Chapter 17

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So. . . a little hiatus is coming. Lent is here and every year I make the sacrifice to give up fanfiction for the season. Meaning I will not be back until Easter weekend. To, hopefully, make the break as easy as I can for you guys I've decided to post 2 chapters today. I hope you enjoy them! :)

Chapter 17

Diaval led them to the very edge of Doom Cove in a rocky outcropping by the water's edge. There was a small hole in the ground about the size of a rabbit burrow.

"Are you sure this is it Diaval?" Mal asked and the raven cawed as if offended. Drac pet his head knowing the bird wouldn't want to follow them into the tunnels.

"Good boy Diaval." Drac praised, "While we're down there keep an eye out. . . you know."

Diaval cawed again and took off back to his spying on Pirate's Bay. Then Drac turned to the others, "So down the rabbit hole?"

Jay nodded, "Let's dig." And he got on his knees and started digging with his hands widening the hole to make it big enough to squeeze through. Once they were inside the tunnel was small but luckily after a few feet they were able to straighten up and walk normally.

"This better be it." Mal muttered, "I really don't want to be wandering around down here for no reason."

Drac chuckled, he actually felt pretty at home. The cave was dark and wet and filled with furry things that skittered at their feet. Why did caves get such a bad rep anyway?

"Okay, I can't see a thing." Carlos said his voice echoing slightly off the walls. Drac lifted his hand and lit another fire, the tunnel instantly became incased in his green light and they made their way forward easier now that they could see. As they moved the green illuminated things like spider webs, slimy puddles and a bracelet on the ground.

"That's my mom's!" Evie exclaimed as she picked it up and looked at the ruby red heart on it, "We are going the right way!"

They only became more energized about their mission as they found Cruella's cigarette holder and some coins that must have come from Jafar's pocket. Then they found something that instead of exciting them, terrified them to the bone. There were large animal tracks in the muddy floor much too big to be a crocodiles and Drac remembered what the others had told him about a dragon terrorizing Camelot. If their mother wasn't behind the attacks then the only other explanation was that the monster had come from the Isle, could it be the creature knew the way to Auradon?

"We need to find the Poisoned Lake." Carlos said as he pulled out the collection of maps from Yen Sid. "It should be the first of the underground lands that we see. There's a body of water that surrounds the Toxic Tree. How can a tree grow down here, with all this darkness?"

"Maybe it feeds on poison from the lake." Evie suggested being well versed in poisons.

"Everything is made by magic down here." Mal reminded them. This wouldn't be like anything they'd seen before, the laws of nature were bent and twisted down here.

They continued to follow the path they were on, so far they hadn't seen any other tunnels which was nice since it was called the Endless Catacombs of Doom. If they had no other options that meant they had less chances of getting lost forever. The only hard part was the path seemed to change constantly, at one point it became so steep that Drac had one leg braced straight out in front of him while the other was bent, they had to shimmy slowly otherwise they'd all fall and slide down the mud. Then it narrowed, then widened again. Some passages were flooded up to their knees and others so hot and dry Drac was tempted to put his flame out. Eventually, they came to a fork in the road.

"Which way?" Mal asked Carlos.

"It doesn't say." He replied, "These are only based on books remember? They aren't exact maps."

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon