Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The band played as Mal, Evie and Drac made their way into the stands to watch the game. Drac turned his hat so the brim covered his face and helped shade his eyes from the bright sun. Jay and Carlos were in their jerseys among the team as the game against the Sherwood Falcons got underway. Honestly, Drac paid more attention to the band then the game, watching how each member played their instrument, how the music made the crowd cheer and perked up the team when they were getting stressed from being behind in the score until they were able to tie up the game. The tune they were playing was much more upbeat and a lot better then what had been playing when he and the other VK's arrived in the limo. It was so different that Drac couldn't believe the same instruments played both tunes. He thought back to the other day when he'd had some fun with that keyboard he'd found and didn't notice he'd subconsciously started tapping his foot to the band's rhythm.

"This is a nail biter folks." The announcer said over the speakers, "There's forty seven seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood Falcons, two. The Fighting Knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals. As the teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the Kill Zone. The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire. And now a substitution by Coach Jenkins. He's bringing that hothead Jay from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos who can barely hold a shield."

"Come on Carlos! Man you got this!" Drac shouted as Evie and Mal cheered.

"When they break from their huddles this is going to be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready." The whistle blew and the two teams went for the ball.

"Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little dancing jig in the opponent's face. And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid field. Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the Kill Zone. Big block by Chad! Prince Ben move over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear shot – oh what a save by Philip the Falcon's goalkeeper!

Twenty three seconds left, you could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is playing into Jay. Jay great jump, great leap and a great move by Jay. Big block from Chad. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. And then Carlos with a big block goes down. Jay through the Kill Zone picks up Carlos. He's being hammered by dragon fire. Still going on. Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid field. He's in the clear! The ball goes back to Jay. He passes to Prince Ben – he scores! Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay!"

The crowd cheered as Mal covered her ears and Drac tapped her shoulder while he laughed at her discomfort.

"What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win! What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever! Here they come folks the winners of the first –"

"Excuse me." Ben said taking the mic, "Excuse me can I have your attention please? There's something I'd like to say. Give me an M!"


"Give me an A!"


"Give me an L!"


"What does that spell?"

"Mal!" the crowd shouted as Mal's mouth fell open and Drac took off his hat and covered his face with it laughing into the cap thinking they may have put a little too much love potion into that cookie. And grateful he wasn't on the receiving end of the spotlight. VK's lurked in shadows, the spotlight was reserved for their parents.

"Come on I can't hear you!" Ben shouted.


"I love you Mal, did I mention that?" Ben said into the mic, "Give me a beat!"

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