Go on Your Little Date

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"Laura, did you feel something too?" Ross asked, seconds after we pull away from each other. I nod. I did feel something, but I have to remember that I'm supposed to be going on a date with Rocky in like 2 hours.

Ross smiled and put his hand on my face, and then rubbed down my arm and grabbed my hand. I swallow hard. I'm really not supposed to be kissing and cuddling with another guy when I have a date with my possible boyfriend in 2 hours. "Ross, I, uh, have a date with Rocky in like 2 hours," I whisper, and he smiles again. "Feel free to cancel darling," he whispered back. What the heck was I supposed to say to that? The way he told me to cancel, I just couldn't say no. I just couldn't operate. "But, I, I don't want to," I said softly, as Ross caressed my hair.

"Then go on your little date. I know what you really want, beautiful," Ross whispered again, sending shivers down my spine. I lifted my eyes to meet his, and his smile couldn't be mistaken. He may think he knows what I want, and he may be right, but as much as I hate Ava, I still couldn't do that to her. "I have to go," I said, backing away from Ross, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.

"See you later Laura," Ross whispered in my ear, and I walked out of the coffee shop, feeling hypnotized.


"Did I mention you look nice?" Rocky said for like the millionth time. I sighed. "Yeah, Rocky, you said that a few times," I say bluntly, picking at the salad I ordered. "Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous," Rocky admitted, and I flashed a confused smile. "Why? We've been friends for years," I remind, and a smile falls upon his face. "Yeah, I know, but this is different," Rocky said, looking at this food.

"It's really not that different. Just think of it as two friends hanging out. It'll all be good," I say, reassuringly. I don't want to give him false hope, but I really don't think we're going to be anymore than friends. "So, how's calculus class for you lately?" Rocky asked, attempting a conversation. I shrug. "Pretty easy, but it's getting harder. I'm sure I'll be fine though," I admit. "What about you?" I ask him. He laughs. "If I pass the stupid class I'll be happy," he laughed, and a smile spread across my face.

"Laura, just asking, but are you and Ross, like a thing?" Rocky asked. I stifled a laugh. "If you're referring to the chance of us dating I would have to tell you that it probably won't happen," I told him and Rocky frowned. "Why Laura? Even I think you guys look good together," Rocky said, completely serious. I shake my head. "Look, as much as I hate Ava right now, I wouldn't date her ex. All she'll do then is accuse me of trying to get back at her and make her jealous. I'm not willing to deal with all of her drama," I tell Rocky, straight up.

"Woah, I had no idea it was that bad between you two. I thought you were still talking," Rocky said, taking a sip of his water. "No way. We can barely look at each other, let alone talk. Ross practically destroyed our friendship," I mutter. "Are you mad about it?" Rocky questioned. "Not really, I mean, if my friendship with Ava was strong, it would have survived some boy drama, but it didn't. It just took Ross to prove that to me," I share.

Rocky nods before checking the time. "Woah, Laur, it's late. Do you need a ride home?" Rocky asked. I smiled and nodded, grateful to have a friend as good as him.

I think it was clear that Rocky and I aren't supposed to be anything more than friends, but that's okay. Not everything has to work out.


"Are you kidding me?" I yell at Ava. She smirks, and laughs rudely. "What Laura? You don't like my pictures?" Ava smiled. "For the last time, Ross Lynch and I are not dating," I yelled, Hannah standing behind me. Ava laughed. "Yeah? Well, I beg to differ. You are so dating him, you'll do anything to make me jealous!" Ava sneered. It was my turn to laugh.

"You know what? Why the hell should I care what you think? I'm not dating Ross Lynch, therefore, I could not cheat on him with Rocky. Believe me or not, I could care less. Your little games are a bunch of shit and I don't need them in my life, so why don't you just run along and cause drama somewhere else?" I yell back at her. Ava widened her eyes at what I said. She probably had no clue I was capable of something like that.

I turn my back and walk away from her, Hannah following closely. "Laura, that was amazing! You just completely told her off!" Hannah said excitedly. I smile at her, and walk towards my small car.

"Thanks Hannah, but I have somewhere I need to be," I said before hugging her and getting into my car. She waved at me and blew a kiss. "Drive safe Laur! See you tomorrow!" she called and I waved at her through the window.

And I drove off to the only mansion I know exists.


"She did what?" Ross asked, and I let out a breath. "She won't stop. She will literally do anything to make me look bad," I said, hugging the mug of coffee I was holding tightly to my chest. "I honestly don't know what to do anymore," I say and Ross gives me a hug from the side.

"Well, soon you'll be off to college and you'll be away from her," Ross said, and my head shakes again. "I'm going to Stanford, which is still in California, not far from here either. I got my acceptance letter the other day," I say, staring at the floor. I eventually look over to Ross since he never said anything, and he's just sitting there smiling. "What?" I ask confused. "If you're not moving away for college, that means that we'll be able to keep hanging out," he said, and my heart began melting.

"Well, I was going to go to NYU, but Stanford was an amazing school," I admit, and Ross began playing with my hair. I turn my head and frown at him.

"Would you stop?" I asked. "Stop what?" he asked. "Messing with my head! I won't let myself like you!" I exaggerated. He laughed. "Keep telling yourself that," Ross said, kissing my cheek and walking away.

I sat there, realizing that I was just telling myself that. For goodness sake, I had the best kiss of my life with that boy. But, if I tell him, I'll be giving Ava what she wants. I can't let myself do it. He may be the most attractive, hottest, caring, thoughtful, and amazing smelling boy I've ever met, but if I admit it, Ava will be crawling all over me like an ant on a piece of food.

It's my little secret.


I updated this super fast because I kind of left you all on a cliffhanger. enjoy this chapter and the last one! this is personally my favourite chapter of the book, and more is to come! (:

comment comment comment! my favorite part about writing on here is being able to talk to my amazing readers! I love you all so much and you guys make me want to update as fast as I can!!

I love you all to the moon and back and if you ever need me just message me on here! :))))

much love,


All the Wrong Reasons (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now