Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ben caught up with them shortly after at a picnic table in the quad. None of them were talking, they just sat there longing for home, their Isle, where they belonged. Where Drac could walk down any street or alley and people would cower and run and listen to every word he said because they all knew his mother was in charge and none of them dared cross her. He'd never been bullied before, not like this anyway, and he didn't like it. At least on the Isle he could threaten anyone who crossed him, or tell Mal and she'd torment them herself. But here they were trying to fit in and Drac realized that in the rouse he – like the others – had started living the lie, they'd started enjoying life here. But after what just happened any ideas he'd had about feeling bad for the destruction they were about to unleash on Auradon melted away and he was glad that by tomorrow all those people who were just picking on him would regret it.

He heard a caw and saw Diaval flying toward them. He stood from the picnic table and held out his elbow which the raven promptly landed on. When he sat back down Diaval jumped onto his thigh allowing Drac to pet the feathers on his back knowing it would help his young master's distress.

"Hey guys. How is everyone?" Ben asked as he made it to them, "Hey listen, forget about it, all right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow after the coronation I promise everything will be okay."

"You're right." Drac said looking down at his lap where Diaval was playing with the cuff of his dress shirt, "It will be."

Ben smiled not understanding the hidden meaning in his words, then whispered in Mal's ear before he left. "I'll see you guys later."

After the prince departed Doug came over and tried to talk to Evie. "Listen Evie I want to talk about earlier –"

"Doug!" Chad called from the next table over where he was still trying to clean the bird poo stain from his shoulder.

"Doug?" Evie asked looking at him with sad pleading eyes.

"Sorry I can't." Doug said bowing to the peer pressure as he left. Then Audrey strutted over with Jane.

"How long does she think that's going to last? Mal's just the bad girl infatuation."

"Yeah." Jane agreed, "He's never going to make a villain a queen."

They both laughed as they walked away and Drac stood, feeling his palm burn and Diaval hopped onto the table. Then he noticed Mal open her spellbook and found an incantation.

"Beware. Forswear. Undo Jane's hair." She wagged her finger and Jane shrieked. When they turned to her they saw her hair was back to how it looked before Mal's magic fixed it with its original short chin length cut along with the massive bow to top it off. Diaval cawed three times sounding like he was laughing which made Drac smirk. The other girls ran their fingers through their hair worried the same would happen to them as Mal stood and turned to them with a glare. "There's a lot more where that came from."

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey snapped.

Drac's fist clenched. "No one talks to us that way." He growled.

Audrey rested her hand on her hip, "Obviously someone should."

"Obviously you haven't seen the spinning wheel in the museum." He replied and Audrey looked shocked like she wasn't expecting him to know that. Technically he shouldn't but the fear on Audrey's face that she might be the next one to prick a finger made letting that tidbit of information slide worth it. "You like beauty sleep? How about I put you in a hundred year long nap?"

He saw Audrey falter, "You wouldn't."

"Does it look like he's kidding?" Mal asked before giving a shrug and flipping through her book making everyone around them flee. Mal closed her book and turned to the others.

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