Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The water grew and grew until Uma emerged - in the same form as their mother. Seawater exploded and rained down on all of them drenching them head to toe and flooding the deck. Uma's laugh echoed across the waters.

"True loves kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" then using her tentacles she began to attack the ship.

People fell backwards and ducked. Drac knew he had no chance fighting her with fire, the seawater would put his flames right out. And he had no other magic that could stop her. Maybe he shouldn't have put the scepter back so soon. He could use it, out here in Auradon it would be at it's full power and he could stop Uma's rampage.

"Mal?" Ben said drawing his attention and he turned to his sister whose eyes were glowing bright green. She began to take short breaths until a cloud of purple smoke engulfed her. There was the roar of a dragon and then the beast emerged from the smoke and flew off the yacht.

Mal gave another shriek as Uma laughed manically but it was cut off when Mal breathed fire at her. Uma used a tentacle to try and grab Mal and pull her into the water.

"Come on Mal!" she goaded, "Let's finish this once and for all!"

Mal blew more fire as she dove but Uma submerged herself. Mal turned back around for another attack but Uma was ready and more of her whipping tentacles forced Mal to swoop left and right or risk getting caught. Drac ran for the rail but a pair of arms grabbed around his middle and pulled him back.

"Let me go!" he shouted looking over his shoulder at Aziz. He shook his head and tightened his grip on Drac's torso. Mal let out another roar and Drac fought harder. Aziz' fingers gripped him so hard he felt them dig into his ribs. Bobby Hood ran over and grabbed Drac's arm and right side helping Aziz pull him back. Both ignored his shouting, demanding to let him go. He might not be able to turn into a dragon but he had to at least try and help his sister.

"I don't want to hurt you." Drac shouted, "Don't make me!" and he jabbed his elbow back into Aziz' gut making him stumble back and let go. Mal blew more fire at Uma and she retaliated by conjuring a wave so large it rocked the ship to the side. Bobby lost his hold and Drac ran for the rail again but the jostling forced him to his knees. As he got back up he was tackled and Aziz tried to keep him down. Drac's hands made fists, he didn't want to use fire against his friends, even by accident, and he fought as hard as he could without magic, trying to get to Mal. Then another roar echoed through the air, but it wasn't Mal, this was more. . . beastly. Drac and Aziz turned just in time to see Ben dive into the water.

"Ben!" Carlos shouted as everyone raced to the edge watching him pop back up and swim between Uma and Mal.

"Mal! Uma! Stop! Back down!"

Uma laughed, "What are you going to do Ben? Splash me? Hahaha!"

"That's enough! This has got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fighting has gotta stop! Nobody wins this way! We have to listen, and respect each other. It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try." He turned to Uma desperately, "Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference." He reached out his hand.

Uma looked up at Mal, then to Ben. Drac could see in her eyes something about what Ben said resonated with her. Mal roared and Uma reached out a tentacle. She dropped Ben's ring back into his hand then submerged again and was gone.

Ben stayed afloat for a moment before he swam for the ship and they lowered the rope ladder for him. He climbed aboard and his dad helped him up. Everyone applauded him and patted him on the back. Mal flew over to the upper deck, right in front of the stained glass window. She lowered herself slowly as more purple mist covered her dragon form. When it dissipated Mal was herself again and her dress was now purple and pink with black singeing the edges. It was much more her. The braid she'd had was undone leaving beautiful waves that cascaded over her shoulders. Drac stood and brushed himself off. He couldn't bring himself to look Aziz or Bobby in the eye after he'd been fighting them and instead just kept fixing his attire. Mal smiled and waved at Ben before grabbing her skirt and curtsying to him. He gave a bow before Evie ran over to her best friend as Mal descended the stairs. Drac followed behind her.

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