Possible Preview 😏

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The hall was dark with only the ribbons of moonlight streaming in through the windows. Footsteps echoed as mud stained boots walked confidently across the floor. The person they belonged to was a mystery, with a hood over their head leaving only a smirk revealed. They dropped a bag off their shoulder where it thumped on the floor, the zipper was open revealing the cans of spray paint they had smuggled into the school. Their lime green and vibrant purple caps poking out at all angles. Bending down he picked up one of each color, stood tall and flicked the caps off with a shake.

I don't care about my reputation!

Just like back home on the Isle he danced rhythmically down the corridor spraying the walls as he went. He stopped mid spin to face one head on making a high arch of purple over his head, the skull was natural to him, the zig zagging lines of the dragon's horns and teeth resembled the same graffiti he'd done all along Woeful Way.

Living in the past, it's a new generation!

He gave the dragon a spurt of green flames shooting from their mouth before he turned and made a pair of wings on the opposite wall. When he was finished he turned back around, for a brief second his artwork looked like the leathery wings sprouted right out of his purple jacket like a dark angel.

And I don't care about my bad reputation, Oh no, not me.

Pushing forward he cartwheeled once and landing perfectly on his feet his hood fell off exposing his short lime green hair. He didn't pay much attention to the pictures he sprayed over – if he did he would have noticed he didn't recognize any of the students in them. Only the frame at the end of the hall with Mal and Ben made him stop, though the smirk never left his face. Using the spray paint he made his sister's logo over the painting, leaving her in the purple dragon and Ben in the green one. The heart they made dripped slightly along the polished wood of the wall as the boy bent down the plugged something in.

The entire hall lit up with blacklight, making the graffiti glow with neon level brightness.

Then he heard a tap, tap, tap from behind him. The unmistakable sound of heeled shoes approaching. He spun with a smirk not afraid of getting caught and more ready to brag when the woman making the footsteps rounded the corner. She had an air of confidence that exceeded even Mal's. Her red polished shoes reflected how shiny they were in the neon light, they went all the way up to her knee with black laces criss crossing one while white laces criss crossed the other. Her leggings were black and tattered and her jacket was long enough to reach her upper thigh. The coat was black with buttons that looked like the kind you'd see on a sailor's jacket but the tight corset she wore under it was white with black spots, a red sweetheart hem decorated the top of it. A black choker circled her throat and one of her crossed arms lifted to play with it while she looked him up and down. Her red lips smiled as if she was amused as her cateye lined eyes took in his appearance.

Drac's smile fell. "Who are you supposed to be?" he asked, knowing from her half black half white hair who her parent must be – but Carlos didn't have a sister, Drac was certain of that.

She chuckled like he was being silly, "I'm Camilla DeVil, darling."

And I'm never gonna care about my bad reputation, oh no, not me!
**I have no idea if I'm going to write a story for Rise of Red but since the teaser trailer dropped this has been bouncing around my head and I figured why not share it with you lovely people. I was also amazed that just hours after typing this they dropped a new music video. I mean really, what are the odds?


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