Chapter 22

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Third Person

Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Silver and Blaze stared in shock at seeing the world they once knew to be peaceful and full of life. Everything was practically gone.

The gang had all started to walk away from the burnt mess that used to be a house to the open fields of Green Hill. Well... more like Grey and Bloody Hill. The unevolved animals were like clothes, tattered, torn, laying on anything, gutted and much more. The grass and trees can't even be called green anymore as they had blood splattered on them and they looked dull in their black and grey colour scheme. The sky was equally depressing and the ocean in the distance had bodies floating in it, turning the water a horrid blood colour.

They had already made it through Green Hill and saw the city in the clearing. Once they made it there, they had to be careful not to get caught as some of Sonic's brothers were literally wreaking havoc on anything they touched. The ones they saw the most were Fleetway, Werehog and Darkspine. Super, Hyper, Exe, Excalibur, Dark and Sonic were nowhere to be seen.

"I still can't believe they did this." Tails whispered as they had hidden behind a broken building from watching Werehog smash one on the opposite side of the street.

"Well, believe it or not, they did all this while we were stuck in that house." Shadow said and they managed to slip past Werehog without being noticed.

"I just don't understand why Sonic would hate everyone. Did Sally's death really affect him that much?" Amy pipped up

"No, not all of it. The story had said that Sonic hated everyone even before Sally came along so I don't think that is the most important part here." Knuckles sighed then looked at Rouge, Silver and Blaze. "What do you three think?"

"Well, I'm not sure about you, but I think big blue is a greedy little bastard." Rouge crossed her arms over her chest and looked towards the psychokinetic hedgehog and pyrokinetic cat.

"How could you say that Rouge?" Silver said in disbelief "What has Sonic ever done to you?"

"Well, lets see, he's tried drowning us, burning us and he even has a fetish with killing and destroying anything he wants to." she counted all the things on her hands then looked at the white hedgehog. "You really are naive if you think that Sonic has done nothing to you."

"I'm not naive!" he yelled and Blaze shook her head.


"Hey, guys!" everyone looked towards Tails as he brought a rifle over. "Look what I found."

"Woah Tails! Watch where you're pointing that thing!" Silver yelled out and Tails looked at the weapon in his hands confused. He was pointing it at the sky.

"It won't hurt you unless its shot Silver." he said then checked to see if it had bullets and it was full.

"This might help for now." Shadow said as he inspected the gun. "But I doubt it would do some real damage to any of them."

"Then maybe we could check some houses for any other useful stuff." Knuckles said as he walked into one house with everyone behind him. Once they made it in, they started to search through if anything was there and saw an ax as well as a chainsaw. Tails had given the rifle over to Knuckles because he didn't have much experience with guns at all.

"I think I'll stay with my hammer." Amy said as she summoned her weapon but gave the other two the evil eye. She didn't trust any of those other weapons.

"I'm good with my fire." Blaze ignited fire into her palms as Silver lifted the two weapons with his powers.

"Its good to be prepared." he shrugged and looked at Tails as he held the ax.

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