Brown Eyes

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"Here you go Laura," my calculus teacher said, handing back my exam. I sighed and looked at the A- in bright red marker on the exam. "This sucks," I said, and Rocky rolled his eyes. "What do you even mean? I got a C+, you should be happy," he said, and I sighed. With everything that happened at that party, I didn't have enough time to study. Rocky took me home that night and told my mother, which she first comforted me, then yelled at me for going to a party without permission.

Then she ended up signing me up for therapy, which didn't fly very well with me. I didn't have any time for homework, and not even my mother cared. All she wanted was for me to attend my sessions, so that I could return to 'normal'.

"Sorry, I just didn't have time to study this week," I told Rocky, who laughed. "It's all good Laura, I'm not holding you accountable," he said, but I shot him a look. "Alright class, you have assignments due next class, so make sure they're done," my teacher said. I swallowed deeply. I won't have time, I just won't.

"Rocky, what am I supposed to do? I can't finish homework anymore because my mom has me going to therapy sessions four times a week!" I yelled.

"Miss Marano, would you please keep your voice down," said Mrs. Olson. I quieted down and focused on my math.


"Ross! Stop it!" Ava said, giggling. I rolled my eyes. Sadly, I was hanging out with both of them after school, and I was sitting beside Ross, Ava on the other side of him. "Would you two please stop PDA-ing?" I asked, trying to focus on homework. "Laura, lighten up," Ava said, returning her attention to Ross.

"Hey Ross, don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked, and he sighed. "Yeah, I have an emergency studio session, I gotta go," he said, and I waved him off. "Oh, I have volleyball practice," Ava remembered, gathering her stuff, and I also waved her off, trying to get homework done. "Hey Laura, want a ride home?" Ross asked, and I rolled my eyes. "Can't you see I'm kind of busy?" I asked. Can't they just leave me in peace?

"Come on, just let me be nice," he said, and I sighed. "Fine," I said, packing up my bag. "My car's right here," he said, getting into a super fancy sports car that was probably worth over 300,000 dollars. "Are you kidding me? Am I even worthy to sit in this car?" I asked, and he laughed. "It's just a car," Ross said, and then it was my turn to laugh.


"I can't believe you! I need to go home! Not write in a studio!" Laura protested. I smiled at her. "You'll enjoy it, I'm working on a song, and I need you to tell me what you think," I said, pulling her into the elevator. "Ross, I don't have time," she said. "I'll deal with your parents," I told her. "It's not that easy, they won't want to hear it from you," Laura said. I sighed. "Look, just twenty minutes, okay?" I said, and she gave in. "Okay."

We walked into the recording room and Laura's jaw dropped. "Whoa," was all she could say. She walked over to the keyboard and began to play a melody. "Whoa, Laura, you're really good," I said, and she blushed. "I'm alright, I play in my spare time, which is quite minimal," she said, and I laughed. I grabbed sheets of music and showed them to her. "This is the song, what do you think?" I said, and she analyzed it. "I like it, but it could use different guitar notes," she said, reaching for one. "You play guitar too?" I asked and she nodded. Wow. "Does Ava play any instruments?" I asked and Laura laughed. "Ava and music don't mix," she said, going back to the guitar. Oh. Ava doesn't like music? Major turn off.


"Thanks Ross, this place is really cool!" Laura said, leaving the recording studio. "Bye," I said, waving. She waved and walked away from me, leaving me alone. Alone. In the studio.

Laura is probably my only friend who isn't a major celebrity, and that's what I like most about her. We're both friends, and I'm in a relationship, and she probably has tons of guys interested in her, but who says that you can't keep each other company? This song is going to work. This song is going to hit top charts, win awards, like they all do.

But there's only one award I'm trying to win, so I start writing.

'And you say it's hard to keep a secret, girl don't leave me all alone in this hotel-

And these\ shades can hide us from the streets, yeah'

I'm going to change her ticket home.


"Ross, I missed you!" Ava yelled at me. She came to my concert, great. "Hey Ava," I said, kissing her head. "I had this great idea, you should totally serenade me!" she said, excited. I frowned. "Why?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "We're dating, don't your fans deserve to know?" Ava said, and I shrugged. "Ava, here's the rest of your stuff," a voice from behind said. I looked over Ava's shoulder to see Laura standing there. My heart smiled. She's such a good friend for supporting me. "Thanks Laur," Ava said, grabbing her bag from Laura. She then walked over to some of my dancers, because she assumed she was friends with them. "Sorry about her," Laura said, and I laughed. "Why apologize? I am dating her," I said, and she smiled. She was about to walk over to Ava when I grabbed her arm. "Laura, listen to the sixth song I perform," I said, looking her in the eye. She has beautiful eyes. Brown eyes. "Is that the new one?" she asked. "It's one of the new ones," I said, before walking away, winking, and saying, "Later brown eyes," watching her cheeks turn bright red, and smile, knowing someone finally admired them.


an: hey hey hi ok tysm for voting for like all my stories ilyasm!! secondly, laia is my life, thirdly, vote + comment bc I want to know if you liked it, and lastly, comment what you think about ross! like him in the story or no? love you all and can't wait to write more for you! xoxo


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