Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Drac found himself somehow prisoner in Evie's room standing on her pedestal while she made the final touches to his attire for Cotillion. He was wearing dark plum colored dress pants with two thin lime green stripes up either side of the pant legs. He had a black button down tucked into them neatly. Over that he wore a darker green leather vest with the embossing to make it look like dragon scales. It was hands down his favorite fabric so Evie had taken him up on his request to use it. Over the vest was a dark purple jacket that matched the pants, the lapels were black and for a final touch the tie was lime green. Usually around Auradon he had been gelling his hair to be more tame like the other princes but tonight he left it loose, running a hand through it he thought briefly that he might get it cut, he needed a new look, something more. . . him. The person he was growing into.

As Evie was adding the final pins to tailor the jacket to fit him just right the door burst open and a distressed looking Doug was there.

"I have a scout badge in s'mores." he declared, "How could you go camping without me?"

"What?" Evie asked confused and Drac started to play with the black cuff and lime cufflinks on the sleeve of his jacket.

"Are you seeing someone else? Are you?"


"Is it Happy's son? Cuz let me tell you, he is not as happy as his dad. Kinda a dark streak in fact."

"Maybe I should hang out with him." Drac chimed in as Evie giggled.

"Doug, Ben was captured on the Isle. We rescued Ben and, saved Auradon."

"So you're not seeing Happy's son or anyone else?"

She took his hands with a smile, "Don't be dopey." she said before kissing his cheek.

Drac looked away feeling like he should leave them to their moment. He adjusted the collar of his shirt, making sure it would cover the white gauze square Evie had placed over the stitches she had given him earlier.

"Now." she said looking to Drac, "I have just a few more alterations to make and you are free to go. And then we" she turned to Doug, "Have dresses to deliver. It is Cotillion day after all." she moved to her vanity and picked up a headpiece. "And you know what? I was lucky enough to have been given a chance and, now I need to give someone else a chance too."

"My Uncle Bashful used to say that."

"Did he?"

"Yeah. But, really quietly."

Evie giggled and got back to work as Doug sat at her desk and continued working on submitting her orders and receipts into an excel file that tabulated her overall profits.

When Drac was declared a free man Evie gave him his suit and he headed back to his dorm. On the way there he ran into Carlos who was grinning ear to ear and excitedly told him Jane had said yes to being his date for Cotillion. But before Drac could congratulate him they reached their dorm and found their door open yet again.

"Ten bucks says Chad Charming is in there using your 3D printer again." Drac muttered and Carlos groaned and shook his head.

Then they heard trumpets - it sounded like someone's ringtone - and they entered the doorway to see Chad throw his phone in shock as he screamed, "Audrey!"

He dove across the floor for the phone not caring about ruining his Cotillion attire, a light blue suit and a fur lined cape complete with a replica of Ben's crown. Chad scrambled on the floor grabbing at the phone.

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