Chapter 10

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A/N: the song in this chapter is "No Rest for the Wicked" By Pattycake Productions on YouTube. They have AWESOME Disney content!

Chapter 10

In their time together over the next few weeks Hades used the small amount of magic they had access to and summoned his flames to have some fun. He taught Drac all he could and the teenager was surprised at how laid back the magic lessons were. All his life he'd imagined magic practice with his mother and thought about the harsh stares she'd put him and Mal under - like the stares she routinely used even in non-magic situations. He pictured the sibling rivalry bringing an evil grin to Mother's face while he and Mal bickered and tried to out match each other. There would be pressure to impress Mother and surpass his big sister. But with Hades most of the magic training was fun. They'd twiddle their fingers while watching Auradon news on the TV in the cave. Hades snapping his fingers to strike up the flames like a match. His father would insult the princes and princesses on the screen and laugh loudly, which echoed off the walls. Drac couldn't help but laugh too, Hades' insults were clever and, honestly, held a touch of truth.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away huh Snow White?" he chuckled as the princess hosted the opening of a new children's hospital.

"Curiosity killed the catfish Ari." he snarked as the red head being interviewed got distracted by something passing behind the camera.

"Belle's not so smart, she's the reason her village even found out about Beast in the first place." He commented sourly as he kicked his feet up as the former queen cut the ribbon.

While all the remarks were mean his father's perspective did highlight what Drac had discovered while in Auradon. A lot of the 'heroes' had forgotten that they too were flawed. Not just the villains. Like when Aziz pointed out that his dad had started off as a crook. Or when Queen Leah was bullying him and Mal. But was she suddenly painted a villain for harassing children? No. The whole thing was fraught with double standards. Drac half paid attention while he and his dad practiced. He'd gotten burned a couple of times which Hades tended to, shouting for Pain and Panic to bring him whatever he needed to treat the burn. But every time Drac felt stupid for it his dad patted his shoulder and complimented how much energy he'd been able to conjure. Even if he still lacked the equivalent control. The whole thing was a much different experience then studying with his mother.

By the end of the two weeks Hades was giving cheerful hoots and claps as he congratulated his son's accomplishments. Every time the words "That's my boy!" Came from his throat Drac couldn't help but compare how much sincerer it sounded from his dad.

He smirked, knowing his father had enjoyed their time together and passing down his knowledge. And now, with the time finally right - or so his dad said - Drac felt like he had the courage to make his first big move on the Isle. The utter faith Hades had in Drac filled him with such an ego boost he felt he could take down anyone - though his head stayed in control and kept that urge in check.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work?" he asked as he and Hades headed through the tunnels looking for the second entrance to Hades lair. The one chained and locked with the words Get Lost above it. Hades wanted to teach Drac every in and out to the tunnels that he knew. So if his son ever ran into trouble he'd be able to disappear at any moment.

"Of course." His dad replied with a confident smile. "It's been years since I've shown my face above ground. Once I cause some trouble it'll scare every villain on the Isle. And then you step in and promise protection. They'll be desperate and figure even if you can't deliver it'll be your neck on the line instead of theirs."

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now