Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Queen Leah had been summoned by Belle and Beast as Fairy Godmother used her magic to transport Audrey back to her bed. She also moved Drac to the dorm he had shared with Jay and Carlos. Nothing could be done to wake either of them, but Fairy Godmother's magic was able to tell her one thing.

"I'm sorry." She apologized as she left Audrey's room with her head hung low. Sad nods replied to her as eyes turned back to Audrey.

"She's slipping away." Evie said from where she sat at Audrey's bedside, Mal sitting across from her. She had spent the whole morning at her brother's side, but needed a change of scenery to keep her sanity.

The others were scattered about the room, Celia was sitting on the window seat, Carlos was in a chair near her, Jay stood by the fireplace and Harry rested his feet on a glass coffee table. Uma and Ben were standing at the foot of Audrey's bed watching to see if she'd wake up on her own.

"There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this and that's. . . Hades." Mal sighed.

"Hades?" Ben asked, "He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it."

"Actually he might do it for me." Mal said, bracing for what she was about to admit, "He's my father."

Ben looked shocked, she could also feel the eyes of several others in the room turn to her. Uma's eyes widened, several of the boy's jaws dropped. Ben cleared his throat, "Well I'll have to send guards to get him."

"Maybe I could hitch a ride." Uma said and now Harry also sat up watching the conversation. "The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it."

Harry stood up and walked over to his captain. "Well then, you'll need your first mate." he told her resting his hand on her shoulder.

"The Isle will be in very good hands." Mal said, managing a smile.

"Or sometimes tentacles." CJ said as she appeared in the doorway. Her comment got a small chuckle out of the others.

"Any change?" Mal asked.

The blonde shook her head, "Fairy Godmother is with him again. She's. . . still trying. But nothing's working."

There was a beat of silence as they all processed that.

Then Celia cleared her throat.

"Can I go too?" she asked, "I wish I could be in both places, but if it's a choice between here by myself and on the Isle with my dad and sister. . . " she left the end of the sentence hanging, all of them knowing the obvious choice.

"I really think that Evie was right." Mal said standing up and turning to Uma, "And, I do think that we could have been friends." She looked around the room at everyone else. "And I'm really sorry that I lied to all you guys. You deserve so much better then that."

"You were just trying to do the right thing." Jay said.

"Yeah." Uma agreed.

Evie stood up, "I get it."

They were all quiet as Ben left the room and took out his phone making the arrangements to get Hades off the Isle and get the pirates back where they belonged.


Mal watched Drac's chest as it moved slowly up and down as he breathed. His breaths were shallow but evenly paced and she tried to convince herself that his breathing wasn't slowing down. She looked up from him over to Carlos' bed where CJ had passed out. She had been spending the most time at Drac's side as Mal moved from Drac's dorm to Audrey's between meetings with Beast, Belle and Fairy Godmother. She tried to look on the bright side, Auradon was safe, no one was stone or asleep, there was laughter outside and celebrations all across the kingdoms. But was any of that worth losing her brother?

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now