Table for Two

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this chapter has some intense language so just a heads up

thanks and enjoy!


"I don't know, I really had a good time, should I ask her to be my girlfriend?" I contemplated, looking over at my mom, who was reading a magazine.

"Ross, honey, I can't tell you what to do, that decision is up to you," my mom replied, making me uneasy. Aren't mom's supposed to be good at this type of thing?

"But I do think that you should focus more on your school work. Being homeschooled doesn't mean that you can do whatever you'd like," my mom in forces.

I know she's right, but I've been so busy writing music lately that I forgot about all my homework. I have a giant calculus assignment from my mom and I have no clue what to do.

Wait. Laura is practically AP in calculus. Maybe if I convince my mom, Laura could help me with at least 1 assignment. "Hey mom, Laura is really good in calc, maybe she could help me?" I asked, hoping for a decent response.

My mom sighed. "Just with one assignment, and that's all," my mom clarified, and I nodded. I grabbed my books and headed out to my car.


"Ross? What are you doing here?" Laura asked, stepping aside to let me in. "I'm confused with some math," I said honestly as I set my things down. "Oh, so the homeschooled kid is coming to me for advice," Laura mocked, and I rolled my eyes as she closed the door. "I'm kidding. What do you need help with?" she asked, walking towards me, and sitting down at her kitchen table, signalling for me to join her.

"Oh, calculus. Yeah, this stuff is hard, and sadly, I'm probably not the best help, but I'll try my best," Laura openly admitted. I pull out my book and begin attempting math questions, Laura doing them as well, and when I get one wrong, she shows me what I did wrong.

And then, I finally finish my long overdue math assignment.

"Thanks so much Laura, this helped me so much," I said, giving her a huge hug. "No problem Ross," she breathed. I sat back and thought for a little while. Should I ask her? Or maybe it's not a good time to.

"You want to go grab something to eat? It's like 6:00," Laura asked, grabbing her purse. I sigh. I guess my question will just have to wait. "Ok, let's go!" Laura squealed and walked out the door, as I followed behind.


"A table for two please," Laura says, as we walk into Boston Pizza. I follow behind her, trying to decide whether or not to ask if she wanted to be my girlfriend. I hadn't had a serious girlfriend since I dated a girl named Annie, about 2 years ago, and that ended terribly, and I haven't really been into dating ever since.

"Ross? You okay?" she asked, when I realized that I was seated and Laura was talking to me. "Oh, gosh, yeah, sorry, I just-" "Hi, my name is Carol and I'll be your waitress today. Can I get you anything to drink?" the waitress cut me off, as I took a glance up at her while she was taking Laura's order.

She had dark, curled hair, which was tied back into a ponytail. She was our age, about 18. She had gorgeous eyes, and well, really gorgeous everything.

"And for you?" she asked, once she was done with Laura. I shook my head. "I'll just have water," I say, as her warm smile put me in a trance. "Sure," she winked at me, as she walked away. Laura was eyeing my suspiciously as I came back down to earth.

"Uhm, are you getting all buddy buddy with our waitress?" Laura asked, suddenly sounding insecure about herself. "Calm down Laura, it's nothing," I say, looking at the menu. "Really? It's nothing? Tell that to the girl you were just staring at," Laura forced, getting more angry. I leaned back in the booth, trying to read her.

"Laura, I'm telling you that you should just calm down," I said, but ended up watching her get more angry. "You're right, the guy I like is checking out another girl, I should just calm down, what a great way to solve anything," Laura huffed, as Carol came back, with just my water.

"Here you go, cutie," she blushed, handing me my water, and I tried not to react. "Excuse me, what about me?" Laura asked, and Carol looked confused. "Oops! I forgot yours," she said before scampering back to the kitchen. "That's it," Laura said, grabbing her things. She got up and walked out of the restaurant, and I immediately ran after her.


"Laura! Wait!" he called after me. Tears were falling from my eyes already. He basically flirted with that waitress right in front of me.

"Stop," he said, making me turn around. "Look, if we're going to make this work, I need to know that you're totally committed to me," I said, looking him straight in the eye. "How can you expect me to be perfect Laura, it makes no fucking sense," Ross said, annoyed.

He's never sworn at me before.

"So now you're going to swear at me?" I yelled. "Laura, I can't do this if I'm not allowed freedom," Ross said, which made me laugh. "How the hell can you say you have no freedom? You're famous, you can do whatever you want! Why can't you keep your eyes off a waitress just while I'm with you?" I practically begged.

"Laura, you don't know shit about being famous. It's the exact opposite of having freedom!" he yelled at me, and he yelled loud. "Fine! If you don't care about treating me right then maybe we should just forget this whole thing! Forget Ross and Laura," I said, and his face softened.

"Laura, don't be like that," Ross said, trying to act like he did nothing. "No, get away from me, and come talk to me when you've changed your outlook a little bit," I said, beginning to walk home. "No, no way you're walking home by yourself, get in the car right now," Ross said, pointing to the car.

"God no, not after what you just said to me," I refused, walking faster. He ran up beside me, grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me, you bastard, you don't deserve me," I spat, making him look mad. "I do so fucking deserve you," he swore, pulling me into his chest, and I then broke out crying. "Let go!" I said, once I realized that he was pulling me back to his car.

"I'm not letting you walk home alone," he said, putting me in the backseat. He started driving, and the only thing I remember is crying right before Ross jumped from the drivers seat to protect me.

To protect me from the drunk driver who hit us head on.


im sorry to leave it like this, major cliffhanger.

I had major writers block, and I was sick, and yeah but I really wanted to get this updated to here we go!

COMMENT!! I love you guys! what do you think will happen????

ilyasm and seeya next update lovely people

oh and sorry about the language, but it had to be intense sooooo

haha much love,

haileexoxo :)

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