Marble Floors

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Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the horizon of a black hole? Maybe a secret that only the universe knows about, or maybe it's a way to thousands of other galaxies, either way, the possibilities are endless.

It reminds me a lot of life in general. Spending time with Ross makes me realize that I shouldn't tie myself down, and that I shouldn't confine myself. I should be able to live, be free, for myself.

Which is exactly why I'm going to take Ross up on his offer.

"Laura?" Rocky asked, snapping me out of my trance. "Sorry, just zoned," I responded, looking back into my textbook. He laughed. "It's all good, I was just making sure you were okay," he said and I smiled at his concern. "So are you going to Av's party tonight?" Rocky continued, and I turned to him, confused. "Ava's throwing a party tonight?" I asked, frowning. She's never done this before.

"Yeah, she invited all of us, and her new boyfriend," Rocky said, quite casually. "You mean Ross?" I asked, and Rocky nodded. "Forgot his name," Rocky commented. I shifted in my desk. "How are you so cool about this all of the sudden?" I asked, as he shrugged. "Got over it, I guess," he answered. I shook my head. "There's no way that's even possible, because two days ago you were head over heels for her," I said.

"Things change," Rocky answered, as the bell rang.


"So, are you going to come tonight?" Ava asked, as the dragged her bag out of her locker. "Maybe. My friend Hannah invited me to a calculus study session tonight, no rain checks," I said and Ava rolled her eyes. "C'mon Laur, a calculus study session? You know you want to come, just have fun for once," Ava said, and I leaned on one hip. I sighed, contemplating the idea.

"Hey Ava, hey Laura," Ross said, walking over to us. I was to deep into my mind to notice that he walked up to us. "Hey," we both said in unison. "Laura, you ready to go?" Ross asked, and Ava frowned. "Go where?" she asked, and Ross gave her a side hug. "I wanted to get to know Laura better, so she's going to come over," Ross said, and a soft smile spread over Ava's face. "Excellent, I'm happy that you two can get along," Ava said, and Ross smiled at me.

"I'm happy too," I said.


Literally sick. Sick that people would refer to this as a house. No, to me it's a hotel, that's what it is.

Ross's home is astonishing. The features are gorgeous, and the marble floors shine perfectly, showing my reflection within them. "Sorry about the mess,"

Ross says, setting down his keys. I turn to him wide eyed.

"Mess? Are you kidding me? I only see perfect and more perfect," I said, my jaw dropping further than I thought it could. Ross laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the kitchen, which by itself is the size of my house. "So you live in this big place by yourself?" I asked him, and he sighed.

"Kinda, I mean my parents are never home, and I guess I'm barely here either, but for the most part, yeah," Ross says sadly. I frown. "I would give anything to have a day away from my parents," I say, because it's true, they are just so controlling, they think I'm studying calculus right now.

"Trust me, this isn't all that great ," Ross says, looking at the ground. "What do you mean?" I ask. "The only good part about my job is music, and the people who like my music, everything else is pointless," he says, and I raise my eyebrow. "What about Ava?" I ask and he shrugs. "She's okay," Ross says and I laugh. Yes, she is okay.

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