Chapter 24

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Here's the weekend update! I could have done more chapters but no one responded to the poll on my conversations page. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Much more still to come. 💜💚

Chapter 24

"Hi. Hi." Opal said all smiles as she found him in the band room during lunch. Drac looked up from his BLT with a smile. He was sitting on a bench against the far wall just in case any reporters started peeking through the windows. He had an open bag of chips propped up against his thigh that Opal helped herself to as she took the seat next to him.

"Heard from Aziz that the interviewers got into the school again." She said popping a chip into her mouth.

"I still need to thank him for getting me out of that. I thought I was about to throw up. They had me pinned against the lockers like a fly on a windshield."

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Yeah you do not need that on the cover of the Auradon Times."

He shook his head in agreement, a smile on his lips. "How do you all handle it so well?"

She shrugged, "We ignore it mostly. Unless you're an attention hog like Audrey. But everyone understands that the press stretch the truth, because we've all been there. Arabella once had a gossip column on her tail about if she eats fish or not. Even had a nasty photoshopped image of her going at it on a crab buffet. She didn't let it get to her, she knew her friends knew it was a bunch of bologna. Audrey tried teasing her for it but it didn't work so she backed off. Beignet?" she asked holding out a bag from her lunch pack.


"Don't worry though. When the reporters swamped Mal and Ben Fairy Godmother sent them packing. She even accused them of trespassing."

"She's tougher then she looks."

"That's why she's headmistress I guess."

He nodded with a smile as they ate.

Opal was going to help him DJ Cotillion so when they finished eating they ended up using the rest of the lunch block to go over what music they were going to play and ran through some beats Opal had downloaded yesterday while Drac was in a meeting.

The normalcy of it all helped him keep his sanity, and as he thought of his stress reliever he couldn't help but think of Mal. Of how her eyes had flashed green earlier, how if she didn't de-stress it could spell big trouble for all of Auradon. Because if her magic went haywire she didn't have the magic lessons to fall back on that he did.


After his final class of the day Drac headed back to the dorm he shared with Carlos and Jay. Carlos was already there sitting on the bed petting Dude. Drac pulled off his blazer leaving him in his button down which he promptly rolled the sleeves up. Then he sat on his bed and pulled out his laptop. He plugged in his headphones and pulled them over his ears. He started messing with some of the beats and songs he and Opal had been going through and email some tracks to Jane for approval from the committee. Dude jumped up onto Carlos' bed and into the plaid doggie bed that he kept there. Seeing the dog made Drac miss Diaval and he hoped his raven was doing okay on the Isle and wouldn't be too mad at him next time he saw him. Carlos was on his computer too when the door opened and Mal rushed in. Drac could see the flashing from paparazzi cameras as she slammed the door closed behind her and pressed her back to it looking severely overwhelmed.

She quickly locked the door before storming into their room only pausing when she noticed that on the television was a repeat of a news story featuring them. The reporter went on and on about Mal 'counting down the days til the Royal Cotillion, when she will officially become a Lady of the Court.' Only Drac knew that was the opposite of her feelings. With each day the Cotillion drew closer Mal became more stressed knowing that once she was a Lady of the Court her duties and responsibilities would only multiply. And now that she was basically told by Lonnie that she'd already become practically engaged to the King the duties of a Queen would be even greater.

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