Chapter 8

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Shadow's p.o.v.

We've been walking for a while now but I couldn't help but feel as if those forms are planning something. They are always talking quietly to each other and haven't said a word since we left the volcano. I decided to try and see what they were talking about when they stopped for a quick second.

"We need to move quickly."

"But what about Sonic?"

"He can take care of himself Hyper."

"That's not what I meant."

"I think he's trying to say how Sonic wasn't really happy when he saw them."

"I agree but-" they turned to me as the white hedgehog poked the golden one and they frowned at me.

"Shadow, what do you think your doing?" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest

"Just wondering why you are all so secretive. That's all." they looked at each other then the golden hedgehog copied me

"Thats none of your business." I glared and walked right up to his face.

"It is my business, Goldie and you don't know who your talking to." I warned and he scoffed

"Oh really? You think your the ultimate life-form, hmm? Well, your not!" he bared his teeth and pointed a finger at my chest "And if you ever think about trying to get into someone else's business without consent, I will personally make sure you never see the light of day ever again." he sharpened his glare and whispered. "Do I make myself clear?" I glared at him and smirked.

"No." he growled and I found myself knocked off my feet.

"Super, calm down." the white hedgehog was hugging him and the golden hedgehog's aura was blazing around him. He took a deep breath and his aura went down to a glow.

"Thanks Hypes." he smiled down at the hedgehog hugging him and looked to me with malice flashing across his eyes. "That was only a warning." he marched off and the other forms were left to look at each other with... worry? The white one walked up to me and held a hand out which I reluctantly took and stood up.

"Thanks..." he chuckled and smiled at me

"Don't mention it to Super." he skipped back to his friends and I was left in wonder of what he said. I shrugged it off and walked over to where the others were sitting.

"What did you find out Shadow?" Rose asked

"Nothing." I walked passed them and sat down on a rock as I thought about what he and they said as well as how Goldie acted. It was strange and I now have no doubt that they -including Faker- are planning something.

Super's p.o.v.

That son of a biscuit eater! Oh how I would love to get my hands around his scrawny little neck but I can't considering of what we had planned. Its all going according to plan. The way too easy fights, the 'I'm a nice guy' attitude, I only lost my cool for a second. But boy, when it comes to my fight, hehe, I'm not going easy. I'll show that so called 'ultimate life-form' and Sonic's so called 'friends' how much they have screwed up. If they would only leave Sonic alone then maybe they wouldn't be in this position to begin with. Not to mention how Sonic is angry. And not the type of anger were one of the negative users can absorb, no, Sonic is LIVID. I haven't seen him use his powers since he decided to protect the planet but even then, like the connection with the emeralds go, we are the Chaos emeralds and Sonic is our Master. I will always stay loyal to him. Through thick and thin. If anyone and I mean ANYONE tries to harm Sonic in anyway -mental, verbal or physical- those abusers will be wishing they were dead. Dead as a doorknob or door-nail or something along those lines. I'll make them suffer. Whatever they do, I'll do it worse. I'll show them how much Sonic means to me. NOBODY SHALL HARM MY MASTER!!!!!!

I growled at nothing in particular and looked around my surroundings. Each one of us created a place of our own based from Sonic's memories but every time I visit this place, it always breaks my heart. Broken glass lay on the ground, computers and other electronics damaged beyond repair. This place was engraved into Sonic's mind. The very place that had him hating humans before he even opened his eyes. I never believed that there could ever be good in any living being except for us in anyway. We were going to erase all creatures so that there would be no more corruption. But her... she showed us that there could be good in anyone. Sonic decided not to destroy the planet but help it instead. We -since we couldn't really do anything- used Sonic's body so we can still get our supply of energy. Though I've said it once and I will say it again, no one will harm Sonic in anyway. As the saying goes: 'Treat others the way you want to be treated.' or my personal favourite 'Watch your back or else.' hehehe... My ears twitched as I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Sonic.

"What brings you here Super?" I placed my hands on my hips as he folded his across his chest.

"Just letting off some steam." he hummed and looked around "Why are you here?"

"Just wondering." I raised an eye ridge and he chuckled "If they are like her." I hummed and he stepped closer to me. "Why exactly did you get the bright idea of inviting them here?" his voice was harsh as he said them but I knew that was only the anger talking.

"Thought that you would want to beat them senseless." he smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That would be nice to do but you know my moto-"

"Help not hurt. I know, I know. But still-"

"Super." the corners of his mouth twitched "Don't test me." I sighed and he pulled me into a shoulder hug "I know." he chuckled as I looked wide-eyed at him. "Oh don't give me that. I knew what the plan was and what you were planning to do." he shook his head and his smile disappeared "I don't want them in my head and you know it so keep up the easy battles and kick them out." he started to walk away until an idea popped into my mind.

"Sonic!" he hummed as he turned around and I chuckled while giving an evil grin "What would you say if we can truly show them never to mess with you ever again?" he raised an eye ridge

"You got my attention."

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