What Magic Is

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"Ross, get yourself together, if this single isn't recorded by Tuesday, there's going to be trouble," Lydia yelled at me. "I'm sorry. I've just been distracted, okay?" I yell back. I've never been really more angry in my life.

Laura and I haven't talked in about 3 weeks. We've been trying to make each other insanely jealous by flirting with other people. Yes, I know I started it, stop looking at me like that. I only started it because I wanted Laura to realize that she liked me, but she took it the wrong way and fought back.

I don't know much about girls, but I could tell she was hiding her affection for me the whole tour, while I was trying to show mine. I guess girls have this code about not dating their best friend's ex-boyfriend, but as far as I've heard, Ava and Laura are mad at each other, and Ava is trying to spread rumors that Laura and I are dating to make Laura look like a terrible person.

Without talking to Laura, it's hard to focus. She was a really good friend, and I feel like I lost her all because of a  stupid decision I made, which was to try and make her jealous.

"Ross!" Lydia yelled at me, causing me to come back to reality. "You are set to perform at the American Music Awards on Sunday and you're acting like this? You need to pick up your slack! And if Laura isn't playing piano for you anymore, then we need to find someone else to play," she said sternly. I nodded.

There was no use in asking Laura to play, she would decline immediately and I would look like an idiot. "Sorry Lydia, but I think I'm gonna head home, I'll be here early tomorrow," I say before walking away and trying to drown out Lydia yelling at me.


"Laura, what are you going to wear on your date tonight?" Hannah asked, catching up to me in the halls. I smile and shrug. "Don't know, something casual probably, we're just going to the beach," I replied. Hannah laughed. "Rocky is one lucky guy," Hannah laughed before walking into her class.

I smiled and walked into calculus and sat down beside Rocky. "Hey," he nudged me. I smiled back, searching for words. "Rocky!" I said, happily, and loudly, and he frowned and laughed a little. "You okay?" he asked, pulling out his textbook. "Fine, you?" I said, so quickly that I didn't even register what I was saying. "Laura, what's up? Are you sure you're okay?" Rocky asked, and concerned look touching his face.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Ross," I say, finally admitting it to someone. I stop paying attention and try to think back to what happened between us. We both hurt each other, and we played the jealousy game to strongly. He backed off, and so did I, and now we haven't talked in forever. He's performing at the AMA's on Sunday, and he hasn't asked me to play piano, so he probably won't.

Not that I blame him, I've been a lousy friend, and I deserve what he's doing to me. Gosh, I just miss him. Who wouldn't miss someone like Ross? He's everything I would look for in a guy, and now because of the jealously game, I've ended up with Rocky instead.

Ross and Jenna never became a couple, probably because Ross didn't have time, which is unfortunate for her because I really thought that they were going to end up dating. Ross just doesn't date anymore. It's like Ava ruined him.

Ava. I hate her. She changed, and she changed into something I didn't like, and I told her, I talked to her about my concerns, and she just brushed me off like yesterdays fashion trends. Now, I have Hannah and Rocky, and I guess that's all I need. It would be better if Ross and I were still friends, but that doesn't look promising.

Soon, the bell rang, and school was over, and I walked out of the classroom and to my locker. After grabbing my things, I ran out of the school and walked briskly home. I promised Vanessa I'd hang out with her when I got home, plus I have a physics exam tomorrow.

All the Wrong Reasons (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now