Chapter 16

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So sorry for the long wait between updates. I went back to chapter 1 and reread everything, there were some tweaks that were needed and a paragraph here and there that I added. I think I combed through and got everything that contradicted itself and corrected it. If anyone spots any inconsistencies let me know!

Chapter 16

"At least we know that's where they are." Mal said trying to keep everyone hopeful, "Underground, in the Catacombs, looking for the power that they lost."

"Yes and I'm afraid you four are the only ones who will be able to outsmart your parents. And you won't be working alone." Yen Sid told them pulling out some maps, "We think we are close to getting an accurate map of the underground tunnels. With the help of a little research, according to the books from Dragon Hall's Athenaeum of Evil each talisman will be in it's ideal habitat. But there is still one problem, we haven't been able to locate the entrance to the tunnels and we don't have much time now."

"We can help!" the members of the Anti-Heroes club said eagerly, "We can scour the Isle." "Cover more ground that way!"

Yen Sid smiled and nodded at his students as everyone got to work. The Anti-Heroes divided up the Isle and picked which groups would go where. Carlos and Jay helped too collecting the pieces of the map they had and started putting them together like a puzzle. Evie turned to Mal but did a double take when she noticed the purple haired girl was gone. She headed to the door and peeked into the hall, deep down in the shadows it looked like Mal was leaving with. . Maddy?


Mal was following Maddy at a distance, something in her gut told her to go with the younger VK and her gut was never wrong. As they made their way down Bitter Boulevard Maddy suddenly stopped and looked around, Mal ducked behind a tree not too sure what was going on but fully intended to find out.

When Maddy left the meeting Mal first thought the girl wanted to get a head start on walking to Troll Town where her group was going to search. Maddy kept looking over her shoulder, checking her watch and picking up her pace, all suspicious behavior that Mal's nerves screamed about in her head making more and more red flags. But when Maddy turned left at Hell Hall instead of right it was clear she wasn't going where she had been assigned after all.

As Mal followed, Maddy stopped when she saw a goblin and whispered something to him, Mal overheard 'Catacombs' and 'Doom Cove'

What was going on? She decided to keep following Maddy as she and the goblin parted and Maddy carried on her way.

They continued on through the maze of streets and alleys and Mal's mind began to wander. She knew she'd seemed calm and confident back at the Anti-Heroes meeting and while she wasn't too nervous about stopping Jafar, Evil Queen and Cruella there was something weighing on her mind – her brother.

At first she'd been dreading the idea of him being part of the Anti-Heroes, that her brother could hate her so much that he'd start a club against her and their friends. But when it became clear that the club actually loved them and the heroic things they did she was then saddened and felt her heart drop into her stomach when she didn't see him at the meeting.

Her mind was pulled away from thoughts of her brother as Maddy ended up on Rickety Bridge right on the end of the Isle. On either side were taller sharp pointed mountains with spiky crags that looked like the Chernabog's wings. Once Maddy was in the middle of the bridge she turned and called, "Mal you can come out now. I know you're following me."

Mal wasn't one for hiding when she was busted so she walked out of the shadows with her typical swagger, "You got me." She smirked, "Why'd you leave the meeting so fast?"

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