Gold was serious, Golden was childish at times and sometimes but not always oblivious to most things. Blue was next in line but sometimes him and Golden would always switch up who was leader between the two of them. Violet, Knight and Beast all came after him. Though after White, all hedgehogs below him don't really care who is in charge as long as one of the other hedgehogs were around.

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