Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

~~ Months Later ~~



"Skull Island."




"The Great Wall."


"Which one am I missing?" Mal, now fully blonde, asked from the back of the limo where she and Drac were.

He paused. "Agrabah."


She leaned her head back, the angle looked uncomfortable until she remembered something and sat up gasping. "I have nothing to wear!"

"Evie sent your wardrobe ahead last week when we were visiting Peter Pan and the fairies."

That had been an uncomfortable trip for Drac. Peter and Mal got along great, making fun of pirates and exchanging battle stories. With Harry Hook working for Uma Mal had plenty to tell Peter about all the butt kicking and pranks her gang had caused the pirates. And he loved every second of it. He made fun of Hook, only referring to him as 'The Codfish'. Drac stayed at the fringes of the conversation, spending most of his time with Lost Boys swinging from branches and showing them moves he, Jay and Carlos had used to navigate the Isle. It helped take his mind off CJ and how poorly his own sister was talking about her family.

Needless to say he'd been relived when they were able to leave, only to be nervous and uncomfortable again when he realized their next destination.


Where Aziz lived.

Drac had only seen him from afar after he'd returned to Auradon Prep. He had wanted to return to the band room, but his sister seemed to need him constantly. Something was stressing her out, and while he didn't know what, he still stuck by her. Meaning he'd had little time to catch up with his old friends - Aziz included.

Mal's excuse for sticking so close to him was so he'd never be alone as students, faculty and the occasional reporter who snuck their way onto school grounds bombarded him with questions. Drac had caught sight of Aziz sitting off to the side watching him with a smile. Drac would return the small grin and nod but he hadn't had the chance to really catch up with Aziz - or any of his friends from band. Not with his usual classes, his additional magic classes then with the royal duties that came with being the brother of the girl who would maybe be Auradon's next queen.

That had been the part he hadn't been expecting. To be in the ring for a lordship just because Mal would be becoming a Lady of the Court. But apparently it was custom - according to Ben anyway. There hadn't exactly been many marriages between royals and non royals, and when there were, those non royals usually didn't have siblings. Drac wasn't sure if it was some law that Ben had found buried and covered in dust, or if the young King had decreed it himself. Either way, Drac was on the same path as Mal in joining the court and becoming a major player in Auradon's monarchy.

Hence why he was on this trip with her without any of the others.

Beside him in the limo Mal nervously flicked through the index cards of cultures and traditions she had to know upon arrival to each of the locations within Auradon.

"How does Ben do all this?" She whispered and Drac wasn't sure if he was meant to hear it. On the outside Mal had always been the tough one, perfectly put together and calm. And on the outside she still was, just princessier. She was wearing a lavender body suit, the pants portion were like business pants you'd see in an office, while the top was a halter top style. Over it she wore a matching blazer with dark purple lapels and cuffs. She had a thin dark purple belt on the center of the suit to bring the whole outfit together and it matched her heels. There wasn't a spike or a patch of lime green anywhere on her and her blonde hair was pulled into an elegant high ponytail. She looked every bit the part of the next queen of Auradon, a proper lady. But her eyes were filled with worry, lines at the corners of her eyes that had never been there before were showing as Mal took deep breaths. Drac patted her bare arm trying to be comforting as he took the cards from her trembling hands. He gave them a quick look.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu