Sorry Rock Star

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"You don't even know what's best for me!" I yell at my dad. He rolled his eyes. "You really think I don't know? I know that keeping your record deal is good for you, or at least it was!" he yelled back. My eyes rolled without control as I searched for words, but came up with nothing.

"I'm going out, don't try to look for me, I'm sure you have somewhere to be going," I sneered at him and to the door, grabbing my keys and wallet. "Get back here right now Ross, you don't know what's good for yourself!" my dad yelled, but I shook my head. "Get out of my life dad," I dead-panned and walked out of the door and got into my car.


"Hello?" I call through the opened window at Laura's house. I ring the doorbell again and Laura opens up, looking tired, and she was in her pyjamas. "Can I help you?" she asks, trying to shade her eyes from the sunlight. It was Sunday afternoon, she was probably taking a nap. I smile lightly. "Hey Laura, can I spend some time here," I asked shyly. Laura smiles the best she can, being half asleep.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Come in," she said, opening the door further. I walk in and admire how neat her home is. It's much smaller than my house, but my house is a mansion, so any normal sized house appears much smaller.

"Do you want like, some water?" Laura asked and I smiled at her hospitality. "Nah, I'm good, I just needed to get away from the house, my parents are home," I answer, and her face softens. She knows how rocky my relationship is with my parents. "Ross, clearly something is up, what's going on?" Laura asked.

"You know what? It's really not that big a deal. Don't worry about Laura," I tell her. "Hey, I'm only trying to help Ross," she pointed out.

I sigh. I guess she meant to help, but at the same time I really didn't want to talk about what happened between me and my parents. She doesn't need to worry about my problems, she should just concern herself with her own issues.

"How about we go and get ice cream," I offer. "Have you seen me? I literally just woke up," Laura groaned. "Whatever you look fine, I'm in the mood for ice cream so let's get going," I said, pulling her out the door.


"What's the point, Rocky?" I asked, trying to focus on my calculus assignment. "I'm just saying, if you guys keep going out together and stuff aren't you technically dating?" he asked. I dropped my pencil and turned my head to look at him.

"I've told Ava, and I'll tell you, Ross and I are only friends," I say, beyond annoyed. "Look Laura, basically the whole entire school thinks you're dating Ross, you can't exactly avoid it anymore," Rocky points out. I roll my eyes.

"Can't a guy and a girl just be friends without rumors going around that they're dating?" I questioned. "Laura and Rocky, keep it down, please," our teacher reminded. I nodded my head and focused on my math, only to be interrupted by the bell. "Great, now I have a bunch of homework, and I'm supposed to meet Ross tonight to do some song writing," I groaned. "See! You're practically dating him! Admit it already!" Rocky teased, before running out of the classroom before I could hit him.

I really hope he never finds out that I actually may like Ross, because for goodness sake, what would he do with himself?


"Come on Laura," Ross groaned. "Sorry, Rocky was bugging me the whole class which means homework for me. It's not my fault," I admit, and Ross sighs and goes back to his guitar. "Can I get you guys anything?" my mom asks, walking through the door.

I know what you're thinking. Why is your mom so nice? Isn't she that pushover that told Ava and Ross to leave her house instead of letting them stay inside away from the rain? Well, yes, it's the same pushover, but I put out four different applications to college. She's been really easy on me lately and I think it's because she knows that I will be going to do something with my life after high school.

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