Darling don't you Know?

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The sky is blue, right? Wrong, the sky is whatever color you wish to see it, and I wish to see it as multicolored, because my life is god damn multicolored.

So yeah, I met this really beautiful girl, but how was I supposed to know that she had a beautiful best friend?

"Ross?" Ava asked, as I came back to reality. "Yeah?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "I asked if you think you'll be nominated for another Grammy this year," Ava asked, drinking her coffee. I shrug. "I don't know, nor do I care, it's not about the nomination," I say dryly, to tired to explain my thinking. Ava squinted her eyes at me, like she didn't believe me.

She shrugs it off, and begins talking. "I ordered us some more muffins," she said trying to make small talk. I nodded my head. "I want a refill on my coffee, I need the caffeine," I yawned and Ava laughed. She has a nice laugh.

"Here ya go, some more muffins," Laura said, bringing some over to us. I was so busy in a trance I forgot she was waiting on us, otherwise I would have gotten six hundred refills on my coffee. "Thanks Laur," Ava told her and she smiled. She looks quite cute in her waitress uniform, but that's not the point Ross, not the point.

"Can I get you anything else?" Laura asked and I remembered my coffee. "Just a refill," I smiled at her and she gladly took my cup to refill it.

"Laura's a good waitress," I spoke to Ava. She smiled. "Laura always loved playing waitress when we were little kids, I'm not surprised she's doing it part time," Ava said, and I laughed a little. I don't know her well, but for some reason I could see her doing that.

"Here ya go," she said, giving me a cup of fresh coffee, with some cream on the side, just in case. "Thanks," I say before she smiles and walks away, allowing me to enjoy my time with Ava.


The sun doesn't set in my mind, it's always up, always keeping me awake.

I feel the need to text Ava, but she was going to Ross's concert, so she probably doesn't have the time of day for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that she's finally found someone to be with, but she's spending way too much time with him, and not enough time with me

"Laura, are you awake?" my sister asked, quietly. "Yeah Vanessa, in here," I replied and my little sister ( a/n: changin' it up a bit ;) ) walked into my room. "Mom and Dad told me if I don't get a good mark on my math test tomorrow they won't be very happy," she says wearily. Dammit. If it wasn't midnight, I would go and defend my sister, but if I go now, my mother would rip my head off - actually not my head, that's where my so called brains are - so maybe my legs.

"Don't listen to them Ness, just do your best, I'll always be proud of you," I told her quietly. She nodded and kissed my cheek and went back to bed. I sighed. Mom and Dad need to lighten up.

I lay down on my pillow and sigh. I need sleep, but sleep doesn't like me.

Then, suddenly, I hear a knock at the door, and I internally groan. Mom would kill me if I answered it, so all the more reason to.

I walk downstairs and towards the door, reaching for the nob and quietly opening the door, revealing Ava and Ross, cold, and wet - it's raining outside.

"What on earth?" I exclaimed and Ava shook her head. "I'll explain later, can we come inside?" she asked. How am I supposed to say no? It's impossible. "Uhm, yeah, okay," I said and they both walked into the house. That's it, dead meat - my mother will not be happy.

"I can explain," Ross stammered, giving Ava his jacket, since she was shaking. "My car broke down," Ava interrupted him, trying to cover up what Ross was going to say. "Ava, really? You don't have a licence," I deadpanned. Nice try. Ava sunk into her chair. Ross continued.

"There were some fans that got a little crazy after the show, and caused us to kind of run out of the venue. We didn't know it was raining, so Ava called a cab, since my limo didn't get to the venue yet, and the cab broke down about a mile from your house, it was Ava's idea to come here, sine obviously I don't know where you live," Ross explained. I sighed.

I just heard my mother's door open.

"Laura, what on earth is going on out here?" she asked, as she spotted Ava and Ross. Ava's eyes widened. She knew we were in deep trouble. "Ava and her boyfriend have no way of getting home mom," I said, more quietly than usual. She frowned. "Ava, you have no right to be out this late and as for you Laura, you have no right to be letting people into the house at this hour," my mom said sternly, and then glared at Ross.

"And I have no clue who you are, but you need to leave, so do you Ava, Laura needs sleep, it's a school day tomorrow," she said. I huffed. "Mom, don't talk to my friends like that, it's pouring rain outside and they had nowhere to go. Can't you just open up your heart and home for once?" I asked, loudly.

"Laura Marano, how dare you. First, get these kids out of here and second, tomorrow after school you will be studying straight until your bedtime, whether you like it or not," she yelled before she walked back into her bedroom. My eyes watered. This is what I get for doing the right thing.

"Laura, I'm sorry," Ava said, but I was too mad. "Just leave! You've done enough! First you lied to me, and then this happened, just leave, you can call another cab if you want, just get out of here," I said shakily. Ava swallowed hard. She looked at Ross, who is looking at his hands, unsure of what to say.

"I'll call a cab," is what I hear Ava say. She walks into the living room and leaves Ross and I alone. "Sorry about your mom," Ross says, and I sigh. "Darling, don't you know that you that nothing comes easy?" Ross says soothingly. I begin to get uncomfortable at the sound of his smooth voice. Is he flirting with me?

"In my life, the only thing that comes easy is screwing something up," I say before walking up to my room, not wanting to face the next sunrise.


hey guys //

comment and vote - this chapter was kind of cool, took me awhile to write, but here ya go :) what do you think of Laura's mom?

do you:

A: Like Laura's mom

or B: Think she's a little bit of a pushover?

Comment your thoughts!

much love,


All the Wrong Reasons (Raura)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang