Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When they arrived at 'Family Day' the sons and daughters of the kingdoms royal families were doing a modern day edition of 'Be Our Guest'. It had a good beat but even that Drac couldn't appreciate with the turning knot in his gut. In twenty four hours they'd be stealing the wand and all these people who were smiling and enjoying the nice day would be suffering at the hands of their parents. But wasn't that just how life went? Drac asked himself, after all their parents had been suffering for twenty years while these people all lived out their happily ever afters. Wasn't it time to flip the coin and have the villains get their endings? Drac cleared his throat trying to shake off those thoughts and just get through today. He tugged on his black button up shirt which was under a dark plum vest Evie had made that had his signature purple dragon scaled look, she'd been able to emboss the pattern into the leather making it look and feel like it was actually made of dragon hide. He had black dress pants on that Evie had insisted on, saying they pulled the outfit together and he knew better then to argue with her. Even if he wished he was in something more comfortable. He was just grateful she'd let him wear his fingerless purple leather gloves.

They all went down the stone steps to the lawn where the events and food had been set up. Drac, Carlos and Jay quickly discovered the chocolate fountain and started sticking their faces into it. Carlos had passed Dude off to Evie and she gently pet him while she talked to Lonnie. Diaval had flown off Drac's shoulder when he stuck his face in the chocolate fountain and the raven landed on another table nearby and started pecking at the food. No doubt the bird was also enjoying the upgrade in his meals instead of scavenging for the best scraps on the Isle.

"Mal!" he heard and turned to see Ben standing by his parents waving his sister over.

"I gotta go." Mal said bidding them goodbye as she approached her spelled boyfriend. Evie kept smiling and made conversation with different people like Doug, Jane and Lonnie. Drac was busy with the other guys digging into the chocolate fountain when some of his friends from band showed up. Drac grabbed a plate full of the melted chocolate and some marshmallows before following Pin to where there was an archery post set up – with suction cup arrows not real ones – that Bobby Hood and the sons of the Merry Men were challenging each other at. Aziz was cheering him on along with Arabella. Drac didn't cheer but he did watch the competition with a smile as he ate and he noticed that unlike on the Isle all the competitors wished each other well and congratulated the winner – Bobby of course – when it was over.

Mal returned shortly after with Ben's arm around her. They weren't far from where Drac was with the others so he stayed by his friends while keeping an ear out for his gang.

"Hey guys." The prince greeted them and Carlos and Jay mumbled hellos through their chocolate filled mouths and Drac tried to quickly swallow all the marshmallows he had in his mouth but failed so he just gave the prince a wave and a chocolate covered smile.

"My parents and I were wondering if you'd all like to join us for a game of croquet before lunch?" They all accepted seeing the nervous look on Mal's face, having lunch alone with her spelled boyfriend and his parents would definitely be something she needed her crew with her for support especially in the sea of prissy pick princesses. Ben turned to the others, Pin, Aziz, Arabella and Bobby and invited them too. All of them accepted the invitation except Arabella, who had already made plans to go swimming with her cousins down at the Enchanted Lake.

When they reached the garden where the croquet was set up Evie set Dude down in the grass and Carlos began to run around with him. Drac smiled at the display, enjoying how much having a pet around seemed to relax his friend, it reminded him of how much having Diaval around helped him with his own nerves. A pet rarely judged you like people did, well, as long as you kept them fed.

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