Might as Well Forget it All

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Does Laura not answer her phone anymore? I slammed my phone down onto my bed. I felt terrible about what I did, and I needed to confess to her. I've never done something so terrible, but in the end I got caught up in the moment and I committed the crime, and I'll never get over it.

I'm afraid that Laura already might know what happened, but I try to reassure myself that there's no way she could have found out, and that she's just not around her phone at all. "Hey, Ross, can you come here?" the building's security guard said, and I nodded, walking over into his office.

"I'm just going through some footage from a few nights ago, and it looks like someone entered your studio without permission," he said, and I wrinkled my eyebrows. "What? How is that even possible?" I said, going over to the monitor. "See," he said, playing the tape. I look closely at the person entering the studio the other night.

Long dark hair, a purse, and a phone. She entered and I switched screens to the monitor that was recording from inside the studio. As soon as I got a clear look at her face, I almost lost my balance. All of the air in my lungs suddenly left, and my heart was pounding.

She saw me- she knows. She knows what I did, and that's why she's not answering me. "Do you know her?" he asked, and I nodded. "Uhm, yeah, don't worry, I called her to meet me," I said before leaving the office and walking over to the elevator. I need to get to her house to explain as soon as I can. She's probably so mad, and she probably won't want to see me, but I need to justify why it happened, not that it will make a difference.


"Hey Mrs. Marano, is it alright if I talk to Laura?" I asked, gulping. She glares at me, so I'm assuming that she knows what happened. "Whatever, just make it quick," she muttered, stepping aside. I attempted to search for words, but found none, so I just walked upstairs hoping to find what I wanted.

I lightly knocked on her closed door, and braced myself for what was about to happen. She'll probably shove something in my face, or slam the door shut, either way it won't be good. "Hello?" I called through the door. There wasn't any answer. I knocked again. No answer.

I couldn't just barge in, especially if she was like, changing or something. But, since my mind always gets the best of me, I creaked open the door, opening it wider and wider each time. "Laura?" I asked, but was only greeted by the loneliness of the empty room. "Where is she?" I asked, before her bathroom door clicked open, revealing a brunette dressed in pyjamas and wet hair. "What the hell?" she screeched, throwing her shampoo bottle at me. "Wait! Stop!" I said, blocking the hit. "Get out of here Ross, I hate you," she sneered. "I know- I know you saw what happened, and I want to apologize- it meant nothing to me, I swear!" I said, before watching her face grow in anger.

"I said, get out," she said, teeth clenched. "But, you don't understand! What about all of the times we had together?" I said, trying not to give up. "Why would any of that matter anymore? I hate you, and I'm not sure there's any other way to say that," she said.

"But, I thought you loved me, I love you!" I said, while she was basically tossing me out of her room. "Whatever Ross, I can't forgive you for what you did," she said, shutting her door in front of my face and locking it- just in case I was thinking about going back inside.

I guess right now would be a good time to leave, since she hates me so much.


"Hey Laura, come to my party on Saturday," Luke, one of the most popular guys at the school said, leaning against my locker. "Hey I also heard that you and your superstar boyfriend broke up, so if you're looking for someone to take that off your mind, I'm your guy," he winked before walking away.

I felt so violated. That guy had never talked to me before today, and he feels the need to think that I want him to help me forget about Ross? That's not going to happen. "Please don't tell me you're thinking about dating Luke Jenning," Ava said, coming from behind me. I violently shook my head. "No, not a chance," I said, reaching for my books. "Good, because anyone who's dated him, or slept with him, knows that he's totally not worth it," Ava warned, raising her eyebrow at me.

"He just invited me to his party," I lied, leaving out the part about him probably wanting to get into my pants. "Laura, how are you doing," Ava asked, knowing that I saw Ross cheating on me. "Not so great. He came to my house yesterday, and I kicked him out," I said, and Ava rolled her eyes. "Good, he doesn't deserve a chance to explain," she said sternly, checking the time. "I have to go, but we'll talk later," she said, waving at me and then walking down the hallway towards her class.

I think Ross deserves a chance to explain himself, I'm just not sure I want to hear what he has to say.


"And then it was like she just tricked me," I said to Laura, since she asked me to meet her for ice cream after she was out of school. "I don't know what happened to me it was like I lost control of myself but I swear I'd never do anything like that on purpose," I pleaded. Laura searched for words, "Well, it kind of sounds like you did, and I think I've heard enough," Laura said, standing up and grabbing her backpack. "I have homework to do," she said, getting ready to leave.

There was no use in fighting it, I knew we were never going to be okay. I just sat there and watched her pack up. What's the point in trying to win her back if she saw you cheat on her right in front her. There isn't a point, and that's the end of the story.

"Laura, don't," I started, but she interrupted me. "Save it Ross, it doesn't matter anymore," she said, more coldly than she had ever spoken before. I nod my head. "You're right, it doesn't matter. So we're just going to forget about everything now?" I asked. "I'm going to do my best to try," she deadpanned, and walked out of the ice cream shop without looking back.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I wanted her to be mine, I was ready to say that I loved her, but I messed up, and now she hates me so much that she won' t even give me a second chance. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? I though so, but I guess if she's going to forget all of the great times we had, then I guess I will too.



sorry for a shorter chapter, but now im kind of upset with laura. ross is literally trying to pour his heart out and she just keeps saying that she hates him ugh the struggle.

but anyways, what are you guys thinking????? are you happy with Laura right now? comment your thoughts! and what about this Luke guy- what if Laura likes him?? ;)

anyways I love you all and I want to see your comments because I love hearing feedback!!!

see you next time !

all my love,


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