Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Drac followed Mal outside, walking off the porch and onto the lawn. His sister had her arms crossed, a telltale sign that she was uncomfortable, but situations like this always were. Drac did his best to keep his hands out of his pockets but his fingers still picked at each other and his fingerless indigo gloves. In the silence he looked to the sky that was starting to change colors with the sunset.

When he spoke his voice was soft and vulnerable, "I just wish you'd respect my decisions."

Mal turned to him and sighed, "I try to. You're my little brother, I know you've grown, but. . . I still want to protect you."

"But you don't trust me when I say dad is not someone you need to protect me from."

She paused and looked around, gnawing at her lip, "Because I remember it more then you do. I have, flashes, parts of memories when he was there. When he came back, before you were born. And then one day he was just gone again. He might have been there for you Drac but he's not someone you can rely on."

"I don't have to rely on him anymore. And even when I did he didn't want me to. He wanted to make me strong enough to stand on my own."

Mal's tension melted slightly and she gave a small smile, "And you have. When we came back, after that whole anti-heroes club thing. I had no idea if you were okay, or if Uma had you, or someone else. I was so happy to see that you had become so strong."

He gave a small smile, "I – I'm not asking you to get along with him. I just, don't want you angry with me because I do."

Mal looked like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. "I just don't want him to hurt you when he ditches you again."

"You can't keep all the hurt out." Drac told her shaking his head slightly, "That's life. Something's always going to happen that hurts, but it's how we grow, how we learn to cope, and build on our experiences even if they're not good ones."

She looked to the ground. "Sometimes it's like you're older then sixteen."

He chuckled, "Well the Isle does make you grow up faster."

"And you keep choosing to go back there."

He paused knowing it would be difficult to explain. "I'm still finding myself. There's just. . . so much about me that I feel like I haven't explored yet. So much that I don't know. Being back on the Isle makes me feel. . . like I'm making an impact. And considering all the confusing feelings inside of me, just having just a few hours to feel. . . like I'm doing something good, that I'm somewhere where I belong. It helps so much more then you can imagine."

"Would you ever relocate to Auradon?" she asked, knowing that if he said no. . . they'd be parted forever.

"I do enjoy it when I come here. But Auradon doesn't need me."

"I need you."

He smiled, "You've got me. Always. Whether I'm here or on the Isle. Call and I'll come."

But his words didn't have the reassuring effect he wanted. Instead she looked away again and recrossed her arms. "I wish you didn't get so close to him."

Drac sighed, hoping they had smoothed that part over. "Why?" he asked exasperated, "Why is that so horrible?"

"Because I feel like I'm making you choose."

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