Chapter 35

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Chapter 35






Shouts of his name rang in his ears and for a moment he felt like he was back in Auradon surrounded by paparazzi. VK's lined the street, circling him like a herd. Excited faces and smiles were everywhere he looked as he shuffled through papers. On his left Freddie was showing some kids who had questions how to fill out their application while on his right Diego was helping collect the finished forms. At their feet were boxes stuffed with returned papers. They'd all been empty that morning, snatched up by eager VK's.

It had only been a handful of weeks ago that he had ridden around the Isle on his bike tossing newspapers on every porch. The headline "Next Five To Arrive!" was not only catchy but spread like wildfire.

"What number shipment is this going to be now?" Diego asked as he taped shut a full box and lifted it onto the stack behind them.

"I think fifteen." Drac told him as he took another application. He found the line where the VK had written their name and pulled out another piece of paper – a certificate – he filled in the name on the line on the top, signed the bottom with his signature and pinned a ribbon with the seal of Auradon to the bottom right corner. He passed the certification back to the VK as he took the application. "Make sure to have that with you on VK Day."

The girl in rags nodded as she gripped the paper tightly in her hands like it was her lifeline. When she stepped back three more VK's took her place. Drac was certain that Auradon had not been expecting such a massively positive response to the idea Ben, Evie and Drac had crafted in the months after Cotillion. There had been so much preparation to get this idea off the ground. Even living on the Isle Drac had been a huge part of setting up the whole affair. It had been his idea to begin the process over the summer break. That way everyone's schedules would be less crammed and there would be time to help the VK's adjust to life in Auradon before throwing them into classes. Classes that they likely wouldn't pay attention to at first much like how the five of them had.

But phase one, the applications, was already a massive success – a busy and stressful success, but still a success. Last Drac heard from Evie she was thrilled and Ben was even happier. His dream was being realized and so many kids were going to get happy endings.

A sharp whistle cut through the excited voices. "QUIET!" Freddie screeched as she stood on the table. Immediately the VK's all settled down to listen. She pointed behind her to above the door of Bargain Castle where a new clock now rested. "Lunch break."

Many of the kids let out disappointed groans, but Drac knew one thing: never get in the way of Freddie and her food. And honestly, without her, Drac wasn't sure he'd be able to calm the crowd long enough to ever get a break.

"Thanks Freddie." He sighed as he plopped down on a half broken chair behind him and caught his breath. He looked up at Bargain Castle looming behind him. It looked so different then when he had been growing up. Its exterior was no longer disheveled, all the stones had been pushed back into place, fresh mortar had been applied, and any wood had been given a fresh coat of lime green paint. The broken roof had been replaced with purple tiles that looked like dragon scales and the black doors had been fixed since the place had been looted after Drac had his meltdown inside. The interior had been cleaned out too. Drac had a working fridge and radio – luxuries on the Isle. There was a television of course, that played Auradon's latest news. The furniture was all new, the shiny polished wood and dark green upholstery was the most comfortable thing that had ever been in his home. He had couches and chairs to house the whole Anti-heroes club, and often he did. It didn't even smell like rotten food or mold anymore, but had a crisp clean smell thanks to some candles Evie had sent him that smelled like apples.

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