Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Song #1 in this Chapter:

Drac sat beside Evie who insisted on helping him with his nasty cut. Once their limo was crossing the bridge Mal turned to Drac.

"So, you and CJ Hook?" she asked.

"We're just friends Mal." Drac insisted though right now he wasn't sure what they were. he felt pressure to decide, CJ or Aziz but wasn't sure where the pressure was coming from. Thankfully the sting of Evie's needle against his skin helped take his mind off it.

"And this is why I always keep a sewing kit nearby." She said with a smile as she quickly finished up. "We can bandage it once we get back."

"Thanks Evie."

"I'm really sorry." Ben said turning to Mal who was still catching her breath, "That things didn't go the way you wanted them to."

"I mean . . . as long as you're safe," she said softly.

"At least I got to see the Isle. They're my people too." Ben said sounding like he'd let those people down. It lifted Drac's spirits just a tad, knowing the king would be paying more attention to the inhabitants of the Isle. It made leaving CJ behind again a little easier. He glanced to Mal who was looking out the window with a sullen expression. He could tell she didn't want to go back to Auradon. Maybe once they got Ben back safely the two of them would return to their gloomy but familiar home. Then the only problem Drac would have would be his sister teasing him about CJ. That they meant more to each other than just friends. It sounded so normal that he found himself actually looking forward to it.

"Uma helped me see that." Ben admitted.

"Ben, Uma captured you." Mal reminded him.

"She's an angry girl with a bad plan." He defended her, "That's not so different from you when you came to Auradon Mal."

Drac raised his eyebrows in surprise. He wasn't sure what Mal would take offense to more, being compared to Uma, or Ben discreetly calling her plan bad. Old Mal would have thrown him out and let Jay run over his foot for saying something like that. Now, she only crossed her arms and looked out her own window.

"Awkward." Dude said and Carlos quickly shushed him.


Even though it was just after high noon the Isle was still concealed in much darkness. The cloud above the island made everything but the coast look like endless night and while some missed having good weather others enjoyed the shadows. Like the Lord of the Underworld who had crept from his lair to look out at the glowing bridge that was carrying his children away from him.

Hades sighed as he turned and began taking a stroll through the Isle. It was nice and peaceful – mainly because everyone who saw him fled for their lives. But hey, peace was peace he chuckled looking around at those fleeing into their homes or down other alleys.

"There are few who'd deny, at what I do I am the best. For my talents are renowned far and wide." He sang to himself. "When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night. I excel without ever even trying. With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms. I have seen grown men give out a shriek." He smiled.

"With the wave of my hand and a well placed moan. I have swept the very bravest off their feet!" Pride swelled inside him at the very memory and he laughed as he saw a few others run and he knocked over their now abandoned market stands.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now