Chapter 46

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Chap 46

Maleficent watched with sharp eyes as Hades left her presence. He seemed certain, she pondered, so certain something was wrong with Drac. And she could not deny the knot in her stomach at the thought. While Mal had become Auradon's precious symbol of hope and love and change, Drac had grown into Maleficent's true heir. Someone worthy of her scepter, worthy to be called her flesh and blood. But that did not mean that he was safe from Audrey. Maleficent would never admit her faults, but she did learn from her past. She had underestimated Mal, had she also underestimated Audrey? Could what Hades said be right? Could her boy need her?

There was a gaffaw below her and she heard Grimgar snicker, "Little brat deserves it."

Fire blazed within her chest as she slammed her blackened dead branch to the floor and rose from her throne. A crack of green and purple lightning flashed above along the ceiling, the sound making the goblin jump.

"OUT!" she bellowed as pieces of the ceiling began to crumble and fall. Grimgar was wise enough to flee, scurrying out the door as Maleficent tapped her staff to the ground again and fell back into her throne. She tapped her fingers along the arm and rose her eyes above, where she knew the hole in the barrier was. The hole that she had once before used to get to Auradon.

She had been conserving her power, waiting for the right moment to strike. Was she willing to use it up now? To risk her only opportunity?

Maleficent gave her signature nasally snicker as Hades stood at Drac's bedside. The others were all tensed for a fight but Mal's eyes noticed the blackened branch replacement her mom held instead of her scepter. The very scepter that rested in the corner of the dorm with Diaval perched atop it. Maleficent chuckled at the look on her daughter's face.

"Aw, what's wrong pumpkin? Didn't expect to see me?"

Before Mal could answer Hades spoke up. "You came."

Maleficent turned to him and all her evil glee fell from her face. "Not for you." she said blandly as she strutted over to the other side of Drac's bed and sat on the edge.

Mal walked up to the footboard, her eyes flickering between both her parents. For a long moment Maleficent's sharp eyes stayed fixed on her youngest child, her expression was stony and held no warmth. But then she reached out a hand and cupped Drac's cheek as she whispered, "My nasty little boy."

"His life force is almost gone." Hades told her.

She didn't move her eyes off Drac, "Yes I can feel that. I had hoped. . . " she trailed off.

Hades knew what she hoped, she'd hoped Audrey would exact her revenge on Mal and that Drac would side with her puppet. That when she was done with Audrey Maleficent could make her glorious return to power and have her loyal son standing at her side. She never dreamed that instead he would be the next victim of her spinning wheel.

"Can you help him?" Mal asked and her mother's stare turned to her with a cold glare.

Mal swallowed nervously. She knew her mother wouldn't easily let go of the grudge that came from her humiliating defeat at the hands of her own daughter on broadcast national coverage. She feared those feelings might keep Maleficent from helping Drac, as a punishment to make Mal suffer. Shockingly, it was her dad who came to her aid.

"Effie." he said earning Maleficent's glare turned on him. "This isn't about Mal."

Maleficent processed that for a moment before she looked back down at Drac and stood from the bed. She held out her hand and snapped her fingers like she was expecting to be waited on hand and foot. "Scepter."

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now