Wishful Thinking

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I'm not exactly sure of the last thing that happened, but I'm sure it's bad, since I'm laying in a hospital room, and have just regained consciousness.

I slowly try to sit up, seeing my family sitting around me. Ava and Hannah are right outside, peering in through the window, along with Rocky, so it must be after school for them to be here.

"Mom?" I groaned, and she immediately came to my side. "Laura, honey, I'm here, oh, please tell me you're okay," she said, reaching for my face. "I'm okay mom," I whisper, trying to get a good luck around the room.

Pain stung my body from my head to feet. I felt like I had been hit by a truck, and then I remember that I was.

"Where's Ross?" I ask, suddenly concerned. My mother's face turned to anger. "That boy got you hurt Laura, he doesn't matter," my mom said sternly. I violently shake my head. "No! No, Ross flew from the front seat to protect me. He sacrificed his whole life, career, and well, everything to ensure that the damage done to me would be minimal," I said, coming to tears.

My mother put her hand over her mouth and her eyes began to well up. "Laura, I had no idea, I'm sorry," my mom said, probably feeling extremely guilty for not worrying about Ross since she thought he was guilty. "We got hit by a drunk driver, that much I can remember," I recall. My dad begins to curse, and I know he's mad, and probably wants to find out who hit us.

"Where's Ross?" I ask again. My mom shakes her head. "On life support. There's a machine breathing for him. One collapsed lung, brain damage, broken ribs, internal bleeding, honey it's not good," my mom said, and I began to cry.

Ross is going to die because of me.

"Laura?" a voice called from the door. I saw Hannah, Ava, and Rocky standing there shyly, probably relieved, but I'm anything but that. "Hi," I sniffled. I don't know what to think. I'm happy that they're here, but I need to know Ross is going to live, and from what my mom said, he probably won't.

"We're so sorry about Ross," Ava sniffled. I then remembered that she was probably sad about this too. She may have still had all the feelings in the world for Ross. I lay back in my bed and shake my head. "I should be on life support, not him. It's not fair," I said, tears slipping down my cheeks once again.

This is the worst day of my life.


Five hours later...

Once everyone went home, I slowly rose from my bed and walked across the hall to Ross's room. I shakily opened the door, dreading the sight on the other side.

As I entered the room, I almost fell to my knees. There he was, laying, unconscious. His mother had left behind some clothes, in case he wakes up. Wishful thinking I guess. I sat down on the chair beside the bed and gently grabbed his hand.

Please read the next scene as if this were to have just happened to Ross and Laura in real life, and despite Rourtney and Landrew, imagine Laura saying this, and never give up hope! xx, hailee

"Ross, I know you can't hear me, but I just want you to know that I should be here, not you. The doctors said that without you doing what you did, I'd be dead," I sniffled. "And, I can't live without you Ross. God, Ross, I love you! There, I said it, and I hope the world is happy with me. You're the one who deserves my heart, you're the one who won my heart, and I can't do this with out you Ross! I need you! We need each other! Don't give up on yourself, or us. Stay here! God, I'm crying. I can't say goodbye to you! I need to stay here! I can't do this without you!" I cried, trying not to squeeze his hand in the process.

"Ross! Do something! I know I'm just another one of those girls who you were interested in, but I'm telling you, no one has stolen my heart the way you have. Please don't leave me all alone in this huge world. I need to survive with you. I need you, and I can't have it any other way," I finished, nuzzling my head into his hand, his lifeless, cold hand.

And of course that only made me cry more.

I'm alive because of him, and he's going to die because of me.


After being released from the hospital yesterday, staying at home on bed rest has sucked. Rocky has brought me calculus homework, which I've been completing slowly. We've had some laughs when he comes to visit, but nothing great. Ava brought me cinnamon buns and gossip from school, along with apologies about her behavior and how she'd like to start over.

Hannah pops by too, usually to talk and chill, but she's also the only person who I've told about what I said to Ross, and she thinks that he heard me.

Ross has gradually gotten worse over the days, and they keep asking his parents to take him off life support, but I keep telling them to wait, and that things will get better, and lucky for me, they keep waiting.

My heart wants Ross to heal, but my mind is starting to loose hope. He's all I think about, and if he passes away, I have to get on with my life somehow.

As I'm doing calculus homework, and listening to Rocky talk about how he's taking up guitar, my mom comes up to my room with the phone.

I frown, but take the phone anyways, really confused. "Who is it?" I asked, wondering why my mom had a smile on her face. "Just answer it," she whispered, as Rocky watched intently. "Hello?" I asked, wondering who would respond.

"Hi," a weak voice responded over the phone. "Ross?" I asked, my face brightening. "Yeah, hi," he weakly responded. Tears flood my vision as I can barely tell what's happening right now. "How? How did you wake up?" I asked, in shock. "I had surgery this morning, I guess it helped," he said quietly. "When are you coming home?" I asked, and the other line fell silent. "Not for awhile. I have tons of rehab, including working on my broken leg," Ross said, his voice hoarse.

"I'm coming to the hospital right now," I said, getting out of my bed, wincing in pain because of my fast movement. "Laura, you stay home," Ross whispered. "No, you saved my life, I need to see you," I said, and he breathed heavily into the phone. "I'm coming Ross, okay?" I said, grabbing my jacket.

"Laura," he protested. I shake my head, even though he can't see me. "Don't. Ross, I miss you, and I'm not spending another minute away from you," I insisted. "But, there's something else," Ross said. "What?" I shrugged. I could hear Ross breathe deeply. "I may be awake, but my internal bleeding isn't fixed. I could drop dead any minute," Ross said, his voice shaky.


can I just say that I'm super proud of myself for updating so fast! hope you enjoyed, it kind of took a dramatic turn, but that needed to happen.

the last time I wrote so dramatically was when I was writing my first ever fanfic so it's kind of a walk down memory lane haha!

comment! if you look on the last chapter you'll see my replies! I love your feedback and support! if you'd ever like to contact me just comment or DM me and we can be friends! ROStarbucks did and now I consider her one of my best friends!

so don't be shy! offer suggestions, or start a friendship! I don't care bc I love you all!

with much love,


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