Chapter 19

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This update is so overdue! (It's also very late where I am and I am exhausted, so please excuse any grammatical errors - or feel free to point them out so I can correct them. But I could not wait any longer, I had to get this chapter out for you guys!) Thank you for your remarkable patience with me! :)


Chapter 19

When Carlos finally emerged from the building he seemed off. He stared straight ahead with his eyes wide like he was in a trance.

"Carlos? Carlos?" Drac asked standing in front of him while Jay snapped his finger's in front of their friend's face. Then he shuddered and blinked a few times before looking up at them seeming confused.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You came out of the building in a trance." Mal replied as Evie nodded behind her.

"The ring. . . " Carlos trailed off looking down at his fist. He opened his fingers and they saw the jade green gem, "It wanted me to destroy her. But she wasn't actually there. It was just a vision, just the ring trying to scare me, to make me mad."

"Doesn't surprise me." Evie said looking like she was thinking back to her talisman, "They must get more power that way."

Three down. One Dragon's Egg to go.

"Guys!" Jay said and they turned to him, "The city is melting!"

They all went on high alert as they looked around and saw he was right. And by the looks of it only the House of Horrors was unaffected.

"Back inside!" Carlos shouted and they ran through the revolving door. But when Drac made it through he saw that they weren't in a department store, instead they were on the base of a dark, foreboding mountain with lightning cracking above their heads as vultures circled above.

"Forbidden Mountain."

"Forbidden Mountain." He and Mal said at the same time. And at the very top something large and round was perched there. Only when the lightning flashed could they see well enough to have even a small clue to what is was. A dragon's nest, which no doubt held the talisman they were searching for.

Jay whistled, "Wow that's a climb."

"Don't worry." Mal assured him with a hand on her hip, "You know the drill. Only Drac and I have to go."

"No." Carlos denied, "We'll all go. You don't have to do this yourselves."

"But this is our talisman." Mal insisted, "And all of you had to get yours alone."

"We're going with you." Evie said with certainty, "At least until the talisman stops us. No arguments."

"You're not getting rid of us." Jay added, "That's how this whole 'having friends' thing works remember?"

Drac looked at the ground and stuffed his hands in his pockets while he stood at the back of the group. He missed Diaval, that bird had become the one friend he always had. Considering he'd started out as his mother's way to spy on her children he was glad to have the bird and wanted this all done with so he could get back to the surface and see him.

"And we haven't been good friends." He heard Carlos say and he looked up to see him walking over while the others stared at Drac with sadness an regret.

"We should have fought harder to get you off the Isle." Carlos said standing in front of him and looking him in the eye.

Drac shrugged, "It wasn't all bad." He said truthfully. It brought him closer to his father. Their father son bonding was an experience he treasured more than all the gold in the Cave of Wonders.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt