Whirlwind (final)

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College has been a constant demand. Always getting books, studying, or running from class to class; but I love it. I love having something to do in order to keep my mind off of things.

I'm working on music, and a few new stories inspired by little everyday things.

Ava, Hannah, and Rocky went their seperate ways, different colleges, and I couldn't miss them more.

If there's one thing I'm thankful for though, it's that I'm in a good place, and that everyone in my family is supportvie of everything I'm doing.

"Laur, babe, I have to get going, I have a meeting with my label," Ross said, coming over to kiss my cheek. I blushed. "Love you," he said, before going to put his shoes on. "Love you too," I breathed out. "I'll be home before 7, and then I'm totally taking you out for dinner," he said before leaving the room.

Don't ask me how Ross Lynch survived any of this, but after his heart stopped more than once, he pulled through, some how some way.

I used to dream of having the perfect boyfriend, but it turns out that nothing in the terms of a relationship can be perfect. I learned that the hard way, but I finally found something that was worth holding on to.

As soon as Ross recovered he told me that he wanted to get a place together so that while I was in college we wouldn't be far away from each other. It was one of the best things I'd heard, but when he gave me the ring.

No, not what you're thinking, he didn't propose. However, for my birthday he got me a ring that was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He spoiled me, and even though I was worried about the cost, he said that there was no price for what I deserve.


"I was thinking, for your mom's birthday I'm going to bake a cake and-" "Woah, Ross, calm down. Trust me, my mom barely expects anything for her birthday, she would probably have a heart attack if you go full out," I sympathized.

"I just want to make sure you know how much they all mean to me Laur," Ross smiled. "Thank you, but really, it's nothing to worry about," I ensure.

I got up and walked into the kitchen. A thought flashed through my head, and I instantly remembered that I had homework to do, and an essay due next week.

Ross suddenly came up and grabbed me from behind. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, and snuggled his head into my neck. "Thank you," I smiled, blush welcoming itself into my cheeks, dressed up like a rose.

"Want to watch a movie?" Ross proposed. "I can't, way too much homework," I simply said, upset. "Aw, well, I guess I should write a few new songs. It's a work night for everyone I guess," he laughed, grabbing my hand


Do you know that feeling of a dream? Like what you have is about to come to an end, or like it never really was yours in the first place?

Heaven help me if that's the case, because everything in my life is so amazing right now, and all I can do is continue to enjoy it, until it all comes crashing down to reality.

Ross and I are so happy, and I swear any day now, that question is going to be popped. He's going to pull out a ring any day now, or at least it's what I'm hoping.

I'm currently cooking dinner, in our small but quaint and cute apartment. Ross was going to be home in 10 minutes, and I was barely even close to being done.

Frantically I slipped on a bit of water and hit my head on the counter, blacking out immediately.


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