Chapter 13

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Third Person

Sonic continued to drag the two tailed fox towards the city who said hedgehog has already been to. Super had followed the cobalt hedgehog without question. The entire journey has been rather quiet other then Tails's occasional whimpers whenever Sonic had squeezed his arm too hard. The trio came across Dark's hill where they saw said hedgehog sitting on the ground with his eyes closed. When he heard them approach, he opened his eyes and blinked at seeing the golden hedgehog, cobalt hedgehog and orange fox instead of the entire group.

"Sonic, Super? Where's everyone else?" he asked and Super cleared his throat before nodding towards the adopted brothers. "Oh." Dark glared at the fox who felt highly threatened under the hedgehog's blank eyes. Sonic cleared his throat which lead the others to look at him.

"Miles knows too much." he stated rather blankly in Tails opinion.

"Well, what do you know." Dark crouched to the fox's eye level. "I guess I can enjoy myself while you beg for mercy."

"Dark." Sonic said in a warning tone and the hedgehog in question looked up emerald eyes. "I'll say what you will do to make sure his mouth is sealed shut." the navy hedgehog nodded and walked beside the golden one to let the cobalt lead the way.

"Sonic-" Tails had started to say but squeaked as he was tugged by his namesakes. Light blue eyes glanced behind their owner to see both navy and golden evil smirks. Tails whimpered at seeing them and turned around to face the city they were fast approaching. Once they made it inside, Sonic nodded towards the two hedgehogs and they took one orange arm each.

"Hey, hey, Sonic! Back again?" the golden demon himself said while flying around the quartet then hovering in front of the cobalt hedgehog. "And why only one challenger?"

"He's not here to challenge you Fleet." Sonic said and Fleetway looked at him confused.

"But if he's not here to challenge me then why-" his eyes widened in realization then smirked. "Oh, okay. So you want me to torture him?"

"Not torture, break. I want him broken." To Tails, it seemed as if the swirls in the golden hedgehog's eyes glowed with twisted pleasure as he heard that. Those same eyes looked at him and now the fox felt so small and weak compared to the four hedgehogs. Orange ears pinned to his head as Fleetway approached him with a devious smirk.

"Broken, eh?" he stood before the trembling figure of the kit and chuckled. "Not a problem." Sonic nodded and started to walk away. Tails inwardly started to panic at the thought of having the psychotic hedgehog doing only Chaos knows what to him and had to think of something to at least stall whatever was about to happen. And the first thing that came to mind wasn't what he expected to say at first.

"What about Sally!?" he yelled out in a frantic tone that stopped all four hedgehogs. Fleetway and Dark looked at each other before following Super's gaze to Sonic who was standing with his back to them.

"What about her?" came a slow response just on the edge of a growl.

"What would she say if she saw you were doing this to us? I know you're better than this Sonic. You wouldn't have placed her as your password for nothing!" he continued to try and encourage the cobalt that this was wrong but he wasn't sure that was the message that came across. Especially when Emerald eyes filled with hatred, sorrow and some other emotion Tails couldn't name looked at him.

"Why would you care for her?" Sonic's voice was harsher than he had expected and the glare had malice "She's dead and there's nothing you could do about it." he approached the fox until their noses almost touched. "So why don't you shut up you pathetic mortal or I'll sew your mouth shut." he bared his teeth and Tails whimpered. Sonic smirked at the little sound and started to walk away. Tails looked at the three hedgehogs still around him and thought of something that might help.

"You loved her, didn't you?" he asked with a calm voice that made ruby, white and swirls all widen and cobalt legs to stop. Tails could see that Sonic's body was shaking but he didn't know if it was fury or otherwise. He could hear heavy breathing and Super started to walk towards him.

"Sonic, calm down-" before he could finish, gloved peach hands clenched cobalt ears while emerald eyes sealed shut.

"Shut up!" he yelled out. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!" he turned around with wide eyes "You don't know anything! Nothing!" He shook his head in a frantic matter. "I don't ever want to see your scrawny face ever again!" and before Tails or the others could react, Sonic zipped in front of the fox's face and slapped it so hard it sent him to the ground. "Shut up!" he began to walk away which turned into panicked bickering while running but one thing that Sonic kept repeating. "Kill him! Kill him! Kill HIM!"

"Sonic, wait up!" Super ran after the cobalt hedgehog in an effort to calm him down. Tails took this time to start running away in the opposite direction the two hedgehogs went to see if he could get to his friends when Fleetway stopped him.

"Oh no you don't. I'm not going to let you get away that easily." he said with a toothy grin but before he could react, the two tailed fox had used his namesakes like the weapons they were to make a cut across the golden stomach and propel him away. "Owey." Fleetway frowned while rubbing his stomach and Dark shook his head.

"You imbecile." swirls glared at white

"Emo." the two hedgehogs looked back to where Tails had gone but that was just it. He was gone. "Huh... where do you-"

"I don't know and stop asking." Fleetway huffed.

"So then smartass, what do you think we should do?" Dark glared at the golden demon for the nickname and roughly shoved him.

"We should go to the others and calm Sonic down, that's what you messed up hedgehog." he started to walk away towards the cove.

"I'm not messed up! You are!" Fleetway yelled after him and pouted. "And its fluffy." he reluctantly followed the navy hedgehog but unknown to them, Tails had hidden inside one of the buildings and was able to quietly follow them without them even noticing.

With Sonic and Super

The golden hedgehog was still trying to calm the cobalt one down but to no avail. It didn't help how Sonic was consistently attacking him whenever Super got remotely close but then speed away in a blue blur whenever he was standing for more than five seconds.

"Sonic, please! I just want to help!" the golden hedgehog cried out but got no response. He knew how mentally unstable the cobalt hedgehog was and have always been there to help him but since the orange fox had gone and do that, he was silently planning to kill him along with his friends in act of rage all on his own.

"Sonic!" Super tried again to confront the emerald eyed being but got a rough kick to the head. "Oh, Ow... note to self, pin Sonic down the first I see the symptoms come up." he rubbed his head and looked at where the blue streak was headed. He knew that each place in Sonic's mind was a copy of the real place in Mobius but he remembered that is exactly the place where she was killed. Sonic didn't want to remember it but since it was one place filled with sorrow, it got shoved into the back of his mind. Knothole.

"Sonic... your just going to hurt yourself even more." Super shook his head before flying after the hedgehog. He soon entered the not-so-hidden hidden village and immediately heard weeping. "Oh... Sonic..." he said sorrowfully when he saw said hedgehog crying in front of the wooden stake in the form of a cross. The burial for Sally Acorn. He sat beside him and took the crying hedgehog in his arms. He rocked him back and forth while rubbing his back.

"Shh... Sonic... calm down... I'm right here... calm down..." he spoke calming words into blue ears.

"W-What am I-I supposed to do S-Super?" his words were muffled by the golden coat but instead of saying anything, Super rested his head atop of the blue one.

"I don't know Master. I really don't know." It took a lot out of Super to say those words again but Sonic knew he was only trying to help. They sat there for a while until the cobalt hedgehog had fallen asleep in his creations arms. Super smiled at Sonic's peaceful face and stroked his cheek with tears welling up in his eyes. "We will avenge her, won't we?" a smile graced the blue hedgehog. He closed his eyes and leaned back with his Master in his arms. "Soon..." he was about to say something until sleep had claimed him and he had fallen asleep as well.

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