Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Drac sighed as he walked through the courtyard between the Royal Congress building and Auradon Prep. It was a warm day and his purple blazer was not helping him stay cool on top of all the running from meetings to class. He was flanked on one side by Lumiere and the other by Cogsworth. Each man kept passing him fancy leather binders with a single document inside, a draft of a new law or regulation that needed his signature.

The tour of the kingdom he had accompanied Mal on had ended a few months ago, however, they somehow became even busier when it came to a close. Which he thought was impossible, but, he'd been proven wrong. Immensely wrong.

One of the first duties that he and Mal had started upon their return was attending Parliament and Council meetings in the Royal Congress building. And those meetings were not only long, but often scheduled back to back. Mal often got 'breaks' when she was whisked away to a ribbon cutting, or a dress fitting, or a luncheon. While Drac found peace when he returned to his classes. But more times then not, even in class, his mind found itself back at meetings.

He had taken on a gargantuan task the second he became comfortable in his role as lord-to-be. And one of the first issues he'd laid on the table was the embargo.

"And what of it?" Grimsby asked curiously. Auradon's Parliament was primarily made up of ambassadors from each kingdom – as the princes and princesses were busy ruling their respective lands – and Drac knew he would have to get as many of them as possible on his side if he was going to pull this off.

"It needs to be terminated." He said, making the statement cautiously. He saw many eyes around the oak paneled room widen, many turning to each other and shaking their heads with worry.

"It's doing more harm then good." He tried to reason.

Bert cleared his throat, "From my understandin' the embargo put a lotta folks at ease. I spend most'a my days walkin' the streets, people were afraid they was, after the coronation."

"And the embargo was an excellent solution." The Duke from Cinderellasberg tacked on, "It showed the people that we as a governing body can enact swift justice whilst keeping them safe."

"But wasn't that what the barrier was for?" John Smith spoke up. "To keep evil away from our lands? How does cutting back supply boats make our people any safer?"

"The embargo not only put our people at ease." Phoebus explained, "But it was a gentle reminder to the inhabitants of the Isle, that there are consequences for your actions."

"But the embargo is punishing people who had nothing to do with the fiasco at the coronation." Drac supplied, having prepared his defense of his position.

"The embargo, is the result of Maleficent's rebellion." Grimsby interjected, "I do mean no offense –"

"None taken." Drac assured him, "Please, speak freely."

The older man nodded, "If the inhabitants of the Isle are upset by the embargo, they have Maleficent to blame, not us."

The Duke nodded vigorously.

"The hope, young sir, was that the struggle on the Isle due to the embargo would, dissuade others from following in your mother's footsteps." Little John explained.

"But it hasn't." he pressed, "I've lived among the people, I've heard what they whisper. You're only stoking their hate, making it grow. But removing the embargo would stop that. Some might even be grateful to Auradon."

Quiet filled the room as they each thought over his words.

"People can change." Pacha spoke up in support of Drac. The farmer knew from his experience with Kuzco, he'd seen the selfish emperor become kind and considerate of others.

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now